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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Also doing more work on tuning the reflections. With some help from the plugin author I got the alpha map to work for the reflections for even more control.


Wow, that looks great! Just a quick question, but it looks like you are running something like Windows XP based on those tabs. Are you really running an old OS, or did you change some settings?

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Wow, that looks great! Just a quick question, but it looks like you are running something like Windows XP based on those tabs. Are you really running an old OS, or did you change some settings?

Windows 7 still has a Windows classic theme.

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Wow, that looks great! Just a quick question, but it looks like you are running something like Windows XP based on those tabs. Are you really running an old OS, or did you change some settings?

It's windows 95. I am really old, like 67, and anything new scares me. So I cling onto anything old with an irrational fear and paranoia of the impending future.

That or I just prefer the old style bar.

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It's windows 95. I am really old, like 67, and anything new scares me. So I cling onto anything old with an irrational fear and paranoia of the impending future.

That or I just prefer the old style bar.

Well, you must prefer the old style, because you don't seem to be afraid of doing a great job in newer programs, like unity!:D

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Though if fazzack is reterment age it might expain how he gets up dates to use.... still I feel my generation let down my daughters... moms gave use the moon but what has mine given my daughters?

WHAAAT? :huh: Don't get this wrong but could you try to write at least a tiny bit more understandable? By the way do you mean Frizzank with fazzack? If so , what is so hard to copy a name ......

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Sometime tomorrow I will post an update with some fixes in it.

Starwaster has worked out the Specular issue with the reflection maps and it looks really nice. I think it will push FASA over the top as far as the look and feel of the mod.

It is also important to me that it has a low impact on performance so I am working on that as well. You can always just delete the plugin to turn it off completely if you are getting really poor performance.

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So I tried out the LEM and while trying to land on the Mun from IVA-view I found a problem. The navball is rotated upside down, which really confused me and almost made me crash into the surface. And a second thing, which was just a minor annoyance. Your LEM uses a fuel cell, while the real LEM had a RTG onboard AFAIK.

Other than that it's a really nice flying machine.

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That is an insanely awesome station!!

So I tried out the LEM and while trying to land on the Mun from IVA-view I found a problem. The navball is rotated upside down, which really confused me and almost made me crash into the surface. And a second thing, which was just a minor annoyance. Your LEM uses a fuel cell, while the real LEM had a RTG onboard AFAIK.

The lem had only batteries, your thinking of the science pack (ALSEP)that was deployed and left on the moon that was RTG powered.

This is why Apollo 13 ran out of power, if they had an RTG aboard there wound not have been an issue.

The Lunar Module consumables were intended to sustain two people for a day and a half, not three people for four days. Oxygen was the least critical consumable because the LM carried enough to repressurize the LM after each surface EVA. Unlike the Command/Service Module (CSM), which was powered by fuel cells that produced water as a byproduct, the LM was powered by silver-zinc batteries, so electrical power and water (used for equipment cooling as well as drinking) were critical consumables. To keep the LM life-support and communication systems operational until re-entry, the LM was powered down to the lowest levels possible. In particular, the LM's Abort Guidance System was used for most of the coast back to Earth instead of the primary guidance system, as it used less power and water.[4]pp. III‑17,33,40
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Quick Q does the Big G have enough delta-V to return from minimus?

Big G was designed for maneuvering and orbital operations, and not really return trips from minimus. I don't know for sure though but I am guessing your going to need some more fuel.

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Winning a race is who crosses the finish line first, not who wins the most laps. Assuming the space race ended with the moon landing.

To be honest, this whole winning discussion is ridiculously outdated. Last time I checked the cold war ended a long time ago. I think it is time that we step back and look at what mankind achieved (which includes the long row of events where the Soviets were first and the US moon landing) instead of descending into classic they versus us thinking. People who do that are not only living in the past, but also doing harm to the present.

Edited by Camacha
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I was only pointing out accomplishment... to me the reason why people do good things that expanded our understanding is less em-portent that we had all those talted scientists and engineers working or a project that inspred us to dream about tomorrow. The fact that the whole think was a military project does not mean that we have not gained more then that form it in fact both the us and ussr's space program grew into something more and grater then just military advantage.

It has the do with the 3 reasions that people and nations will invest in big expinsave projects... the 1st is religion, 2nd war/deffince (I dont want to die), financial gain (I dont want to die poor) but it all comes down to that the reasion we started working on the tech that would put men on the moon was besouse both sides whated an nearly unstopable way to spy on the outher or rain nukes down up one them... and we got that... but we also got so much more.

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It has the do with the 3 reasions that people and nations will invest in big expinsave projects... the 1st is religion, 2nd war/deffince (I dont want to die), financial gain (I dont want to die poor)

What about the LHC? That has no other use than gaining basic knowledge. I have this hunch that a lot of the core scientists working on the space projects were not very interested in politics. They were people with great ideas who saw a chance to realize those ideas and do things that had never been done before. The rivalry just happened to be a good way to secure funds for big, crazy plans.

Anyway, enough derailing this thread. Sorry Frizzank, back to shiny rocketses.

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just pointed out why the people who payed for it payed it.... though I think most of the lab coats and engeerners where about as a politcal as van born whom almost got in troble with the SS when he was being honered for the Secuss of the V2.... he said"the rocket landed on the wrong planet" he wanted to go to the moon or mars not bomb england... but scince pigbacks well on outher motives.... I just glade they where willing and smart enough to get some one to pay for there work....

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