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Short message from HarvesteR


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HarvesteR gave an interesting message on the ShadowZone Discord earlier today (18/1/2025).

If you ask me it’s nothing to get your hopes up as it’s not really anything we don’t really know already, but the way we found out/we’re supposed to find out is interesting nonetheless. So don’t take this as anything special just take it as another item on the crap pile that is the KSP situation right now.




I have a little bit more information about the new owners of ksp...

 I was able to get in touch with a few people at haveli last week. Basically shot out messages over linked in until I got a response... And a couple of days ago I got a reply.

As I understand it, haveli isn't the new owner, not directly at least. They are an investment firm, and they seem to be funding a new (unannounced) publishing shop that is coming up from the ashes of the Annapurna implosion from last year. 

The real owner of PD and KSP then is this new yet unnamed publisher company, which we still know very little about, other that they seem to be funded by haveli vc and that some of them are former Annapurna staff. 

They did let me know that the news we got about all of this so far they're calling a leak, and that they weren't really ready to announce anything yet. Everything sounded like it's in very early stages at the moment.

They did offer to put me in touch with the people running this new publisher, to talk about KSP and the future of that franchise. They seemed to be honest in how they assured me they'd put it in touch with this new team, which from what they said, it's still very much in the earliest stages of putting a company together... In their words, he said 'we'll give you a call as soon as we know where we put the telephones'

So good news maybe? Or well, it's news at least. I came clean and said that for my own  part, I just don't want to be left out and overlooked again.. so we'll see what else comes out of that, if anything. 

From personal experience I've learned to never expect anything from investor types, whatever they tell you, until they offer you a paper you can sign... So for now this is all just wind... But at least it's a bit more info that we maybe didn't have before.


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I just don't want to be left out and overlooked again

One of the many things I wished to hear more about, yet this single sentence says a lot.

Hopefully the man gets his door back in. As for the rest, it's a bit more context for the little we already knew.

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While I was surprised to see it confirmed, I am not surprised that we only found out about the new owners because it was leaked.  To hear that they weren't ready to tell us anything wasn't all that surprising considering how used to getting no communication we've become.

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48 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

To hear that they weren't ready to tell us anything wasn't all that surprising considering how used to getting no communication we've become.

I don't know, "they weren't ready to tell us anything" pretty well sums up the past 7 years of KSP-related communications.

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3 hours ago, NexusHelium said:

HarvesteR gave an interesting message on the ShadowZone Discord earlier today (18/1/2025).


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They did let me know that the news we got about all of this so far they're calling a leak, and that they weren't really ready to announce anything yet. Everything sounded like it's in very early stages at the moment.


On a personal point of view, I think it's pretty unlikely this was a real leak - I will only believe on a unplanned leak when I see the corpse of the leaker on the News. :sticktongue:

Jokes aside, someone decided to plant a leak by some strategical reason, and it may had by any reason other then KSP, just be on the clear.


3 hours ago, NexusHelium said:

HarvesteR gave an interesting message on the ShadowZone Discord earlier today (18/1/2025).


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From personal experience I've learned to never expect anything from investor types, whatever they tell you, until they offer you a paper you can sign... So for now this is all just wind... But at least it's a bit more info that we maybe didn't have before.


From mine, I can tell you that you can absolutely trust them on one thing: they care about Money.

Follow the Money; then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you rich...


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