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Kargatua: Poly Centuri System


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 0.5.0 Kargatua: Poly Centuri

for more info, screenshots, and dev news, please click https://sites.google.com/view/intersteller-colony-challenge/kargatua-mod-suite/karatua-poly-centuri




If anyone wants to help with science Def's, I am open



stuff to look for in the next updates (0.5 and 1.0)


Lue, a new moon or coronia

binary planet revamps

gas giant fixes

twool, kerbin astronomers thought that this planet was a new jool because of the relative size and color, orbits Gargatua currently has no moons

Murphy, another new moon of coronia

Kevin-Kelvin system, a habitable binary system

Haven, a habitable moon in the Kevin-Kelvin system

Kelly, another habitable moon in the Kevin-Kelvin system

Panorac, yet another habitable moon on the kevin-kelvin system

sully, a normal moon in the kevin-kelvin system

Yorgy, an atmospheric moon of Melvin

Wallop, a Atmospheric moon of coronia

Goos, a moon of coronia with massive hydrocarbon lakes and 8 atmospheres of pressure and 0.89 gees

There will be 2 comets in a new update somewhere down the line comets, PO-2384, in the Poly system and RO-2746, in the Reo system

Kory will have a tiny submoon kind of like gilly called Potato

Planned futures,


binary stars, habitable system, scatterer support, parallax support, biomes, EVE support

Asteroids in the rings

Rings for most of the gas giants

A option to make kerbol orbit the blackholes

Easter eggs

15 moons of coronia

11 moons of melvin

Dependencies (So Far)



kopernicus expansion (for the wormholes)

Module manager 


What I am working on



Ground scatters


Science defs


More stars

Poly system changes.


Features that will be in the next few updates (guaranteed)


Murfy, a new moon of Coronia

Mortus, a giant gas giant that is orbiting Cynus, striped of most moons because of Cynus, has a giant ring system

Murtos, the only moon of Mortus

Cale, a star that has a few planets

Kale, a small gas giant orbiting Cale

Kcale, a moon orbiting Kale

Roy, a small terrestrial planet


Download here

thanks to @Mr. Kerbin for space dock https://spacedock.info/mod/3770/Kargatua: Poly Centauri

GitHub https://github.com/Kevin-kerman/Poly-Centuri-System

Planed planets


Kevin-Kelvin system, a binary planet system with 3 moons, both planets are habitable.

Panorac, a small habitable moon of the Kevin-kelvin system.

Sully, another small moon or the Kevin-Kelvin system desert with atmosphere.

Kelly, a small habitable moon of the Kevin-Kelvin system.

Sprint system, a binary system with one habitable planet 2 moons, and a ring, thanks to @Iapetus7342 for the suggestion!

Kye, a habitable moon orbiting Melvin

all poll planets will be in updates, but the top ones will be first

I am relatively new to modding, so this probably won't be the best


Kargatua extras and Current Features


Kargatua: To Close For Comfort


Kargatua: Unknown Regions


Kargatua: Far Reaches



Poly, a blue giant, the main star

Melvin, a Ringed gas giant,

Coronia, the biggest planet in the system

Melf, A gas giant Moon of Melvin

Ecne-Direg system, i decided to take 2 boring planets and make them a Binary system

Oranert, a purple gas giant

Herac, a stormy planet

Flar,a hot Jool,

Lav, a moon of flar

Jodi, the biggest moon of Flar

Rewt, a moon with colorful mineral deposits

Zar, a small moon of Herac

Ido, the smallest moon of flar

Roth-Rohe System, Yes i finally got this working:D

Atch, a moon in the Ecne-Direg system

Wert, a moon with giant blue plateaus, in the Ecne-Direg system

Fooms, a planet that is incredibly harder to land on than even tylo, being twice as big as kerbin and having no atmosphere

Neo, a small planet that was flung out of its original system and getting captured into the poly system by Coronia and Melvin

Bur, a cold planet with giant cracks in its surface also harder to land on than tylo

Kargatua-Korgotua Binary system, the 2 supermassive blackholes that everything orbits

Cynus, a blackhole

Gargatua, another blackhole

Kory, a habitable moon

Reo, a star

flam, a hot Jupiter orbiting flar

Orto, a freezing planet far from the blackholes

Tremble, a lava planet

Magnus, a lava planet




Q. How many stars do you plan on adding?

A. A lot


Q. How good of a computer do I need?

A. if you are running ksp right now you should be fine.

Thanks to @Sushut for YouTube tutorials

thanks to @Mr. Kerbin for Help with troubleshooting and Flars texture

thanks to @SQUAD for reasons that I hope doesn't need  explaining

 thanks to @blackrack for the amazing mod singularity, without that mod I could not play with black holes.

thanks to @Vabien for maintaining Kopernicus Expansions.

thanks to @R-T-B for maintaining Kopernicus.

And thanks to @Blurgert and @Eclipse 32for playtesting

Edited by Kevin_kerman
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On 11/18/2024 at 2:31 AM, Kevin_kerman said:

if anyone has ideas i will take them.

Maybe you could add another binary planet similar to Kevin-Kelvin, but only one of the planets are habitable. This binary would also have 2 other moons and a shared ring system orbiting the barycenter!

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1 hour ago, Kevin_kerman said:

Thanks for the idea; Will probably do that, haven't thought about the binary ring, that sound like it would be pretty fun to make and look nice:D

I got the idea from Exo's Planet Jam 3, where one of the planetary systems (Mun Kon Wawa and Mun Kon Tawa) share a ring.

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