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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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Well, the "bad" part came from that trip being focused on returning experiments, so I only got ~20% of the Science I expected. Not game breaking, but frustrating to be sure (that entire trip was just cursed). I'll do some better testing in a bit, too, to make sure it's actually the alarm clock and not some other mod having unexpected behavior when the alarm restores a node.

Well, now I can't get it to trigger, which is annoying because it happened repeatedly last night. I guess I'll mentally file this under CANT-DUPLICATE and assume it was part of my terrible mission.

(this mod is wonderful, btw!)

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Well, now I can't get it to trigger, which is annoying because it happened repeatedly last night. I guess I'll mentally file this under CANT-DUPLICATE and assume it was part of my terrible mission.

(this mod is wonderful, btw!)

I've rechecked the code behind that and it does only add a maneuver node and then call updateflightplan , I cant see any obvious reason for it, but will try and duplicate it.

Thanks for the feedback

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Version now on Spaceport

Added some more requested tweaks. Enjoy

  • Added a threshold for Auto adding Maneuver Node alarms, so if you are closer than the threshold it wont make an alarm
  • Added capacity to Kerbal alarms to store and restore targets and maneuvers regardless of vessel
  • Fixed Alarm Icon in non Flight Scenes showing warp indicator
  • Fixed some non-persistant settings in last few updates

EDIT: All the instructions are up to date, and I hope it makes sense

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Would it be possible for all the Mods that create an on screen button to share the code for the ability to move that button?

Or all coordinate on making a 'toolbar' mod to dock them to?

I'm cross-posting this on multiple threads.

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Would it be possible for all the Mods that create an on screen button to share the code for the ability to move that button?

Or all coordinate on making a 'toolbar' mod to dock them to?

I'm cross-posting this on multiple threads.

Code sharing is a requirement of posting a Mod as you must provide the source to upload a mod. The code is pretty straightforward for that feature and I'm sure we would all happily help anyone who wants a hand adding that to their mod.

As for a toolbar mod to parent other mods, thats a pretty nice idea - standard toolbar buttons on a toggling toolbar would be cool. If I get some time I'll have a go at it, but I'm a bit short with work and other KSP projects at the moment.

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Not sure if it's ever been requested before but this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57597-Do-you-think-rocket-construction-will-ever-take-time caused an interesting thought.

I know on some level this sounds like a bad idea. However, unlocking most of the tree and landing on the mun by year 1 day 4 is kinda ridiculous. Once you start exploring the mun you'll have the rest of the tree unlocked by the end of year 1 day 10 or sooner.

The real question is how to implement some sort of delay. RL vehicle builds take months. Whackjob's creations might take years (not weeks) :)

Plus you may have missions in progress. It seems to me some sort of queue would be needed.

So first, for sandbox there shouldn't be a delay. If you want a delay in sandbox build up the craft in the VAB, then switch to your time machine and time warp to when you think it'd be done and then launch.

For carreer perhaps difficultly levels could control this. Easy is no delay, Normal is a Kerbal scaled delay and Hard a RL scaled delay.

Have a Simluate Launch button for flight testing (no science, no cost, no delay)

Have a Assemble and Launch button for real flights that installs the build into a free slot.

The VAB/SPH could have 3 slots each for assembly (upgradeable as you work up the tech tree) so at the start you could have six missions building. Slot progress should be visible from the Tracking station, Spacecenter and from inside the VAB/SPH.

Time warp needs to be available from the Tracking station and the Spacecenter if you have nothing else going on (i.e. no other flights in progress that want your attention).

Once a build slot is complete a Launch button should appear. A cool cinematic of the craft being rolled out of the VAB to the pad or taxiing to the runway from the SPH would be cool (skippable of course). Then you're on the launch pad as normal.

Each craft that has been successfully built should have a counter associated with it. Future builds should take shorter delays up to a point based on the number of prior builds. Changes to a design could decrease that counter by one each time the craft is re-saved.

Vehicles launched by the SPH should probably be handled different as they aren't necessarily dismantled after recovery and should be reusable with only a short delay for fueling and maintenance governed by the size and complexity of the craft.

This likely isn't as complicated as it sounds and should be relatively transparent to the user but it would make for an interesting component.

One wonders if a mod could be made to do this?

oooooooooooohhhhhhh, a thought just occurred. Who does Kerbal Alarm Clock? Maybe an alarm could be generated? Launch the vehicle to the pad and while it's in the 'ready to launch' state KAC could make a quick analysis of the vehicle and suggest an alarm time for when it would be ready to launch.

