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In an alternate timeline, even, alternate and newly charted solar system, Jebediah and Valentina take off in the Enterprise-D and begin an informal grand tour.

First stop: the closest planet to the local star.


Later, the first lady decides to take the ship to the edge of the atmosphere of the local Super-Kerbin and even take a step outside.


Jebediah takes the Federation Runabout and lands on a moon of the largest gas giant. I never imagined a gas planet could look scary on the horizon. It's like it doesn't want people landing in his space. The Runabout perfectly fits inside Enterprise. :)


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Quite a time ago I tried to build the ISS in the stock solar system (yes I know, a very unique project that nobody ever has done before :) ).

However I tried to die it the real way, using shuttles and candarms. Was real fun thought. Now I'm trying to do the same in realsolar system, but I think I'm going to make some part myself and weld otherparts together to reduce the part count. Maybe i show some images of the progress later on. Here are some of the stock solar system.

Sorry for the bad colors, I had to brighten the excrements out of it:


Here I was trying to get 'Destiny' US Laboratory docked


Nailed it! 


And here just a awesome picture with an old gray effect. I was attaching the S0 truss to ISS.

(Note: I know the ISS didn't dock with its nose :))  

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  On 10/4/2016 at 10:06 AM, DrLicor said:

Sorry for the bad colors, I had to brighten the excrements out of it:


You may want to install the Ambient Light Adjustment mod. It's a tiny thing and a little old but should be a great help. :)

Lol, Kintel. Will there be any kompetitors/other-platform vendors @RangeMachine ?

I'm personally looking out for Kualcomm now......Kualcomm SnapKraken CPUs for phones and rovers.

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  On 10/4/2016 at 4:10 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

You may want to install the Ambient Light Adjustment mod. It's a tiny thing and a little old but should be a great help. :)

Lol, Kintel. Will there be any kompetitors/other-platform vendors @RangeMachine ?

I'm personally looking out for Kualcomm now......Kualcomm SnapKraken CPUs for phones and rovers.


It's just simple part for LUA autopilot. Adding new parts is not a problem.

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Anyone in the market for a new Command module? LonesomeRobots Aerospace Division completed tests on the HOYO CM. It can safely take 6 Kerbals to space and back. With integrated RCS, Reaction Wheels, and kOS computer. The HOYO Docking System allows soft docking and restricts orientation. Check out footage from the test flight and watch the forums. Release is near...

On the launch pad atop a modified FASA Saturn1B.


Flight Deck


Flight and lower deck.


Lift off


Roll program completed


Near first stage cutoff. 4.6G


First stage separation


Orbit insertion burn


Second stage separation


Hoyo CSM in orbit. Service module is a scaled up SDHI Transportation module.


Attitude control testing


View from the Flight deck


HOYO Docking System in Active mode



SM Jettison. Capsule RCS is used for re-entry orientation






Parachute cover jettison


Main chute deployment




Landed near KSC. 6 Kerbonauts came home safe.




Edited by silentvelcro
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  On 10/11/2016 at 2:02 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

294 days? What planet are you on? :0.0:



  On 10/11/2016 at 2:03 AM, The Raging Sandwich said:

My thoughts exactly! Maybe they just landed on the planet and is experiencing it for the first time since they left?


They're on Duna. I landed the two-part base that day after a Hohmann transfer from Kerbin, and the MET was 294 days. Naturally, there's nothing in deep space for the sun to go under, so it was the first prolonged period of darkness they'd experienced in that long.

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