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Boat Parts ~~~0.90~~~ R4.65~~~


Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?  

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  1. 1. Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?

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Load testing, and framerate testing the latest float code. There are still some issues, but the sun is shining again after a brief moment of darkness!

This carrier has 7 super aircraft lifts, 4 nuclear engines.... top speed was 45 m/s and frame-rate was steady over 35 fps. The final R3 release carrier will have nearly 100 less parts.

Good night guys!

Edited by InfiniteDice
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Load testing, and framerate testing the latest float code. There are still some issues, but the sun is shining again after a brief moment of darkness!

This carrier has 7 super aircraft lifts, 4 nuclear engines.... top speed was 45 m/s and frame-rate was steady over 35 fps. The final R3 release carrier will have nearly 100 less parts.

Good night guys!

Sweet looking cockpit.

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every time I launch a carrier I have to spend about 30-40 minutes meticulously destroying all the debris left in the water...

Hey Logan,

I'm looking at making something to do this, it's simply not the #1 priority. I've looked at the code for hyper edit and I understand how it works. Since I don't need something anywhere near as flexible as hyper edit to achieve this, I should be able to implement something relatively quickly once my focus is off the structural issues.


I simply will never make propellers unless the water dynamics are changed by squad. I have no time at all for things you'll never see. Most things that spin are an illusion, and the effect is thrust. I could make a prop that spins, but really that's all it would be, a waste of resources spinning something that dynamically does nothing to improve the function of the carrier - to host aircraft.

With a bit of imagination you should be able to 'visualize' those props are turning! :)

Edited by InfiniteDice
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With a bit of imagination you should be able to 'visualize' those props are turning! :)

*insert rainbow here*


Sorry I couldn't help myself :)

Anyway what I came here to say is that the parts look VERY nice. I hope everything is coming along alright with them!

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*insert rainbow here*Imaaaaginnnaaaaation

Sorry I couldn't help myself :)

Anyway what I came here to say is that the parts look VERY nice. I hope everything is coming along alright with them!

Haha... Yes coming along... it's a long process, and as the weather gets better I seem to have less and less time in the house. When you think up ideas for cool future features... then realize that things will have to be changed 'now' in order for those future ideas to be implemented at a later time... you need to make that snap decision to make it all jive now, for later! And that's what I've had to do essentially.

On a side note:

Since everyone loves talking about how the carrier should start in the water I decided to code a slewing feature that will move the carrier to an undetermined location, most likely just off the coast. I haven't tested it yet... just made a rough draft. I'll let everyone know how that works out - once I find out. I'm thinking the starting location will be a cfg edit, so you can change it if you want.

Essentially the carrier will spawn on the runway then once loaded will jump to the water; hopefully not like a Mexican jumping bean. ;)

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Haha... Yes coming along... it's a long process, and as the weather gets better I seem to have less and less time in the house. When you think up ideas for cool future features... then realize that things will have to be changed 'now' in order for those future ideas to be implemented at a later time... you need to make that snap decision to make it all jive now, for later! And that's what I've had to do essentially.

On a side note:

Since everyone loves talking about how the carrier should start in the water I decided to code a slewing feature that will move the carrier to an undetermined location, most likely just off the coast. I haven't tested it yet... just made a rough draft. I'll let everyone know how that works out - once I find out. I'm thinking the starting location will be a cfg edit, so you can change it if you want.

Essentially the carrier will spawn on the runway then once loaded will jump to the water; hopefully not like a Mexican jumping bean. ;)

Make sure you show us pictures if it goes right... Or goes wrong. :D

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Hey Logan,

I'm looking at making something to do this, it's simply not the #1 priority. I've looked at the code for hyper edit and I understand how it works. Since I don't need something anywhere near as flexible as hyper edit to achieve this, I should be able to implement something relatively quickly once my focus is off the structural issues.


I simply will never make propellers unless the water dynamics are changed by squad. I have no time at all for things you'll never see. Most things that spin are an illusion, and the effect is thrust. I could make a prop that spins, but really that's all it would be, a waste of resources spinning something that dynamically does nothing to improve the function of the carrier - to host aircraft.

With a bit of imagination you should be able to 'visualize' those props are turning! :)

what i ment was makeing the turbines powered by electricity.

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Load testing, and framerate testing the latest float code. There are still some issues, but the sun is shining again after a brief moment of darkness!

This carrier has 7 super aircraft lifts, 4 nuclear engines.... top speed was 45 m/s and frame-rate was steady over 35 fps. The final R3 release carrier will have nearly 100 less parts.

Good night guys!


