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Buzz Kerman test flies the A87 Arrow Medium Fighter:


While its armaments are light (2x Sunbeam lasers), the fighter is classed as medium for its range, hence the presence of a nuclear engine accompanied by 2 ion engines. The vehicle can be refuelled, extending its operational life.


Admittedly, things are rather exposed on this ship, but if anything goes wrong, the pilot can just jettison his escape pod. The fact that Sunbeam lasers are pinpoint in their tracking and devastatingly powerful means that something should never have to result in abandoning ship.


Buzz blasts the (unmanned) refuelling ship that has just filled up everything on his ship bar the xenon.

Also, my posting this was in no way linked to the sudden military displays a couple of posts prior to this. Purely coincidental. That said, I do still need to develop a reliable destroyer; frigates and fighters are all I have in my fleet at the moment, not that I have any reason to maintain a military fleet unless I decide to go to war with myself. Which I have done. Sort of.

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