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Lack of Announcements Related to V (Lets Make Up Our Own)

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Considering that most updates get an announcement this would seem to be more of a patch. Albeit it, one that addresses some much-needed issues. 

Let us join together in a moment of comraderie and pretend that this is indeed a much-anticipated update. Carry it a bit further and pretend you are the one responsible for informing the community of the release, and / or generating some buzz around it. If you want to take it up a whole 'nother notch and deliver this communique as if you were one of our most beloved space frogz.

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We don't really need to make up any announcements.  The official KSP X feed said it best:  We are continuing to support, and we will talk when we can.  That's about the best you are ever going to get.

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Hi all, Etan Stumpson here excited to bring you the latest on KSP2!

First of all I'd like to address the many questions here but of course I can't directly divulge anything.  It was simply necessary to relocate the project to an area with the utmost security to prevent leaks about KSP2 development.  Let's just say Area 51 is a secure location. :sealed:

The dev team is working hard on colonies, multiplayer, and the units update.  Right now the units update is the highest priority with all resources focused on that.   This was meant as an April fools joke but there was so much positive energy for this change we reprioritized.  The units are taking longer than anticipated and will be complete in time for the next update by definition since this is the next update.

Now for the big news, please do not repeat as my top secret clearance is on the line.  In fact after reading this post low level format your PC and whatever cloud server this is hosted on.    The dev team and I have found Time warp breaks the immersive experience of a multiplayer game so that feature is deprecated in the multiplayer version.  Here (not in Area 51, really!!) we have found that travelling thru space is pretty boring without time warp and something is needed to pass the time.  In a mad stroke of Kerbal ingenuity we have integrated Steam with KSP2 and ALL steam games in the cockpit of the space vehicle.  This way the kerbals and KSP players will be able to enjoy all their Steam games while travelling throughout Kerbol.   Amazingly the Steam games run faster in KSP2 than on the desktop.

The majority of the integration is straightforward porting of Steam code to another engine.  I've done this porting stuff successfully many times before.  The intern helped prototype this and it works great.  I have working proto system and it is extremely stable.  You can try a early access version by simply sending $50 bitcoin to me and duct taping a steam deck to your monitor.  There are a few details to work out as KSP2 cannot be distributed by Steam if KSP2 is the only way to access Steam (infinite logical loop) and it's not clear how long it will take the intern to complete the Steam port to KSP2 without using a Steam deck.  Good news is the intern starts programming classes in the fall.

Well I've probably shared to much, looking forward to all the all the great feedback!

Also DM me if you have any Steam contact info so we can work out some marketing.


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One additional feature: to bring back the authentic KSP experience, each Steam licence owner will receive a bottle rocket and a small piece of aluminium foil that can be easily folded into a genuine Mk1 Kerbal!
Note that  this feature will also come with UHD resolution and infinite frame rate!!

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Sigh no more, gamers, sigh no more,
They were deceivers ever,
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never.
Then sigh not so, but let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey, nonny nonny.

- Shakespeare  Kerman,  Much Ado About KSP2  - Act 2, scene 3 ;p

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With the release of V, we're excited to announce that Scott Sterling ("the man, the myth, the legend!") has joined and will lead the KSP 2 engineering team.

PD decided the developers need an engineering lead who's better than Bill Kerman at both getting hit in the face and not letting the team down.

Since we know Scott's exceptional at both of these things, we expect V to ship by the end of Q3!

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