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Postcards from Laythe - Cancelled indefinately


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Spec.... you just opened a major can of whoopass on that one... <3 *starts doodling the next gen of VSDF interceptor aircraft*

*looks on with no idea what you are saying but hopes you don't use it on me*

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Chobit, I believe you can use CSS to do the links as you would like. Let me think about it a bit, I might have an answer for you.

Edit: Never mind, I see you used a website to design it, that would explain the terrible code formatting.

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Someone who is happy with their current existence would say that, I for one am not cause I can't go to spaaaaace!

But on another note how many people know about this page of PfL?


Cause I laughed when I found it.

Edit: I could help with the links for PfL but since it was made through a site....sorry but I just finished a year of Software Engineering. So looking at PfL's code makes me cringe, that and OCD. But something you should know is the site mainly uses JavaScript not HTML5.

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It's done everything I needed it to so far, so cringing coders or not, this is what I've got to work with. It may be a nightmare but it posts the art well enough.

I'm going to be over at Trekkette's today stabbing her with a bendy straw until she spits out part of the fanfic, if anyone needs me, just yell out your window really really loud

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I don't think I could yell that loud....cause I don't even know if your even in the same hemisphere!

But yes it does display the pictures nicely, just less flexible, its a compromise.

However, the images look nice no mater how there displayed!

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But on another note how many people know about this page of PfL?


Cause I laughed when I found it.

After some digging and getting lost. Then finding it and figuring out how to access it, I reached it. The problem is, the way you get in, is not the way you can get out.

It's done everything I needed it to so far, so cringing coders or not, this is what I've got to work with. It may be a nightmare but it posts the art well enough.

I'm going to be over at Trekkette's today stabbing her with a bendy straw until she spits out part of the fanfic, if anyone needs me, just yell out your window really really loud

Yay, progress. I can't wait to see the outcome. Other than the "Get out" sign.

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Spec.... you just opened a major can of whoopass on that one... <3 *starts doodling the next gen of VSDF interceptor aircraft*

Wow, I actually influenced someone's artistic vision with an off-the-cuff remark! That's one check mark for the bucket list.

I'll probably have to revise the entry that says "Visit the USSR before I die," though.

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This is positive proof tha female Kerbals is a good idea. They look cute and good, hence, it must be a good idea.Oh, btw, the concept for the female kerbals on that tropical island very much sound like the general concept for the anime Rocket girls. I loved that show, this looks good as well, please keep it coming :)

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Yeah, deal with it! EVERYONE has time for Richard Dean Anderson!!!

then went for basic training... and a previously-unnoticed medical condition reared its ugly head and forced me to get a discharge before I completed it.

I did get a chance to ride in a C-130, though. It was an interesting experience.

I had that EXACT same problem...

Cept they let me fly the C-130

ON-TOPIC: Calm down the whoopass canning before Odin shows up again ;P

I'll see what I can get finished tonight, probably not much but I'll try. Things have just been slow

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I don't know logically why one would be sunbathing on Laythe, its not exactly warm there, but i'm not going to complain. I'll just accept it, and enjoy it.


"If you're wondering how she eats and breathes

And other science facts

Then repeat to yourself 'It's just fan art,

I should really just relax.'"

Admit it, the song's in your head now, too.

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how the heck is there seas anyway on laythe i mean surely the geothermal heat should only be able to hear it slightly and no it is not fan art it is the actual game

Because the seas aren't real water. They are a water-ammonia mix which lowers the water's freezing temperature.



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