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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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I love the new stuff, it looks really pretty in the clip.

Yes, to each his own is the right translation. I'm not sure though, what he's trying to say. Jedem das seine has some negative affiliations in Germany as it was written over the entry of one of.the concentration camps(I believe it was Auschwitz). I sure hope.you're not a ****, Denny.

To be fair, Germans are a little touchy when it comes to that period of their history. Most still seem to carry an enormous amount of guilt about it, although the majority were not even around back then.

I know enough German to translate this without help, but was unaware of any negative connotations.

Edited by Camacha
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What next? An explosive Matryoshka? /sarcasm :P

Lunar Landing Research Vehicle

alpha has been released.

Yes, to each his own is the right translation. I'm not sure though, what he's trying to say. Jedem das seine has some negative affiliations in Germany as it was written over the entry of one of.the concentration camps(I believe it was Auschwitz). I sure hope.you're not a ****, Denny.

oh god****. sure - NOT! my grandparents participated in WW2.

but this phrase loud and clear shows current russian realities ;)

and that's why I live every half of the year in South Africa

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Back to the topic of incredibly awesome spacecraft...

Will there be a convergence of the LEMs between Denny's release and FASA? I know one is node-attached for the legs and the other surface. Just curious because I need to decide on one or the other for my next-gen Munar SLS.

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Super awesome. Are they as hard to control as their real life counterparts? Three out of five crashed, including one piloted by Armstrong, but luckily they had good emergency escape systems.

hehe.. dunno :) because seems like last 3 months i'm not a pilot, just engeneer-constructor :) want back to game...

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hehe.. dunno :) because seems like last 3 months i'm not a pilot, just engeneer-constructor :) want back to game...

Make sure you have fun too! :) That is very important, modeling can wait if you do not feel like it.

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Frizzank will probably not do the Skylab. That is, IIRC, DennyTX' part, he even mentioned he already has an early WIP. Frizzank will only have to make the decoupler and fairings for it.

Please, I beg you, do not guess, assume, estimate or deliberate on what will and will not be worked on. While I do value input and suggestions (NOT requests) it irritates me to no end the increasing number people posting on the thread what me and Denny are going to work on next. If you want to know just ask, don't assume.

I must remind everyone agin that we work on this mod because we want to. I have fun creating the parts and sharing them with the community. Denny is in complete control over what he wants to do. If he wants to make Skylab, great. If he wants to make Ice Cream sandwiches , that's fine as well. I appreciate the help that he offered and also his skill as an artist. I hope he enjoys it as well and sticks around for a while.

Will there be a convergence of the LEMs between Denny's release and FASA? I know one is node-attached for the legs and the other surface. Just curious because I need to decide on one or the other for my next-gen Munar SLS.

I put back the node attach landing gear, and just added an extra surface attach one through the cfg. I also moved the center of mass and weight of the ascent module to be more balanced with the RCS thrusters. CFG files are the only difference between the two.

I would also like to remind people that we are still working on things and it hasn't really been released, just a beta for the brave to look at, offer bugs and suggestions.

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I'm having .craft file problems with the LEM; whenever I load it the name says "Vessel Name", the flag changes to some weird thing that I don't even have (I made a craft from stock parts and saved and reloaded it to test if something was wrong with KSP itself but it reloaded fine), nothing appears except the ascent module (no RCS, antennae, engine, no nothing) and when I press launch after I've constructed the craft myself; the entire craft is gone except the ascent module, the crew mysteriously disappears, the LEM (what's left of it) points downward, the HUD doesn't appear, Kerbin, Kerbol, the Mün and Minmus are gone and somehow I'm reentering. Does anyone know what caused this? (I tried with a fresh install of KSP but the problem still occurred)

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Finally worked out how to do the whole flower fairings thing without it being too weird. There is an extra floating attach node on the top of the plate that the fairings and LEM attaches to that only decouples the CSM, The fairings themselves decouple just like the rest of them in the pack. You could blow the fairings before the CSM and you would have a floating attached CSM but that is on you for setting up the staging correctly. If you set them up to all go at the same time it works great, except for the lem it stays until you dock with it.





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I put back the node attach landing gear, and just added an extra surface attach one through the cfg. I also moved the center of mass and weight of the ascent module to be more balanced with the RCS thrusters. CFG files are the only difference between the two.

Thanks, frizzank! I verified that my configs are up to snuff with what you described. My Apollo SLS Mark IV will be going up for a test flight very soon. :)

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Um, tell me where to put it? 4 on the first page references. I remember in the FASA \ Apollo same as newer, what is not? that remove or not to touch anything? just like to order .. and do not want to duplicate and to have the latest updates to all of your work

English plox!

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Delete the FASA folder from your current version of KSP, it is in the GameData Folder

Open the zip file.

In the open zip file copy all the folders.

Paste the folders over the ones in your KSP install directory.

If it asks you if you want to overwrite the files say yes to all.

Edited by fcbayerndm
Removed non-english text
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Nice. :) Do they have their own fuel supply? Oh, and there were two of those on S-IVB. It did have 3 solid ullage engines, though.

Now just the solid retros and ullage motors, and Saturn IB will be done.

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I tried the S-IB out yesterday, and it's amazing. It looks fantastically and is easy to assemble. One problem, though, it wants to fly straight with FAR... really, really straight. I can't even do a gravity turn with it. I'll try without the fins, might work better with FAR.

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