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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Would it be possible to have the Mercury and Gemini chutes work with RealChute? I love the models, but I wish they deployed realistically.

Are you sure you're using the current version of Realchute? Everything works fine for me. Realchute includes a Module Manager file for FASA.

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I dont really know if this is a bug or not... but.... I just downloaded this mod the other day. and the Redstone seems to be crazy unstable... ie you fire it up and theres no telling where its going to go execpt you know it wont go up unless you fight with it, and even then good luck.... any one else haveing this issue? and what do I do about it

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I dont really know if this is a bug or not... but.... I just downloaded this mod the other day. and the Redstone seems to be crazy unstable... ie you fire it up and theres no telling where its going to go execpt you know it wont go up unless you fight with it, and even then good luck.... any one else haveing this issue? and what do I do about it

Never had this issue. Do you have FAR installed? I had an issue with the Atlas Mercury not wanting to fly straight with FAR once.

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I dont really know if this is a bug or not... but.... I just downloaded this mod the other day. and the Redstone seems to be crazy unstable... ie you fire it up and theres no telling where its going to go execpt you know it wont go up unless you fight with it, and even then good luck.... any one else haveing this issue? and what do I do about it

Did you add the little stabilizer fins at the bottom of the engine? They do help.

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It's an issue involving the strange strap-decoupler that the Mercury capsule uses; basically it acts like it has a lot more drag than it should. The solution is to manually define a FARBasicDragModel module for it, using a surface area (S) of ~0.254 and setting the CdCurve, ClCurve and CmCurve to be zero at all points. I'm going to add this to the ferramaerospaceresearch.cfg to fix it, but you can manually copy it over for now:

name = FARBasicDragModel
S = 0.254
CdCurve //Drag coefficient at various angles
key = -1 0 //backwards
key = 1.0 0 //forwards
key = -1 0 //Lift coefficient
key = 1 0
CmCurve //Moment coefficient
key = -1 0
key = 1 0

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I think it has to do with the fact that far takes into account the mass of the object as well. Its mass may be too low for the drag parameters. Try updating the mercury_dec.cfg to this for the mass and drag.

mass = 0.05
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.01
minimum_drag = 0.01
angularDrag = 0.01

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FAR doesn't deal with the mass of the object at all, only its shape when calculating drag parameters. I actually just did a nice Mercury-Atlas mission with the settings in my earlier post and it works fine; nice and stable the whole way.

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Agena, wastent that planed to have gemini dock with it?

any one have any thoughts if the will one do give us a VAB big enough to build a satern v rocket? I sure hope so.... if not maybe that can be taken care of by a modder?

Edited by tmikesecrist3
adding more thoughts....
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Agena, wastent that planed to have gemini dock with it?

any one have any thoughts if the will one do give us a VAB big enough to build a satern v rocket? I sure hope so.... if not maybe that can be taken care of by a modder?

Welcome to the forums, noobie! Firstly, yes, the Agena and Gemini in this pack dock with each other. It's up to you to not crash them together... or to do just that, it's up to you.

Secondly, the current VAB is actually bigger than the previous VAB, and can indeed allow for a Saturn V to be built. Look for Novapunch for custom building the Saturn V, and go here for a Saturn V replica. You will have to make your own LEM and CEM as no one has made a nicely detailed version of either.

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