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How do you cheat a craft into orbit?

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I was watching Scott Manley's video about the Orion carrier, and how, because it's so damn big, he cheated it into orbit. I went into the debug menu, but I only saw the infinite fuel cheats, zero damage, and gravity hack, but no auto-orbit button.

I want to get my 400+ part craft into orbit, but to do so without cheating would require a rocket of immense proportions, and my ship lags already on it's own. So... how do I do it?

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You can use hyper edit for a ridiculously easy solution BUT it's one that will leave you feeling empty and like you've not really done anything.

Another way, which is still very much cheating, but cos its a bit harder will give you more a sense of achievement; launch a much simpler (but still very heavy) craft and get that into orbit.

Then load up your main craft onto the launch pad (without docking clamps). Then edit your quicksave.sfs file and look for the two craft, copy all the orbital information from the first one and paste it over the orbital info for the main one. Then (important) remove the first craft completely, or they will be trying to occupy the same space and time.

It still a cheat, but you can tell yourself you sent up an orbital construction craft (and you could even do it several times to feel like you sent up the same weight over several missions). At least you will have the win of getting that into orbit and then the challenge of editing the quicksave will also be a win as that in itself can be quite a mission. Just make backups first.


gah, Unsinn beat me to it!


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Place the craft on the launchpad and quicksave.

In your save map there is a file named quicksave.sfs open it with notepad.

you'll see a section named

pid = 26a25144169045eca26f366b15dfb396
name = Untitled Space Craft
type = Probe
landed = True
landedAt = LaunchPad
splashed = False
met = 0
lct = 64189449.7542519
root = 0
lat = -0.102673142543697
lon = -74.5753855236413
alt = 68.6770413772902
hgt = 0.2177495
nrm = 7.235773E-07,1,-5.018139E-08
rot = -0.7009887,-0.09221876,-0.09726401,0.7004643
CoM = -1.227846E-07,0.01574069,-0.008193517
stg = 1
prst = False
eva = False
ref = 1113390502
cPch = 0
cHdg = 0
cMod = 1
ECC = 1
LPE = 178.925311711527
LAN = 0
MNA = 0
EPH = 72762295.4263465
REF = 1
OBJ = 0

This line tells you the right VESSEL section :

name = Untitled Space Craft

This part tells you the orbit information :

ECC = 1
LPE = 178.925311711527
LAN = 0
MNA = 0
EPH = 72762295.4263465
REF = 1
OBJ = 0

SMA = Semi mayor axis

ECC = Eccentricity

INC = Inclination

REF = reference object, which planet or moon you are orbiting.

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I think scott was using a combo of no-grav and infinite fuel cheats. that ship was built around hooligans airship mods. That thing would literally float at low altitude. But once you get high enough the airship mods won't help, you gotta have thrust and fuel to get into orbit.

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  • 7 months later...
Place the craft on the launchpad and quicksave.

In your save map there is a file named quicksave.sfs open it with notepad.

you'll see a section named

pid = 26a25144169045eca26f366b15dfb396
name = Untitled Space Craft
type = Probe
landed = True
landedAt = LaunchPad
splashed = False
met = 0
lct = 64189449.7542519
root = 0
lat = -0.102673142543697
lon = -74.5753855236413
alt = 68.6770413772902
hgt = 0.2177495
nrm = 7.235773E-07,1,-5.018139E-08
rot = -0.7009887,-0.09221876,-0.09726401,0.7004643
CoM = -1.227846E-07,0.01574069,-0.008193517
stg = 1
prst = False
eva = False
ref = 1113390502
cPch = 0
cHdg = 0
cMod = 1
ECC = 1
LPE = 178.925311711527
LAN = 0
MNA = 0
EPH = 72762295.4263465
REF = 1
OBJ = 0

This line tells you the right VESSEL section :

name = Untitled Space Craft

This part tells you the orbit information :

ECC = 1
LPE = 178.925311711527
LAN = 0
MNA = 0
EPH = 72762295.4263465
REF = 1
OBJ = 0

SMA = Semi mayor axis

ECC = Eccentricity

INC = Inclination

REF = reference object, which planet or moon you are orbiting.

