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[1.0.2] Firefly - Revamped Atmospheric Effects


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On 2/23/2025 at 4:25 PM, Squirrel Slapper said:

Was really excited for this but I installed the update and unfortunately reentry still doesn't start until ~70,000m.

Same issue  here. I really wish there was a more clear solution.

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Version 1.0.2 out now!

This one should hopefully finally fix the RSS effect altitudes, but it also adds configs for Kcalbeloh and OPM, and makes the smoke effect much better. :)


  • Add configs for Kcalbeloh and OPM (thanks @SPACEMAN9813 on Github)
  • Add Sol compatibility
  • Add temporary workaround for drill envelope
  • Make the smoke particles much faster and longer
  • Make the dynamic pressure affect the effect strength more, fixing the RSS transition (again)
  • Fix particle systems going in wrong direction in certain cases
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10 minutes ago, MirageDev said:

Version 1.0.2...

...but it also adds configs for Kcalbeloh and OPM, and makes the smoke effect much better. :)

  • Add configs for Kcalbeloh and OPM (thanks @SPACEMAN9813 on Github)
  • Make the smoke particles much faster and longer
  • Make the dynamic pressure affect the effect strength more...


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A while back I watched the starship flight 5 reentry, and then the 6 reentry.... I saw the glow starting at around 100 kilometers.... I wondered why don't I see this in RSS?? Glow usually doesn't start until 70K or so.....

And today I now get to see this:




Was at around 85K at this time, but it started at 100K ish.

It's absolutely perfect! Thank you very much! :D

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On 2/18/2025 at 2:57 AM, Lyra said:

The offset drill effects bug is still present in 1.0.1, unfortunately

I can confirm fortunately. Same for the excessive effects of retracted graphene heat spreaders from Nertea's System heat mod.

Haven't yet tried out 1.0.2. Sorry. I am on vacation atm.

Edited by Rakete
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3 hours ago, fierydeltav said:


hey there, just wondering if this is on purpose? this is for ksrss 1.0x scale, but i dont think thats an issue, because it was fine before 1.02. wonder if the offset is weird or its just ksrss

If you're talking about the blue "ghost" heat shield, then yes, that's bow shock.

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11 hours ago, MirageDev said:

Add temporary workaround for drill envelope

Workaround seems to work for me with no issues after a few short test flights, thank you!

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3 hours ago, unpluggedlamp said:

Does this have BDB support? Sorry if this had been asked already.

This mod does not have to be compatible with part-mods as it does not make any changes to parts. It only replaces/supplements the stock reentry system. So it works with all partmods.

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Little Bugreport: On some vehicles that are rotational symmetric no


The upper fins create reentry effects, the lower ones don't, what looks a bit odd. 

I am running version 1.0.2

In some try even the back of the lower stage burned somehow in fire, which was also odd, since the rocket flew straight prograde.



Here the shown subassembly lower stage. Should be stock except the fins, that are from @NESDs Spike X Mod.

https://www.filemail.com/d/pswssibokpezsbi (available for one week, due to the filehoster being free of charge.)




And another small oddity... (no complaint, just an thought on further improval:)

Those particles spawn left of the yellow line out of nowhere.  Partially they spawn distant from the vessel at this line. If you look from the side, it does not make sense to have particles appear in out of nowhere.

I think, particles should only spawn in the shape of the vessel behind it, as they were left behind. But spawning distant from the vessel (up the yellow line) looks a bit weird.


Here an example (see green arrow) of particles spawning distant from vessel left of the yellow line. (Zoom into picture as needed).

They should spawn nearer to the ship - left of the yellow line.






Edited by Rakete
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Hello, first of all I just wanted to say the mod is fantastic ! I think it is one of the best visual mods to enhance the overall experience of the game.

I have two questions about this mod:

1) How to remove the mod and go back to the vanilla reentry effects? I tried just removing the FireFly folder form the KSP folder, but then I see no reentry effects anymore. Is any other file on the KSP installation changed because of the mod?

2) If I just disable the mod on the mod's GUI (TOGGLE EFFECTS OFF), then I can't enable the mod anymore on that flight. How to re-enable the mod?

Edited by mad_hans
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@kaputzz Deadly Reentry causes parts to have realistic (lower) heat tolerances and heatshields to break when they run out of ablator. It's really not the same kind as this mod.

You might be trying to remember Reentry Particle Effects. That one is a similar kind to this mod. They shouldn't be incompatible but you absolutely wouldn't want to keep that mod around now.

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11 hours ago, mad_hans said:

Hello, first of all I just wanted to say the mod is fantastic ! I think it is one of the best visual mods to enhance the overall experience of the game.

I have two questions about this mod:

1) How to remove the mod and go back to the vanilla reentry effects? I tried just removing the FireFly folder form the KSP folder, but then I see no reentry effects anymore. Is any other file on the KSP installation changed because of the mod?

2) If I just disable the mod on the mod's GUI (TOGGLE EFFECTS OFF), then I can't enable the mod anymore on that flight. How to re-enable the mod?

To answer #1, the mod requires (and automatically sets) the game's aero effects graphics option to be "minimal". If you turn it back up after removing Firefly, that should restore the stock effects.

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Help, plz. I can't install from ckan because I'm using volumetric clouds and RSS Reborn, which require manual installs. I've tried just backing up the Firefly folder and replacing it with the downloaded version but then KSP won't finish loading. Is there just a config file I can replace to fix the altitude issue in RSS?

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