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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Also, whoot a 1000 posts!!!

m00f gets to request ONE part.

NASA made or planed to be made from 1958 to 1976.

I think that I will ask the community to diecide on two parts that I think that would be interesting:

The "fasa style MEM" http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65304-FASA-Style-Munar-Module

Or the explorer-1 satelite

Thank you, frizzank, for making this awesome mod, and good luck in the future!

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I think Explorer one parts would be good.... also a part with a hydigen fuel cell... the tested them on gemini for latter use on appollo

The Gemini already has a fuel cell aboard. Right-click the capsule while in flight.

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Yup. Gobbles monoprop, but it does top off your batteries. :)

I also second the Explorer parts idea. Perhaps a radiation detector part (similar to the ones that were installed on the real Explorer 1 that helped discover the Van Allen Radiation Belts) for more science.

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Why would frizzank need permission to make a model, and/or an experiment?

Regarding fuel cells: all it takes is adding/editing the ModuleGenerator in the part.cfg. You add your input resources (LiquidOxygen and LiquidH2, say) and their rates; you add your output resources (Water and ElectricCharge, say) and their rates. Presto, done.

(Although ModuleGenerator is kinda broken, and Squad still hasn't fixed it...)

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the reasion think frizzank might need permission is becouse some one already has that exparment as part of there mod... and where ip is consurned I tend to think its better the Error on the side of caution.. the the rad dectecter in Ltech uses the moddle for the graveionlie I think... so it might not be an issue

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How hard is it to make a science part, anyways? Can't be too hard. Just come up with a list of results for Biomes, and away you go. :/

Here is the code for the gravity scan. Create a new definition, id, title, scan data and text for every planet and biome. After your done, I will create a new radiation scanner part.

id = gravityScan
title = Gravity Scan
baseValue = 20
scienceCap = 22
dataScale = 3

requireAtmosphere = False
situationMask = 51
biomeMask = 51

default = Recorded accurate measurements of gravitational forces in these conditions.

MohoInSpace = The sensor passes over the terrain of Moho surverying for variances in the gravitational field.
MohoSrfLanded = Landing here has provided a very accurate and stable measure of gravitational forces.

EveInSpace = The sensor records slight variances as in gravity as you pass over a massive crater site.
EveSrfLanded = The gravitational field is very strong here. The sensor records detailed data about the local field.

GillyInSpace = The sensor picks up the fluctuations in the gravity of this lumpy body.
GillySrfLanded = The team back at KSC will enjoy these detailed readings.

KerbinInSpace = The sensor finds subtle changes in the gravity field of Kerbin. The science team will want to see these readings!
KerbinSrfLanded = The sensor seems to think it's being calibrated.
KerbinSrfLanded = After reading the manual a few times, the command team is able to take an accurate reading of the local gravity.
KerbinInSpaceGrassLands = The instrument surveys the gravity over the grasslands. It appears the field is very stable here.
KerbinInSpaceHighlands = The instrument surveys the highlands of Kerbin. The rolling hills seem to affect local gravity slightly.
KerbinInSpaceMountains = The field appears to be strongest along these mountain ranges.
KerbinInSpaceDeserts = The dunes appear to have a very stable gravitation, though some spikes would indicate the underground terrain varies in composition.
KerbinInSpaceBadlands = The sensor reads the gravity over the badlands of Kerbin.
KerbinInSpaceIceCaps = The sensor detects variances under the surface of the ice. Is there a landmass under that ice?
KerbinInSpaceShores = The sensor passes over the shores of Kerbin. The readings appear to be nominal.
KerbinInSpaceWater = The sensor shows a surprising variance as it passes over the oceans. Hinting at the varied topology deep below the waters.
KerbinSrfSplashedWater = The sensor has detected changes in the local gravity that seem to be related to the passing of the Mun.

MunInSpace = The instrument surveys for changes in the field of the Mun. This data will help to accurately calculate the mass of the body.
MunSrfLanded = The sensor conducts a detailed survey of the local gravity.
MunSrfLanded = After calibration the sensor is able to detect the interplay of gravity between Kerbin and the Mun.

MinmusInSpace = Passing over the surface of Minmus the sensor sweeps across the gravitational field of Minmus.
MinmusSrfLanded = The sensor takes detailed readings of the local gravity on Minmus.
MinmusSrfLanded = The scan picks up the subtle changes in field caused by the orbit of the Mun. This data will provide valuable insight into the local planetary system.

DunaInSpace = The sensor passes over the mottled surface of Duna. Gravity appears lowest in the massive canyon that stretches across the surface.
DunaSrfLanded = The sensor performs a detailed and calibrated sweep of local gravity on Duna.
DunaSrfLanded = The sensor is able to record the affects of Ike as it orbits Duna.

DresInSpace = The sensor sweeps the surface and finds the average gravitational pull to be quite low for a planet.
DresSrfLanded = The sensor measures the local gravity in fine detail and records all variations.

JoolInSpace = The sensor calibrates to measure the massive gravitational forces of Jool.
JoolInSpace = The sensor picks up a wealth of information about the local planetary system.
JoolSrfLanded = The instrument has been crushed by the massive gravitational forces. Science!

LaytheInSpace = The sensor scans the gravity of Laythe. It helps hint at the diverse terrain under the water.
LaytheSrfLanded = The Sensor scans the local gravity of Laythe, recording the influence of Jool.
LaytheSrfSplashed = The sensor provides detailed gravity information in relation to the tides.

VallInSpace = Scanning from orbit provides a clearer picture of the internal makeup of Vall.
VallSrfLanded = Scanning on the surface details gravitational fluctuations in the shifting interior of the planet.

TyloInSpace = The planet has lower gravity then anticipated. This will give our scientists information about the interior makeup of Tylo.
TyloSrfLanded = Detailed scans have hinted to hollow spaces in the interior of the planet.

BopInSpace = Orbiting Bop allows for scans of the varied surface. Interesting stuff!
BopSrfLanded = The sensor is giving odd readings here...

PolInSpace = The sensor picks up multiple layers under the surface of the planet.
PolSrfLanded = Landing on the planet has allowed for highly detailed scans of the interior gravity on Pol.

EelooInSpace = Though the surface appears to be smooth, there are fluctuations under the surface of the planet.
EelooSrfLanded = Gravity scans are very clear here. There appears to be little influence from other bodies.

Its easy to tell someone else to do it...

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Hmmm, 1976. That leaves Skylab on the table. But making Skylab would also mean making the Apollo CSM, a Saturn V and a Saturn IB. It could be a good long term goal... assuming that you don't have other plans.

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I think that for my one part request, I will chose the explorer-1 satellite. The FASA style munar module has 8 parts, and seems a likely candidate for the pack already. So, I would love to see an explorer-1 satellite soon in this amazing pack!

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I think that for my one part request, I will chose the explorer-1 satellite. The FASA style munar module has 8 parts, and seems a likely candidate for the pack already. So, I would love to see an explorer-1 satellite soon in this amazing pack!

I'd say that the Explorer-1 was a good choice. It's pretty important and all, being the first satellite that the US put in orbit IIRC. Which reminds me that noone has done a Sputnik yet.

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yeah there is allready a sky lab core its part of the ltech pack... alos there is an appollo missin pack that has the satern 5 and the apollo CSM now the problem is that the satern five in that pack does not fit in the bab, it als may well be over built for kerbal given how much smaller kerbal is compared to earth... I also think Mun is also closer to it then earth... I just used a altless rocket to put a porbe in Mun orbet I dont know of that would be posable...

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