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One Final (Unofficial) K.E.R.B.

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The Final, Unofficial...o3OOels.png

Howdy Kerbonauts,

first off, let me state clearly that this is not in any way an official Kerbal End-users Report Bugs- more commonly known as KERB. I am a community member like the rest of you, but have been very involved in bug hunting and beta testing KSP2 for a significant portion of its lifetime. I thought it might be nice to share a final count on which bug reports were upvoted the most by the community. The data for this was collected using a script made by my fellow Bug Hunter @Spicat. See this as a dedication post to the actual KERB, a sort of final sendoff. It's not something i thought would ever need to be done, but here we are. It's been a good run.

Thank you to everyone who reported and upvoted bugs,
The Space Peacock

Community's Final Top Issues:

# Bug Upvotes
1 KSP2 is Calculating the Physics of all Parts of all Crafts Whether They are Rendered or Not,
Reducing Performance of all Scenes at all Times.
2 No Trajectory Lines in Map View [Indicators Like PE/AP are Still Showing] 125
3 Incorrect "landed" status while in orbit causes trajectory to disappear in Map View 97
4 Parts inside fairing heating up 95
5 Camera resets position every time you enter and exit map view 84
6 Broken DeltaV with multiple engines and/or with side tank attached
[fuel tank placement order messes up dV calculations]
7 Rovers are Hitting a Physics Glitch Every 1000m from the Location
of Rover Being Loaded into the Game With Disastrous Results

Timewarp limit is too restrictive on some non-atmospheric planets (Gilly, Bop, Minmus...)


Can't create a maneuver node within another SOI


Parachutes didn't deploy


Landing gear blocked when it is not [also happens with other deployable parts]


Resource Manager (RM) disallows re-placement of a resource in the Transfer list of the RM,
creating duplicates in the parts list of the RM


SAS does not hold orientation during timewarp


Accelerate under Timewarp still not working in some cases (Often in Large SOI's)


Vessel icons block celestial bodies from being clicked on [when zoomed out]
[Vessel Icons have priority over Celestial Bodies]


For the difficulty of the LIL CHONKER mission 35 Science as a reward is too low


SAS Control Surface Oscillation in Atmosphere


A Kerbal On EVA Exerts A Force On The Vessel


Cannot create/edit a maneuver node when game is paused

20 When Trying to Close a Fairing on a Part, it will Disappear Instead. 47




















Note: this may be a bit outdated, as it doesnt account for bugfixes in the v0.2.2 patch

Edited by The Space Peacock
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It kinda goes to show that some of the issues were very foundational, very few of those bugs require complicated reproduction steps, or are hidden under any sort of depth, yet they're very persistent or outright unfixable (like the first) without big reworks/redesign. Others are just... bad choices like the maneuver node one.

TL;DR reads more like a list of reasons for what happened to the game.

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Really shows what a mess we are now left with.

I have heard some people voice their preference towards KSP2 over KSP and, while everyone has their reasoning, this report is a a great indicator why I won't ever consider seriously playing the sequel again.

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On 6/29/2024 at 11:54 PM, RileyHef said:

I have heard some people voice their preference towards KSP2 over KSP and, while everyone has their reasoning, this report is a a great indicator why I won't ever consider seriously playing the sequel again.

Suprisingly, despite seeing pretty much all the bugs this game has during my time as a bug hunter, I am one of those people. Just hit 2000 hours in KSP2 today. Fully understandable that not everybody wants to play a game where dealing with bugs is a necessity though, especially if they consider it to not have many improvements over the original already.

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