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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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Fuel switching and symmetry bug:

Is it known and is there a fix for the symmetry bug being experienced here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91706-0-90-Freight-Transport-Technologies-v0-3-1-2014-12-24?p=1754036&viewfull=1#post1754036?

Essentially fuel and texture switching isn't working with symmetry and is defaulting to the original fuel/resource/texture after launching and/or reverting.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I replied there but for completeness: KSP is case sensitive about field names, and FTT cargo pods have 'moduleId' field instead of 'moduleID' field as they should have, which leads to problems as described with symmetry parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to know if there is a download somewhere hidden within the thread for a download of the FSFuelswitch .dll or whatever it is. I want to use the switching part of it, but I don't want to have to download the whole Fire Spitter mod to be able to use the one function. I've already butchered KSPI so I can use just the Waste Heat function, and I get an error telling me that not everything is there, and that the game might not work right because not all the parts are there. So far I havn't had any problems, but I'm just worried about picking apart something like Firespitter, mostly because I have a few other mods that are dependent on it

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I want to know if there is a download somewhere hidden within the thread for a download of the FSFuelswitch .dll or whatever it is. I want to use the switching part of it, but I don't want to have to download the whole Fire Spitter mod to be able to use the one function. I've already butchered KSPI so I can use just the Waste Heat function, and I get an error telling me that not everything is there, and that the game might not work right because not all the parts are there. So far I havn't had any problems, but I'm just worried about picking apart something like Firespitter, mostly because I have a few other mods that are dependent on it

In this way as I can understand, you must have already installed the firespitter.dll If a mod is depend on it. For example B9 has it already inside it's package. So look for it inside the gamedata folder and also in the mods dir if you don't have the firespitter directory there already.

But if you get the newest download (There should be a link in the front of this thread), you can use just the dll itself (or the plugins directory) from the zip and extract it into firesplitter/plugins/ directory inside your gamedata.

The firespitter parts are not needed for just using the functions(modules) from the dll.

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In this way as I can understand, you must have already installed the firespitter.dll If a mod is depend on it. For example B9 has it already inside it's package. So look for it inside the gamedata folder and also in the mods dir if you don't have the firespitter directory there already.

But if you get the newest download (There should be a link in the front of this thread), you can use just the dll itself (or the plugins directory) from the zip and extract it into firesplitter/plugins/ directory inside your gamedata.

The firespitter parts are not needed for just using the functions(modules) from the dll.

Alright, thanks for the Help Ricardo, I'll see if that works!

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Alright, thanks for the Help Ricardo, I'll see if that works!

The firespitter dll in the first post is out of date however and has bugs that have since been fixed. A fixed one have been posted recently in this thread or can be obtained from RoverDude's USI addons.

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Alright, thanks for the Help Ricardo, I'll see if that works!

You are welcome.

For me it worked. As I remember I got the DLL from the B9 as mentioned. Maybe I updated it from this package (I do really can't remember now)

You should easily strip down the latest release and shouldn't have an error just because of the parts "missing" these are not related for each other in this way on the other way around you should have problems because of the missing functionality.

I also use the dll-s capability for my own mod without problems (In fact all my problems are just I don't know how to use them properly :D ) But that is not related to the fact it is stripped down, nor that where the dll is from. :D

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The firespitter dll in the first post is out of date however and has bugs that have since been fixed. A fixed one have been posted recently in this thread or can be obtained from RoverDude's USI addons.
You are welcome.

For me it worked. As I remember I got the DLL from the B9 as mentioned. Maybe I updated it from this package (I do really can't remember now)

You should easily strip down the latest release and shouldn't have an error just because of the parts "missing" these are not related for each other in this way on the other way around you should have problems because of the missing functionality.

I also use the dll-s capability for my own mod without problems (In fact all my problems are just I don't know how to use them properly :D ) But that is not related to the fact it is stripped down, nor that where the dll is from. :D

Okay, so I downloaded Firespitter.. and that wasn't waht I was looking for... I'm looking for the thing that lets you switch what is in the fuel tanks. I think its called FSFuelSwitch. Thats what i'm looking for, if someone could help me please xpx

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Okay, so I downloaded Firespitter.. and that wasn't waht I was looking for... I'm looking for the thing that lets you switch what is in the fuel tanks. I think its called FSFuelSwitch. Thats what i'm looking for, if someone could help me please xpx

I using FSfuelSwitch too in my mod. And that module is come from the firespitter.dll. I am sure of it.

You are right I forgot that. Maybe USI is having the stripped down fs too (RoverDude is using fsfuelswitch on some of his parts).

General workflow of mine is to install all the mods and overwrite files with the latest by date.

I have a firespitter directory in my gamedata. Inside of that there is a plugins directory and inside that there is the dll itself. And it is working just fine. (I got that structure from B9 as far as I can remember)

My problem was that the stock parts (stock fueltanks) keeps their original resources too and I can access them as well from the menu only after the first launch attempt, plus have the ones I give em through MM config with FSfuelSwitch modul.

But I don't think it is because of the dll itself. It is more likely an error between the Keyboard and the chair of mine.