(the sound of a jaw hitting the deck percussively... )

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Beautiful work. I've had a lot of fun with this mod. The carrier was perfect for transporting my small V/STOL planes around the world to recover landed and splashed-down capsules. It is also great for picking up the remains of some of my failed flights out of the ocean. Sadly the Kraken (possible physics engine or memory limits) ate a couple of my planes before I got a chance to take a pic to post. I use the FireSpitter mod for my small aircraft so my V/STOL landings are approximately between 5 - 7 m/s. Keep up the good work. I only wish there was a folding version of the stock swept wing, the wing span of my V/STOL planes are a tad too long for the elevator, therefore all planes have to ride on deck. None-the-less an excellent mod. Keep up the good work. Also, for some reason, locking the brakes before landing helps remove ground/deck roll.

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This one is an older R3-Beta build with a different watering solution


You need Hyperedit and open the landing-window.

Then you change the Longitude to -0.74h (-0.75h is the runway)

Then press space and click on the Land button immediately, the carrier will jump to his new location and will land slowly in the water.

Also on the picture is the new partcount only 129 parts +98 struts = 227 parts ( the 238 comes from the 11 clamps on it), one lift and 8 dockingports for airplanes/choppers.

Remember its an old one, the newest r3 build should lower the partcount even more.

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Got the teleporter working. Thanks to Hyperedit for the inspiration!

Add something like this to the Comm Tower

// This will move the ship when the first stage is activated
name = HL_Slip_Module
// How far to move east, in degrees longitude
slipEastDistance = 1
// How far to move north, in degrees latitude
slipNorthDistance = 0

And here is the source code for the plugin...

// Made by Hooligan Labs
// Goal is to deposit the vessel into the water beyond the runway.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using KSP.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class HL_Slip_Module : PartModule
public float slipEastDistance = 1;
public float slipNorthDistance = 0;
private int stage = 0;

[KSPField(isPersistant = true, guiActive = false)]
public bool slipped = false;

public void Start()
Debug.Log("Slip Status = " + slipped);
stage = Staging.CurrentStage;

public void FixedUpdate()
// Has it launched?
if (Staging.CurrentStage != stage && slipped == false)
double lat = vessel.latitude;
double lon = vessel.longitude;
double alt = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(vessel.GetWorldPos3D());

// This is how far to teleport
Vector3d diff = vessel.mainBody.GetWorldSurfacePosition(lat + slipNorthDistance, lon + slipEastDistance, 0) - vessel.mainBody.GetWorldSurfacePosition(lat, lon, alt);


// You have to set the vessel as not landed or splashed for teleport to work
if (vessel.Landed)
vessel.Landed = false;
else if (vessel.Splashed)
vessel.Splashed = false;



// Only one cheat allowed!
slipped = true;
Debug.Log("Slip Complete");

public static void Teleport(Vector3d offset)
Krakensbane krakensbane = (Krakensbane)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Krakensbane));

I haven't tested it a lot, but it is working. Only issue is that it puts the center of the boat to water level. Haven't found a good way yet to get it to just dip in perfectly.

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Due to my old computer being destroyed by a massive power surge, I have no photos of this plane, but it requires Traveros pizza and aerospace, dammed robotics, novapunch, and the realistic airplane wings parts pack with the fix for greater realistic lift on the mod's wings. It also has variable swept wings, requires jellycubes weapons mod, the lazor mod, and looks pretty bad-ass. Enjoy the Tomcats! Out!

Edited by andrew123
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A bit of a work in progress, the "Beast of Kandahar" (RQ-170) is the CIA's latest reconnaissance drone. A flying wing design, it can easily land on the carrier at low speeds and is slightly aerodynamically unstable, but it is pretty awesome. The design requires all the mods required for the tomcat and uses the small pod, which may be from the communications mod. (of course, I didn't bother to install the .dll for that mod, so add the antennas if you have the mod already).


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I present... the SU-33 in all of its mighty, brute force. Designed as the carrier derivative of the SU-27K, it currently serves on the Russian Federation's only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov. Due to the Nature of its design, it required Taveros pizza and aerospace mod, realistic wings parts pack, novapunch, and possibly mechjeb. It is capable of taking off from the Infinite Dice Aircraft Carrier. It is highly maneuverable, can carry a relatively heavy payload, and is slightly unstable (this is a realistic feature). It also requires roframer lazor mod for targeting and missiles along with Tyberdine's Shuttle mod for the frontwards canards. Pics will be on the bottom post.


I didn't have any time for pictures of this beast, but it is slightly different from the WIP picture.

Here's a link to the forum post that I made.

It's the clean version of the SU-33.



Tomahawk not included




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