It'd be strictly on thee honor system but it would be consistent in it's estimates and could add the element that some players are looking for...

Any thoughts on this? I know that the Mission controller mod has an algorithm to generate a consistent cost for a vehicle. The the same or similar algorithm could be used to generate a UT offset for an alarm?

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Not sure if it's ever been requested before but this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57597-Do-you-think-rocket-construction-will-ever-take-time caused an interesting thought.

Any thoughts on this? I know that the Mission controller mod has an algorithm to generate a consistent cost for a vehicle. The the same or similar algorithm could be used to generate a UT offset for an alarm?

Wow, that is a cool idea and could be a really good game mechanic in career .

Have had a read through the other thread and Ekku seems to be well on his way to making a mod for this idea, might be best if we let him see how he goes. If there is a desire/need for it to be done in KAC after that I'm willing to have a look.

Although it has tweaked my interest to look at how Mods could interact with each other, I might look some more at that and keep an eye on the other thread

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I have the same issue as reported previously by another user, regarding Linux in 32 bits vs 64 bits... Probably some pointers not being adressed properly in 64 bits vs 32 bits adressing space used by KSP itself... Nothing in the log, just an "Aborted" mention on console when you try to load your career game...

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I have the same issue as reported previously by another user, regarding Linux in 32 bits vs 64 bits... Probably some pointers not being adressed properly in 64 bits vs 32 bits adressing space used by KSP itself... Nothing in the log, just an "Aborted" mention on console when you try to load your career game...

Looks like I'll have to build me a new Linux box :) Thanks for the info Cairan. If you dont mind can you pastebin for me your ksp.log and the output_log.txt files? I might be able to find some time this week to rebuild that linux machine

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I have the same issue as reported previously by another user, regarding Linux in 32 bits vs 64 bits... Probably some pointers not being adressed properly in 64 bits vs 32 bits adressing space used by KSP itself... Nothing in the log, just an "Aborted" mention on console when you try to load your career game...

After much fiddling I finally got my Linux Box back and running, and then went to run the 64bit of KSP and found the OS is a 32-bit build of Ubuntu.... Damn! :(

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I have the same issue as reported previously by another user, regarding Linux in 32 bits vs 64 bits... Probably some pointers not being adressed properly in 64 bits vs 32 bits adressing space used by KSP itself... Nothing in the log, just an "Aborted" mention on console when you try to load your career game...

OK, so after a rebuild I got my 64 bit Linux box up and running, and created some saves and did a little playing. I was unable to get it to crash when adding Kerbal Alarm clock in my instance, and the player log and ksp log both look OK. If you can pastebin your logs I'd be happy to have a look at em, and just thinking it through the only thing I can think of that happens on scene transition that could be problemmatic, might be the loading of textures.

Hope that helps, and if I can help then let me know.

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I have the bad habit of forgetting to deploy my solar panels once I get into orbit, or even more frustrating on a long interplanetary transfer. Result: dead probe in space with no electric power but plenty of undeployed solar panels.

I don't suppose there's an easy way to add a "low electric charge" alarm? Say once charge gets below 10% or something?

Anyway, it was just as well, because I had a Duna rover halfway to Duna when it ran out of power and I reverted to VAB to add some more struts and then realized there was no way to transmit from the rover, I had forgotten to add any type of antenna. Ooops.

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Anythings possible D_B :) I have thought about this in the past, but have tried to keep the clock based on time events for consistency. So a couple of questions:

1. Is this on the active craft you have this behaviour?

2. Have you tried this - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/solar-panel-deployer-v1-0/ - I saw it a while ago, but not sure how good it may be

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I have the bad habit of forgetting to deploy my solar panels once I get into orbit, or even more frustrating on a long interplanetary transfer. Result: dead probe in space with no electric power but plenty of undeployed solar panels.

I did the same thing many times, it bothered me enough that I wrote a plugin to show red in the VAB if charge use is > charge generation. The link is in my sig

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@ Trigger Au

First off, compliments for your mod. KAC is really my No.1 'must have', couldn't live without.

I have a suggestion. Sorry in case it was already considered (but I can't find about it in this thread).