I can show you a code of it but you can expect the same error if you just copy it over.

But for a single example of how it works:

name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer; MonoPropellant,XenonGas; ElectricCharge
resourceAmounts = 900,1100;900,2200;400
initialResourceAmounts = 900,1100;900,2200;400
hasGUI = true
availableInFlight = true
availableInEditor = true
showInfo = true


If anyone can help of how to make this work properly then please tell me what to do.

Right now if I chose for example MP+Xenon the menu shows me the correct ones.

But as soon as I launch it there are 4 resource. The original 2 LFO, and the MP + Xenon.

I'd like to get rid of the originals with the same functionality, to choose on the fly of what am I want to fill it into.

In this way if I choose electric charge than this shoulld be only a batery.

Edited by Ricardo79
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having problems with the resource definition , firespitter.cfg (for the fscoolant resource). For some reason whenever that file is in its place, firespitter/resources the game loads up to the start screen and then crashes to desktop, I have dug through all my other mods and have tried different sources for the cfg file even though the code is always the same. All i want it for is a few parts if noone has a fix or reason why it would cause the crash, is there a way to eliminate the need for the resource, say replace it in the part cfg with intake air or just remove that as a propellant altogether? Basically I am just tryin to get the heli from the KOS orbiter pack working but the game just refuses to start as long as that resource definition is present. any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance!

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having problems with the resource definition , firespitter.cfg (for the fscoolant resource). For some reason whenever that file is in its place, firespitter/resources the game loads up to the start screen and then crashes to desktop, I have dug through all my other mods and have tried different sources for the cfg file even though the code is always the same. All i want it for is a few parts if noone has a fix or reason why it would cause the crash, is there a way to eliminate the need for the resource, say replace it in the part cfg with intake air or just remove that as a propellant altogether? Basically I am just tryin to get the heli from the KOS orbiter pack working but the game just refuses to start as long as that resource definition is present. any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance!

Do you have this Firespitter.cfg in you GameData/Firespitter/Resources/ directory?

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Do you have this Firespitter.cfg in you GameData/Firespitter/Resources/ directory?

yeah, ii have wrestled with that thing so many times now but somehow i managed to get it working, and I know it shouldn't make any difference but i rearranged the code so it all sits in one long line rather than being formatted nicely and miraculously it works now lol

so when its setup like this...



name = FSCoolant

density = 0.005

flowMode = ALL_VESSEL

transfer = PUMP


it crashes upon loading but when setup like this

RESOURCE_DEFINITION{ name = FSCoolant density = 0.005 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP}

it works just fine, no clue why....:confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I using FSfuelSwitch too in my mod. And that module is come from the firespitter.dll. I am sure of it.

You are right I forgot that. Maybe USI is having the stripped down fs too (RoverDude is using fsfuelswitch on some of his parts).

General workflow of mine is to install all the mods and overwrite files with the latest by date.

I have a firespitter directory in my gamedata. Inside of that there is a plugins directory and inside that there is the dll itself. And it is working just fine. (I got that structure from B9 as far as I can remember)

My problem was that the stock parts (stock fueltanks) keeps their original resources too and I can access them as well from the menu only after the first launch attempt, plus have the ones I give em through MM config with FSfuelSwitch modul.

But I don't think it is because of the dll itself. It is more likely an error between the Keyboard and the chair of mine.

I can show you a code of it but you can expect the same error if you just copy it over.

But for a single example of how it works:

name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer; MonoPropellant,XenonGas; ElectricCharge
resourceAmounts = 900,1100;900,2200;400
initialResourceAmounts = 900,1100;900,2200;400
hasGUI = true
availableInFlight = true
availableInEditor = true
showInfo = true


If anyone can help of how to make this work properly then please tell me what to do.

Right now if I chose for example MP+Xenon the menu shows me the correct ones.

But as soon as I launch it there are 4 resource. The original 2 LFO, and the MP + Xenon.

I'd like to get rid of the originals with the same functionality, to choose on the fly of what am I want to fill it into.

In this way if I choose electric charge than this shoulld be only a batery.

Well I had the same problems, so I fixed them and integrated it into KSP Interstellar Extended as InterstellarFuelSwitch

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Hi there

According to the version file inside my FS directory:

"NAME": "Firespitter",
"URL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/snjo/Firespitter/master/For%20release/Firespitter/Firespitter.version",
"MAJOR": 7,
"MINOR": 0,
"PATCH": 0
"MAJOR": 0,
"MINOR": 90,
"PATCH": 0

V7.0 is out there and it is 0.90 updated.

I don't remember where am I got it. Maybe throught AVC from the given link.

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Also installing via CKAN I was getting a similar stop to loading and looking found a similar error with a reference to missing RESOURCE FSCoolant. I found the installed Firespitter\Resources directory was missing a file Firespitter.cfg that I found in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/snjo/Firespitter/master/For%20release/Firespitter/Resources/Firespitter.cfg

Once I put that file in place startup completed normally again, and the parts and plugin CKAN installed now work.

Sorry for the extremely late answer but I was made aware of this issue recently and it has now been patched in CKAN so it properly keeps the Firespitter.cfg.

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