...and important to change these too:


landed = False

landedAt =

splashed = False

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First, make a backup of your persistance file. Next, load your vessel onto the launchpad. Exit to menu screen. Go into the persistance file, open with notepad, and go to the bottom of the page, where the newest ships are. Find your craft. Under "sit" change the word, most likely "PRE LAUNCH" to "ORBITING". Then under "landed" write "False", only the F is capitalized. Under the ORBIT section, set the SMA to you desired altitude in meters + 600,000. Set ECC to 0, and INC to your desired inclination, probably 0. Also set the values of LPE and LAN to 0. Save the file as .sfs

It re-load your save and it should be in orbit.

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Hyper edit is good for testing you ships on orbit without having to launch it, or testing your landers without waiting for launch windows.

Yes, essential for testing out stuff like Eve or Tylo landers. At least then you have to keep the weight down.

In my 666 ton from pad grand tour I had to use hyperedit a lot during testing to get the Eve, Moho, Laythe and Tylo landers as small as possible.

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i only edit the save when there's no other non-tedious way doing that

(eg. making geostaionsary satellite network)

i do this by flying the satellites to about the right place and then do the save editting; this makes me feel less cheating.

Edited by lammatt
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My 5 cents to discussion will be:

Why do not you want to try disassembling it on ground, fitting docking clamps, launching it part by part and assembling it on the orbit?

You have a functionality to save subassemblies - it will allow you to disassemble your current build and make additional docking clamps to make sure they would fit to each other.

Yes, it is a challenge. But why are we here, if not for a challenge?

It can be even listed in Challenges thread, along with craft file.

Smth like:

Get this monstrosity to orbit. Only modifications allowed - placing any amount of docking ports inbetween its parts. Points are given for:

Ship assembled on LKO (100 km) - 50 points

Ship assembled on KSO - 100 points

Ship flown to Mun orbit after assembly - 200 points

Ship flown to Duna orbit after assembly - 400 points

Ship flown to Jool orbit after assembly - 800 points

Ship is fully fueled after assembly - 200 points

Additionally - 1 point for each 10 units of Liquid fuel.

Keeping original form mostly intact - 20 points.

25 points for each part launched.

P.S. I wanna see craft file for that, and I want to prove it possible to launch it to space and assemble it on the orbit. Can I count you in?

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...and important to change these too:


landed = False

landedAt =

splashed = False

And one thing that's really, really important, if you're editing the object into solar orbit:

Find the line that says "alt = " and set its value something comfortably high, like 1000000.0 or so.

If the game loads an object orbiting the Sun, and the alt = value of that object is less than about 1200 or so, it will instantly explode from overheating, even if the orbit you edited it into never actually brings it that close to the Sun.

Why is that last bit important for Solar orbit? Because when you initially have the game load the object, it will use that "alt = " to check to see if the object is sufficiently close to the sun to be autodestroyed. For objects SIT = ORBIT or SIT = SUBORBITAL or SIT = ESCAPING, that appears to be the only use of that "alt = " value.

Vexed the heck out of me when trying to edit objects into precise solar orbit for several versions, didn't realize that the "alt =" value was the issue until about two weeks ago.

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I've used HyperEdit for various reasons (though nothing beats the satisfaction of doing it legit) so I won't judge if you decide to go that route.

The proper, non-cheaty way would be to break the thing up into more manageable sections and assemble it in orbit. Even if you have to use the Kerbal Attachment System mod to add struts and whatnot after it's up, that would not be cheating IMHO.

How much do you want that sweet feeling of accomplishment? :D


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  • 7 months later...

I don't feel like this thread needs to be about cheating or not cheating or how you're putting things where really. Obviously the way the makers of the game intended things to be put into space/orbit is by launching them there. Okay that's fine. But sometimes you just wanna build something really damn big and go play with it immediately. So I say as long as you're in sandbox mode and not doing it for some contest, who cares how you got there? It's sandbox mode.

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Hyper edit is good for testing you ships on orbit without having to launch it, or testing your landers without waiting for launch windows.
I love hyper edit... theres nothing worse than getting to duna / laythe / Eve only to find your untested lander can't make it back too the orbiting transfer stage.

So much THIS!!!!

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