KSP is very nice, lots of good features and such. But for one thing, that is closely connected with time: countdown to burn time. Yes, that value that appears to the right of the Navball and down when a node exists. Problem is, it is way too small and almost not noticeable. IMHO, such an important value should be put in full evidence, at least when the focus is on the relevant ship and the time-to-burn goes below a set threshold (say, 10 sec., but could be adjustable). I believe everything needed to set an 'alarm' at burntime-10sec. already exists in KAC, the only thing should be to create an action when that alarm goes off, that will display the countdown in a larger font, in a set position onscreen (I would initially set it just @ the center) and a set colour (I would initially make it dark red, to differentiate from other readings and provide a sense of urgency). At burntime = 0, or shortly after in case no burn was initiated, this additional display will disappear being no more relevant.

Being nothing more than a value to be properly displayed at the correct time (already known to KAC), I am under the impression that you could very easily implement this. Could you please be so kind to evaluate the feasability of such feature?

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The idea I use now is to stick two of the small non-deployable panels on my command pod, really saves you :)

Oh, I had plenty of those on this last ship, but due to how the ship needed to be designed, they are all on one side of the ship, and that side was facing away from the sun. Since it was in a solar orbit between Kerbin and Duna, it would have taken a long time to swing around to the other side to get those panels facing the sun, and by then I'd have missed my transfer point by a large margin.

This is one of those error-plagued missions. I'm trying to put a rover on Duna, and the design flaws are just showing up all over. After wrestling with a decoupler between the lander and rover that likes to disconnect when the parachutes open, I found that when I do get it to survive that until landing, it still hits the ground a little too hard and the rover is a little too close to the bottom of the lander that the tires all pop when it touches down.

Back to the drawing board as they say....

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I'm getting a very annoying bug where, in "unstable", for want of a better word, orbits (i.e., the path is shaking as you're baaarely skimming something's SOI), KAC generates many many auto-generated SOI-change alarms, spamming the alarm list and also popping up in the middle of the screen. Can you add some sort of a check when automatically generating alarms to see if another identical one has been generated very recently? Even if it were limited to something like 1/second that would be more manageable then the tens a second I have occasionally got.

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Oh, I had plenty of those on this last ship, but due to how the ship needed to be designed, they are all on one side of the ship, and that side was facing away from the sun. Since it was in a solar orbit between Kerbin and Duna, it would have taken a long time to swing around to the other side to get those panels facing the sun, and by then I'd have missed my transfer point by a large margin.

This is one of those error-plagued missions. I'm trying to put a rover on Duna, and the design flaws are just showing up all over. After wrestling with a decoupler between the lander and rover that likes to disconnect when the parachutes open, I found that when I do get it to survive that until landing, it still hits the ground a little too hard and the rover is a little too close to the bottom of the lander that the tires all pop when it touches down.

Back to the drawing board as they say....

I usually put three or four using symmetry on a part that sees all around (like a pod) so there is aways one facing the sun. A hidden (clipped) RTG also is a life saver in some situations.

EDIT : Also strut your rover. When you decouple all the struts explosively detatch so you rover would then be free then but secure before. Then you can have more parachutes and your rover can land with inflated tyres.

Edited by John FX
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Alright, I tried again with Here is my KSP.log. I couldn't find any other log files anywhere in the KSP_linux directory, and that doesn't look very informative. There was no KSP_Data/output_log.txt file, and it seems like config.xml is not getting generated (it's not there either.)

If I run the 32-bit version of KSP on my 64-bit Linux install, everything works fine. Running 32-bit mode doesn't fix 64-bit mode though. I guess I'll run in 32-bit mode until you figure this one out. Is there a debugger we can attach to the game to see where it's crashing? This seems like a bug in KSP itself (mods shouldn't be able to crash games) should I post this to Squad's bug list?

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I'm getting a very annoying bug where, in "unstable", for want of a better word, orbits (i.e., the path is shaking as you're baaarely skimming something's SOI), KAC generates many many auto-generated SOI-change alarms, spamming the alarm list and also popping up in the middle of the screen. Can you add some sort of a check when automatically generating alarms to see if another identical one has been generated very recently? Even if it were limited to something like 1/second that would be more manageable then the tens a second I have occasionally got.

I've seen that as well, I just turn off the auto SOI alarm until I'm out of range of the planet. Not sure if there's a way that the mod can predict that type of orbit and compensate for it.

I usually put three or four using symmetry on a part that sees all around (like a pod) so there is aways one facing the sun. A hidden (clipped) RTG also is a life saver in some situations.

EDIT : Also strut your rover. When you decouple all the struts explosively detatch so you rover would then be free then but secure before. Then you can have more parachutes and your rover can land with inflated tyres.

Yeah, that's what I ended up doing, many more struts. Struts all over the place. As for a RTG, I've never used those, and have yet to research them in career mode. Might come in handy, probably get those next time I have enough science.

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