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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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Also Object names don't need folders, just the Unity transform name.

In this case it is 'B9 Mk1 Tail R'. Note the lowercase 'k'. Uppercase K will point to the wrong object.

For reference, this is what an actual texture-switch setup looks like:

name = FStextureSwitch2
moduleID = 0
objectNames = Mesh1
textureRootFolder = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/
textureNames = model000;model001
textureDisplayNames = Unshielded;Shielded
nextButtonText = Toggle Heat Shielding
statusText = Heat Shielding
switchableInFlight = false
showPreviousButton = false

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If the floats go from high float force to being airborne, and then go back down, it will create an oscillation like that, which is a common problem in hover code or float code.

The floats have a range of one meter where they go from no float power to full float power, so they should be able to find a resting spot, but it may be that you have too much floating power for it to come to rest, in which case some floating sections will be technically airborne at times. That isn't stable. Try tweaking the floating power one the float to a lower value and see if it helps.

Of course there is also the issue of the floats consisting of several parts which can flex and make the amount of float they provide unstable. That can't be fixed in a multi-section float, or even a single rigid body with multiple float points, causing a bobbing that looks too quick to be from imaginary waves. This also happens in nature, but due to other factors, like water/air drag, it quickly goes away. That stuff ins't modelled as well here, and the precisions available is low. I'll try to increase the precision from floats to doubles to see if that helps (since I am looking at the distance to the planet core)

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would it be possible to add vectoring to the propellers? I've built a quadrocopter with the foldable electric propeller that can ascend up to and hover at 7km, but I'm a bit stumped at how to get it to move around. It doesn't really need to be super-maneuverable but correcting for minor drift would be nice. RCS doesn't have enough thrust, and adding more thrusters and more propellant will just add more weight I don't want.


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…I've built a quadrocopter with the foldable electric propeller that can ascend up to and hover at 7km, but I'm a bit stumped at how to get it to move around.…


Try an SAS module. The ring shaped ones from NovaPunch are especially powerful, but a stock unit or one of the ones from Firespitter might be enough for your purpose.

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Try an SAS module. The ring shaped ones from NovaPunch are especially powerful, but a stock unit or one of the ones from Firespitter might be enough for your purpose.

That's adding weight though. I don't want to add any more weight if I can help it

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would it be possible to add vectoring to the propellers? I've built a quadrocopter with the foldable electric propeller that can ascend up to and hover at 7km, but I'm a bit stumped at how to get it to move around. It doesn't really need to be super-maneuverable but correcting for minor drift would be nice. RCS doesn't have enough thrust, and adding more thrusters and more propellant will just add more weight I don't want.


That's what the VTOL engines are for. The other propellers don't support the advanced steering modes.

Does this still work with 0.23? Or is 0.23.5 required?

It may work. There were two critical fixes made to stay compatible when 0.23.5 rolled out, but none of those pieces of code actually run in any parts used.

(So critical in the sense of, they would break the game IF they had been in use)

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I have a question about part of the firespitter plugin, and I hope this is the correct spot. I am using textureswitcher the older one, at the moment, and I may need to upgrade to the newer but the problem I have is that I have a part that is actually the same part smushed together 2 or 3 times.

// --- asset parameters ---
model = LLL/Models/Propulsion/LLL2x1/modelTank
position = 0.0, 0.0, -0.64875
model = LLL/Models/Propulsion/LLL2x1/modelTank
position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.64875
model = LLL/Models/Propulsion/LLL2x1/stripe
position = 0.0, 0.0, -0.64875
model = LLL/Models/Propulsion/LLL2x1/stripe
position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.64875
model = LLL/Models/Propulsion/LLL2x1/detail
position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.64875
model = LLL/Models/Propulsion/LLL2x1/detail
position = 0.0, 0.0, -0.64875

So as you can see the models are being called several times and smashed together. The problem I am having is that though the model "stripe" which is called two times is set to use texture switch, It will only do the switch on the first instance of the called item. Is there a way to resolve this without creating another instance of the stripe file with a separate name so that it will change the texture to all of them? Or does KSP give the other models a sub name that is uniform like stripe001 or some such that is known so that I can add that to the list so that it will change all of the instances of the "stripe" object?

Thanks for the help in advance :)

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would it be possible to add vectoring to the propellers? I've built a quadrocopter with the foldable electric propeller that can ascend up to and hover at 7km, but I'm a bit stumped at how to get it to move around. It doesn't really need to be super-maneuverable but correcting for minor drift would be nice. RCS doesn't have enough thrust, and adding more thrusters and more propellant will just add more weight I don't want.


If you add enough SAS/RW, it may works.

You may have to add some batteries & solar panels + increase propeller thurst to compensate the added mass. And to don't kill your design, you can build it on a probe code with 2 RW in top and bottom.

@snjo: the FS1Pro propeller doesn't include its own propellant (guess: no "electric" word in title => LF/IA), in fact your new tuning system is quite confusing as we loose some informations (thrust, propellant use)

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I find that the .DLL from the 7.0 prelease's animation module still functions...

Which is found where exactly? It could take forever for something to be updated, especially considering the low frequency of updates lately.

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The DLL simply needs to be recompiled, to support both 64bit and 0.24

If someone wants to, they can fetch the code from github and grab the appropriate tools. I'd do it myself, but setting up those tools under Wine is not exactly the easiest thing in the world (and I'm enjoying KSP 0.24 too much!)

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Hadn't noticed 0.24 was out. I'll do a recompile today, but with summer being here, I haven't finished all the features for the new parts yet, so it may end up as FS v6 + dll v7.

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Firespitter seems to throw out an error, but so far I haven't noticed any bugs in game (this is in regard to KSOS, which is like...80% firespitter).

Infact,... oh right, we don't use stock anymore. I think KSOS is 100% Firespitter now and in Phase IV will definitely be.

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