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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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working my way through the Historical Missions Pack c/o @Whitecat106 making heavy use of FASA/RN US Probes/Rockets and various Soviet things... i'll report the odd things that crop up. i'm running the 1.1 prerelease.

successfully launched the Explorer 1 and managed to circularize above 250k. however, the colliders on the Explorer Sargent 11x Decoupler are a bit wonky. it doesn't decouple fully and both it and the 11x Sargent booster stage stick around for a bit before clipping through the 3x stage and drifting off. this will destroy your craft or at least throw it into a loop if you're still in the atmosphere and/or you are firing the 3x thrusters.


i'm not sure if this is a new issue with ksp 1.1 or just something people have been aware of for a while and know to work around.

the work around is to decouple once you're outside the atmosphere but before reaching apoapsis, wiggle the remaining stage a bit until the stuck bits float away, then continue onward and upward.

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Okay guys, I think I found out one of the 1.1 pre-release bugs with F.A.S.A. Not sure if this is any help to NathanKell, but I think it's worth mentioning.


A huge problem part is the LM Front leg w/ladder. It causes a violent Kraken (for me) when it is fully deployed on the ground - AND, it looks like this;




Reason I am out over the water: Kraken. Seems to be around 550 m/s consistently, but that could also be due to LM legs getting clipped into the pad (no launch towers), although the pad itself does not explode. 


If you can see, the front leg itself is somehow disconnected and translated a few feet to the right and forward. This ONLY happens with the ladder leg. (and occurs when that leg is fully extended. It looks fine in the retracted position.)



Loading the FASA Apollo CSM/LM stock ship in-game results in a violent kraken that shakes and wobbles the entire vehicle as if it is possessed until it hits the ground and explodes, HOWEVER

I was able to get a LM into space on a smaller rocket, but when I attempted to about-face and extract it from the LM adapter plate with a FASA CSM, the moment it separated from the fairing plate - it Kraken'd and...well...it disappeared. (Our deep-space telescopes are still searching for LM-9)

I realize this mod is incompatible with 1.1, and I'm not griping - but I just wanted to hopefully scout out some problems that may be corrected for the full release version, which should hopefully be out in about a week.


-Jackson T.


(This is a modded part so I didn't think to supplement this post with a bug report.)



Seems the Kraken is happening even with 4 "contact" probe landing legs. It occurs as soon as I decouple the LM from the LM docking plate adapter. 



I did around 40 minutes of testing, getting consistent results. Looks like everything works fine WITHOUT any landing legs, but it seems that all 3 kinds of landing legs (Radial attach sensor, attach point sensor, attach point ladder) cause the Kraken. I don't know why, but it seems to do just fine without the legs. Something I will happily replace anyways (at least until the next version of FASA comes out).


So to any and all potential 1.1 downloaders - beware the FASA LM Landing Struts!

Edited by JJJacksonTyler
Specify that the front LM leg looks fine when retracted
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On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 7:07 PM, speedwaystar said:


I'm not sure if this is a new issue with ksp 1.1 or just something people have been aware of for a while and know to work around.

I saw that with v 1.0.5 as well, so it's nothing new. Try attaching your Sergeants with normal separators.

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in 1.1 experimentals, I noticed that in particular, the FAFSA Saturn V would explode on the launchpad from random stress.  I thought it was the launch tower so removed it.  Tried again-same thing.  Thought it was the LEM legs-it's not those either.  I have tested the LEM with 4 stock legs, a ascent stage, and that seems to work. There is something wrong with either the LEM landing legs, the LES, a combination of the 2, or the Apollo guidance system installed on the third stage or maybe all 3.  Also the LEM hatch is obstructed so you cannot get out.  I have been unable to retrieve the vessel status report as well.

Edited by wizisi2k
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On 3/30/2016 at 10:55 AM, NathanKell said:

This will get updated yes. But not any time soon, too busy _fixing_ 1.1. :P

Are you a KSP dev?

also For 1.1 can the coupler between stage 1 and stage 2 hold on to parachutes i have stage recovery and want to recover it 

Edited by Nucluer
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4 hours ago, TheNeonGuy said:

i has this mod installed wnd when i uninstalled it the crafts are still in the game help

GO to **:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Ships\VAB

and delete unwanted ships

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All parts with non-concave colliders (eg: decouplers, cargo bays, LEM fairings, etc) will need updating.  All legs/wheels/etc will need updating.  1.0.5 and prior legs will not function in 1.1, even if they do load.  All custom modules need updating.  And all parts using those modules may or may not need updating, depending on how much those modules end up changing.

And as @NathanKell mentioned, he's kinda busy right now.  And, quite frankly, until he's not as busy, any fixes will probably need redoing after he's not so busy.  Updating mods for a pre-release is a heap of fun with moving targets.

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Does anybody know if any of the engines have "dependencies"? I really only ever use the RL-10 and the J-2, and from what I've been able to gather, mod compatibility with 1.1 has to do with plugins. The ReadMe says to delete the folders for any programs we don't want, but what if I just want those two engines, and nothing else in the mod? Do the particle effects or engine sounds use plugins? Can I just pull the models, their .cfgs, and some sound and FX files and they'll fly in 1.1?

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It does appear to be working, which is strange. I thought lander legs in particular were broken with 1.1 but they seem to be working. I have not done thorough testing though so I cannot say for certain that all of the parts work 100%.

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20 hours ago, OneEyedBob said:

Some things need tweaking, for example the Gemini ablator gets used up rather quick.

I have this same problem, with or without 1.1. I can never use any of the cool advanced gemini things because all my Kerbals get incenerated. Coming from orbit uses all ablator by ~1,500 m/s, and coming from the Mun will destroy you.

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3 hours ago, John The Physicist said:

I have this same problem, with or without 1.1. I can never use any of the cool advanced gemini things because all my Kerbals get incenerated. Coming from orbit uses all ablator by ~1,500 m/s, and coming from the Mun will destroy you.

I found the module manager config for the Gemini capsule and replaced the ablator values with those from the 1.25m heat shield config. Probably not accurate, but it works :)

\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\FASA\Gemini2\FASA_Gemini_Pod2\gemini_pod2.cfg

Inside the cfg you will find a module for the ablator; I used these values:

        name = ModuleAblator
        ablativeResource = Ablator
        lossExp = -7500
        lossConst = 0.1
        pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
        reentryConductivity = 0.01
        ablationTempThresh = 500
        charMin = 1
        charMax = 1
        charAlpha = 1        
        name = Ablator
        amount = 600
        maxAmount = 600

The pod still heats up but doesn't explode, even on a return from the Mun using a 20km periapsis for re-entry.

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