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International construction ISS in Kerbal orbit.


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I have been enjoying this mod and I am thinking the Russian side of ISS could use some additional love.

Here are the modules I have on my list.


Rassvet(MRM-1) - This can currently be done with the Mir Docking Port mod but the bright color doesn't fit well with the rest of the station.

Pirs(SO-1)/Poisk(MRM-2) - These are 99% the same from the exterior so we would only need 1 part for both.


Nauka(MLM) - This could be built off of Bobcat's FGB or Mir module with the addition of a radiator part and possibly a small robotic arm.

Airlock(ShK) - This could be built separate or included with MLM.

Node(UM) - This could be built off the 6-way connector on the front of Bobcat's MIR. As a bonus this part could be used for a future PTK-Z craft.

Power/Science(NEM) - These are a long ways in the future and very plain looking right now.

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Yogui is making Pirs/Poisk and Z1 truss section. For Rassvet, MIR DC with altered textures, or maybe BobCat will make it. Airlock and radiator for Nauka should be separated from it (to be launched with Rassvet), but made along with the module and KAS-attachable. I already mentioned to BobCat how UM could be quickly made by modularizing MIR Core.

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So, I've "finished" the interiors for Unity (node 1), Destiny (US lab), and Harmony/Tranquility (node 2/3). I have a .blend for node 1, so the members of this team can evaluate its quality. What is the best way to share it?

It still needs uv mapping and texturing, and the handle placement is still crap (I put a little grab bag of handle sizes in the file for anyone who wants to figure out the strange handle arrangement aboard the ISS). Overall, though, the modeling is done. I put some hatches in there that can be moved around as one likes. Feel free to edit the model so as to make it compatible with the game engine.

N.B. These models are kinda high-poly. Sorry about that :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know if this mod is dead but hope not because I really love this mod. Anyways, there is a problem with Bobcat's S3.P3 Solar panel truss that causes very low fps. When extending the solar panels as soon as the panels are just a few feet out, it starts to spam the debug log with errors which reduces my fps quite a bit. Hope this is fixed because of how much I love the mod.

[ERR 05:00:36.296] ConvexMesh::loadConvexHull: convex hull init failed!


[ERR 05:04:29.635] Ignore collision failed. Both colliders need to be activated when calling this IgnoreCollision

Though the 2nd error isn't spammed as much as the first, which is spammed constantly. Tried to figure out what was causing the second error and I think it's from when the panel truss is rotating during extending the panels.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm considering restarting this project, and maybe I'll be able to coerce others into it, but I'm still devising ways to solve the problems the mod has, such module delivery. The Buran is great and all, but US modules were delivered quite differently from how they are delivered in-game. They used trunnions to secure payloads on either side of the payload bay. They didn't attach them to the back. This is really the only issue I don't have a solution for. Fixing the robotic arm(and it's delivery) is simple, and so are the PMA/Truss issues.

Once I gather enough data, I'll probably make a thread and start looking for people to help. I seriously doubt I can do this on my own. I'll definitely be needing people who can code, as there needs to be quite a change from how romfarer's robotic arms work. It will probably be a few days before at the very least before I post anything. I'd like to have some work to show before I restart this project. I'll also see if I can get source files for this project to make my job a little easier. At the moment, I'm remodeling Zvezda/Zarya/Unity/S0 to make them feel more realistic, although considering my time constraints, I can't make much progress. But I really want to see a proper ISS, so I'm going to put a fair amount of my free time into making it happen.

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...US modules were delivered quite differently from how they are delivered in-game. They used trunnions to secure payloads on either side of the payload bay. They didn't attach them to the back. This is really the only issue I don't have a solution for.

How about custom decouplers with zero ejection force? It might* be possible to make a custom (stack) decoupler for each piece to simulate the appearance of trunnions without the hassle of radial attachment.

* Disclaimer: I have never made a single part for KSP, much less a decoupler.

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I am finding the japanese module just breaks off and floats away is there anyway I can modify the cfg file to give it a stronger connection

If you modify the breakingForce & breakingTorque to higher numbers (I think it's like 650 now) it should make the docking connection stronger if I recall correctly. My own problem with the Japanese module is that it seems to cause my framerate to dip regardless of whatever else is on the screen, so I replaced it in my personal ISS to one of the FusTek modules.

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Thats awesome your going to redo the ISS it seriously needs some love, would you consider releasing the new parts as you do them or would prefer to release in a pack. I have a problem with mine whenever I approach with another ship parts just start letting go and it basically self destructs

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Hi :)

I have "installed" the ISS to KSP, but I cant load the ship file. It says that i´m missing some parts. I got all of the Romfarer packs, Sovjet packs, mechjeb, KAS, TSAS. What can i do to try out this awesome development?


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If you modify the breakingForce & breakingTorque to higher numbers (I think it's like 650 now) it should make the docking connection stronger if I recall correctly. My own problem with the Japanese module is that it seems to cause my framerate to dip regardless of whatever else is on the screen, so I replaced it in my personal ISS to one of the FusTek modules.

Once you deploy the scientific module thing on the JEM, your FPS should go back up.

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Anyone have a fix for this japanese module just breaking off and floating away it seem to have a spot for a docking port but doesnt have one but you can only use one side

I think I will try the welding mod and weld it together will report back if success or fail

I can confirm welding the docking ports ELM and KIBO modules together to form 1 part has solved my problem of it breaking off and floating away its also reduced the lag slightly as its reduced to 1 part only its a B I T C H to drag up there but kerbal ingenuity is awesome so not impossible.

Edited by Virtualgenius
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Well, I haven't heard from neither Yogui nor BobCat lately, so I don't think you could call ISS "active development" now. The truss could use a substantial remake, for example, the CanadArm 2 would be better done using Infernal Robotics rather than Romfarer's plugin and there's quite a few things left to model.

I can help with gathering data, and as a CSS dev, would gladly help with payload integration into the bay (as much as I can, I'm no modeler).

My advice is, remodel the truss first, and contact Yogui for source model for Kibo, and for the other ISS parts he made. You could remodel, or maybe just reskin Unity and Harmony later, but the truss is the most lacking part.

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