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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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Huh, a Seabee / Aircar. Can't be that many of them these days. Nice 40s flying boat...

Considering that kerbal tech is more or less stuck in the 60's, I figured that setup would be nice. Plus I actually really like that plane's look, save the nose, which could use a little work.

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Part Request: Support Flotation Device



The wing tip flotation stablizers.

I like building stuff small, so the big ones don't quite match my builds proportions. I figured I ask here before a parts request as you have already made the standard floater.

While I'm at it, the center piece as a wraparound for a 1.25 meter tank would be sweet :D

Something like a Catalina style floatation hull has been suggested before, and it's something I'd like to do some day, but as always, no promises :)

I have tried getting the file from Sapceport, but it does not allow me to get the full file, or it corrupts immediately upon download completion. I got the pre-release from this thread, which I'm guessing is the very much latest release that has been given out, and might not work while others will. I would like some assistance with this, and I don't exactly want to ask for this solution to be dealt in a specific way, but the one way I think could fix this problem is by making a mirror link for the download. Mediafire is cool. And free.

This has given me problems since two versions of KSP ago.

Both the latest official release, and pre-release is available on the github release pages. I should update the OP.

Would it be possible to get the heli-skid in two halves (or just one half) that can be surface attached to a larger range of vehicles? And there's an FS turbo-prop I've not seen before - Have you got any plans to give it the same style propeller animations as the others. It's a really nice engine. Great work as always :)

The turboprop was actually included by accident, cause it is missing those things so far. Yes, it will all be there eventually, but maybe also some new engine code to make it act sluggish and fast in the correct ways.

Single heli skid pipes isn't a bad idea...

Edited by Snjo
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Considering that kerbal tech is more or less stuck in the 60's, I figured that setup would be nice. Plus I actually really like that plane's look, save the nose, which could use a little work.

Oh, I'm a big fan of the Seabee! I might wish it had retracts like a Goose/Mallard/etc., but it's a very nice-looking plane.

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y'all are probably already aware of it but radial intakes are crazy buoyant. you could use them as floats in the interim.

Technically they are just as buoyant as all other parts, it's just that they are fairly small, have low mass and probably high impact resistance. All stock parts have buoyancy that scales directly with depth, which is crazy if you think about it.

I'm pretty sure you could just use a bunch of science modules or antennas if they happened to have an impact resistance greater than your take off speed.

(Parts using FSbuoyancy or InfiniteDice's buoynacy have a more static buoyancy that that will give you a more realistic constant sink rate when fully submerged etc. Either as a set buoyancy value per parts ,or in ID's case, calculated by the volume of the part + destruction handling magic)

Edited by Snjo
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Well, even if the turboprop was included by accident, that didn't stop me from following Kerbal tradition here.


Strapped wings, a gas tank, a seat, and a probe core to a turboprop and flew it around. Quite a lot of fun.

That is awesome! Reminded me of an even more appropriate sitting solution from the FSexperiments


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Well, I cracked open the good ol' blender again, and came up with this:


I'm willing to give you the resource blend file if someone wants to texture it.

Edited by Zaeo
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If you get no sound, and the propellers don't rotate, it means you did not install it correctly. I know you said you did, but it's been a long time since I got universal messages from mac/linux users that they had no sounds (that was fixed around 0.20 I think).

If any mac heads can give some friendly advice, that would be nice.

As always, the install path should be KSP_Mac(or whatever)\GameData\Firespitter so that the sounds reside in KSP_OS\GameData\Firespitter\Sounds

I DID install it correctly. I think that something is broken.

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Snjo, any thoughts on making the guy in the biplane cockpit toggleable, or a version without? Now I've got a different solution available to getting Kerbals in seats it seems a little redundant.


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Snjo, any thoughts on making the guy in the biplane cockpit toggleable, or a version without? Now I've got a different solution available to getting Kerbals in seats it seems a little redundant.


Not really, cause the main issue is the camera. I could have made the cockpit an external kerbal seat (as opposed to the IVA kerbalSeat object) , but those don't have IVA views, so you can't see the instruments.

That being said, you can turn off the guy all together if you want to play around with it, by altering the puppet module:

name = FSkerbalPuppet
showInInternalCam = false
showInExternalCam = false
showInFlightCam = false
showInEditor = false

I DID install it correctly. I think that something is broken.

If you can post the output_log.txt (as a pastebin link, not all of it in thread), there may be some details there.

How can I use the tweakable of this mod(e.g the response of the controls surfaces) with the stock parts?

Add this to a stock wing.

name = FSwingletRangeAdjustment
stepAngle = 5
maxRange = 60

The more advanced tweaking seen on the biplane wings are not available on stock wings.

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Hmmm, I wonder how to solve the problem of the strut length having to be different on different planes.

Actually this is something I've been thinking about. You need two objects, the strut and the float, then have the strut expand size from a tweakable and the float move along with it. That's something I have planned for multiwheels in the future.

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Actually this is something I've been thinking about. You need two objects, the strut and the float, then have the strut expand size from a tweakable and the float move along with it. That's something I have planned for multiwheels in the future.

Well, as long as the Bounds collider is as long as the max extent of the rig (to avoid popping up on launch), that might be pretty easy :)

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Is that possible to make your gear start retracted by default? I can't find the option in the config. And if it isn't possible now, could you add this option?

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Is that possible to make your gear start retracted by default? I can't find the option in the config. And if it isn't possible now, could you add this option?

Try using deploymentState = Retracted in the cfg.

I haven't tested that for bugs, but it should be the same as what would happen on a plane saved to the persistence.

Check the docs for full cfg rundown

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Is that the KSP.log?

No, that doesn't tell much of anything. You want the KSP_data\output_log.txt

And make sure it's from after a run of the game where you try to use the part, since it's over written each time.

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Actually this is something I've been thinking about. You need two objects, the strut and the float, then have the strut expand size from a tweakable and the float move along with it. That's something I have planned for multiwheels in the future.

That is an interesting way to go about it.

The way I was thinking was a series of different size struts, many more parts as a result. That is much more elegant. Slicing the strut off isn't hard at all, as i have designed it to be sliced to accommodate different types of struts*V struts, straight line as examples*

Maybe even a "procedural Z axis", similar to how stretchy tanks work if the tweakable integration isn't worth the effort.

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When I try to download this, it says the DL completes, but I only get some of the parts. cockpits, a few wings, no engines or propellers. Any idea whats going on? Don't have this problem with any other mod. :(

Spaceport is not very reliable it seems. Try downloading from the mirror (now also listed on the front page)

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Whenever I make a craft with landing gear floats they completely destroy the craft when opening and closing the gear by causing uncontrollable rolling and massive parts wobbling/moving/shaking. What have I done?! lol

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Just thought of an idea for cockpits. We've got the round bubble that was used on the P-51 Mustang, but I think it'd be nice to also have a cockpit similar to either the BF-109 or the FW-190.

Would be even better if somehow procedural transparent elements come into existence. Build your own cockpit/greenhouse/whatever in game. And yes, FW190 cockpit would be terrific. Together with DO-335 best looking cockpits of WW2. Bf109 is terrible, but iconic.

Hey Snjo, thank you for your hard work, the mod, the Lancaster engine and especially the turboprop.


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