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Off we go to save the cosmonauts aboard a failing Salyut

NK-43 engines don't have gimbals (designed for N1 which used thrust differential for steering), so this Zenit first stage vernier block came in handy.

Home stretch!

Oh my god, I am such an idiot. At least Boboyavich Kermanov can enjoy the view.

Edited by KAO
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Unknown forces detonated an explosive on Thomas 'Handlebar' Kerman's spaceplane. Thomas barely made it outside the blast range.



Will it be the end of Thomas' kareer? Or will the perpetrators of this crime be punished?

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After taking a little break and going on a camping trip, i had sent a rover to Vall.



A little late for the eclipse but I wasn't expecting to fly close to Kerbol.


Laythe!, what have I said about shoehorning into pictures of the other moons.


Testing the camera.


Got the equipment ready.


And we're off.


Pictures from the camera.




Sadly around 1 hour and 47 minutes real time and about 11Km from the lander, one of the front wheels broke off and flipped the rover causing severe damage and destroying the brain, the other wheel, all but 2 equipment and all 6 of the generators.

20170822165610 1 by Pudgemountain

Didn't explore more than 2 biomes but hey in less than 2 hours I covered 11km while Curiosity covered almost 16km in 5 years, then again NASA does not recklessly drive their rovers.

The exploration of the Joolian system was fun but, i must tilt my hat to Jool and head on to Eve.

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Testing the Mars Transport System in LEO.This spacecraft weights 950 tons and can transport 120 tons to Mars.In this 120 tons there is a 20 m radius ring for Martian gravity simulation , 540 days worth of supplies and a capsule to transport the astronauts to the MAV in Mars orbit and later make them land safely back on Earth.



Edited by Mr. Sandman
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Some pics from my 1.3 career game.

Bringing 400 units of ore back from the Mun for OMB Demolition Enterprises.AudC8el.png

Moving Mun lab to a polar location.n8CRko4.png

Jeb goes exploring the depths (bottomed out at just over 1km down).fqhdTPE.png

1st flight to Jool waits in Kerbin orbit.3tviQmN.png

Sciencing in planes.kpCXelp.png

Return vehicle rendezvous' with space station to bring home the crew after a 180 day stay.ljq9Q3J.png

The all important science work continues through the night (then day then night again, repeat ad infinitum..)Xp5knOJ.png?1



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Photos form the Elvira landing probe have arrived!

Normally I would send an orbiting probe to take pictures and do Biome and terrain scans but based on Telescopic studies, it's size, thick atmosphere and closeness to Kerbol we had to make sure if a landing was even possible.


Look at that sunrise.




We have landed!


Airbags deflated revealing Elvira.


20 minutes later when it was brighter Elvira took the first picture of Eve's surface.


Sadly 3 minutes after taking the picture we lost contact with Elvira even though it's generators were meant to make it last for 2 weeks.

Even though she lasted 23 minutes on Eve, Elvira has given us alot of information of Eve.

1: A landing is possible.

2: It's radiation belt is way more stronger than the Van Kerman belt, however on the surface there is little to no radiation at all due to the thick clouds.

3: It's surface temperature varies from extreme cold to extreme hot even hotter than Moho, so we need to make suits that can adapt to the temperatures.

4: The Atmosphere is very deadly.

5: It does have seismic activity so Eve is active.

6: It's gravity and atmospheric pressure is very strong which might explain why we lost contact with Elvira so we need to make suits that can withstand the pressure, and I don't think a modified Duna or Laythe lander would work.

Overall I am very happy the way this mission turned out.

Edited by Pudgemountain
Accidental premature posting
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