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If you land too hard in the wrong spot you have to improvise! The power plant for my Duna base landed 2.5 km away and broke its wheels in the process, so my surveyor rover had to stop by and give it four helping wheels.


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A couple weeks ago, I did my first EVA over the Mün. It went badly at first as I fat-fingered myself about 300m away from the lander... but Jeb didn't mind!


That's now my desktop wallpaper. (For the record, I did get him safely back to the lander. And then later, that same MMU got him killed on the Münar surface when I got going a little too fast on a long jump and plowed into the ground. :cool: He got better!)

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My most absolute best and favorite KSP shot is this (cropped and brightness (of glow) increased in photoshop, apart from that it's how it looks in-game)

a 370 part space station in a 200km Kerbin Orbit


Heavily modded

To think a week ago I would never have guessed KSP could look this purrty.... ah.. joy ;)

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Unfortunately she no fly so good. Also the whole front end tore apart shortly after takeoff...

Very cool, when I read that I had the Russian accent in my head and everything. Was a fantastic game.

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Sometimes I really like what overalls leave to the imagination.

In this case, the drop-jaw disappointment on Jeb's face when CAPCOM finally told him his mission was actually just a capsule test and that he had been in simulator for the past two days.


Oh wait, this thread is for awesome pictures? I'll have to get back to you once my kerbals are done joking around.

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If you land too hard in the wrong spot you have to improvise! The power plant for my Duna base landed 2.5 km away and broke its wheels in the process, so my surveyor rover had to stop by and give it four helping wheels.


Myrtle! Get the hose! Them rovers are at it again!

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Myrtle! Get the hose! Them rovers are at it again!

Thanks, but no external cooling is necessary. Surveyor's stamina is amazing and it can go on for hours as it is thanks to its sophisticated machinery and many solar panels. I actually renamed him Stallion in recognition of his hard, tireless labour.

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Because of some I'mprettysureitsagainsttherules file editing, Kerbol's glare looks really nice!


Hey Sapphire, where did you get that glare? I'm not sure if it came with the latest version of Universe Replacer or not. Is it in another texture pack or did you do this yourself?

Thanks :)

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Hey Sapphire, where did you get that glare? I'm not sure if it came with the latest version of Universe Replacer or not. Is it in another texture pack or did you do this yourself?

Thanks :)

It's actually something different. Beware, it may sound scary to do, but it's actually pretty easy!


And now for something completely different: JEBEDIIIIIIAAAAHHHHHHHHH


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After some testing I got my first manned ramjet ship out into deep space.


And from a distance you can see the ion field collecting material for the engine.


The best part is the glow seems to also show up in the tiny avatars' of the crew.

(Funny, never looked inside the cabin during the flight - that would have been a cool image).

I assume spoiler code still does not work?

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Fairing'ed Heavy KTS almost docked to KBS5.


20-minutes to docking is a bit too fast for the Fairing'ed Heavy, it only has an LV-909 to move all of its mass, so burning 200m/s for orbital insertion and rendezvous completion is a bit much.



The crew of KBS5 now includes Rodwin, Adoly, Jebediah, Erley, and Shoogs Kerman. I'll be sending up an unmanned Fairing'ed Heavy to bring supplies and provide another escape vessel next.

Edited by OrbitusII
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Just had to post this screenshot..

Im playing the game in vanilla mode ,but i couldn't resist testing the universal replacer mod with 8k texture packs.

and damn.. it really enhances the exprerience :D


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