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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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I thought Agena was a spy satellite? and there are fasa icbm warheads... for the titan,,,,, though I am wondering what I would use for a red stone war head... are a sargent war head

Agena was an unmanned spacecraft for the earliest rendezvous and docking maneuvers. Just as in FASA...

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Reddragon.... it it was converted for that that is not what it was deszind and built for,,,

on a side note I love your forms name, for some reason I see a welsh dragon in my head when I read t

from Wiki "The RM-81 Agena was an American rocket upper stage and satellite support bus which was developed by Lockheed initially for the canceled WS-117L reconnaissance satellite program."

I see it was developed for spy satellites but never used for that...

Edited by tmikesecrist3
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I see it was developed for spy satellites but never used for that...

Uh, it was used for that. It was used for that for three decades: all NRO KeyHole satellites KH-1 Corona through KH-8 Gambit 3. That's why Agena is the most-launched upper stage of all time. Also, unlike many upper stages, the whole Agena stage was a spacecraft and was the bus for the spy package (i.e. it didn't carry a satellite, it *was* the satellite). Hence the three-axis stabilization, solar panels, and secondary propulsion system.

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Ok downloaded the mod, installed the mod, but not seeing the launch towers at all in career mode, or in the sandbox. They just aren't there. Everything else is there in both but missing the one bit I really wanted.

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Make sure you aren't scrolling by them quickly. In the menu they don't really look like towers. If they're still not there check the folder in GameData/FASA/misc

Checked ten times now, even went through bit by bit and nothing. They aren't even in the science building to unlock in career mode. I don't see them in the sandbox mode either. They just aren't there.

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Did you delete the old version of FASA before installing the new one?

If you cant figure out whats wrong you will have to start over.

Start with a fresh instal of KSP. If you like you can copy the previous install somewhere else as a backup first.

If your using steam, right click on the name in the library and click delete local files.

Navigate to the steam game directory and verify that the Kerbal space program folder is gone. If it is still there delete it!

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\

After its done double click the Kerbal Space Program name in your list of games and select install.

If its a regular version of KSP. Delete KSP and then re-install it.

You should now have a CLEAN version of stock KSP.

Open the FASA.zip file

Copy all of its content into your main KSP directory. If you put it in the correct spot you should get a confirmation popup asking if you want to overwrite the folders and files. Say YES overwrite all folders and


You should have a clean version of KSP and FASA only.

Run KSP and see if it works.

If it still crashes on load, verify that you have enough free memory to run KSP with mods.

If you have less than 2gb of RAM you are going to need to upgrade your system or install fewer parts.

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Did you delete the old version of FASA before installing the new one?

If you cant figure out whats wrong you will have to start over.

Start with a fresh instal of KSP. If you like you can copy the previous install somewhere else as a backup first.

If your using steam, right click on the name in the library and click delete local files.

Navigate to the steam game directory and verify that the Kerbal space program folder is gone. If it is still there delete it!

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\

After its done double click the Kerbal Space Program name in your list of games and select install.

If its a regular version of KSP. Delete KSP and then re-install it.

You should now have a CLEAN version of stock KSP.

Open the FASA.zip file

Copy all of its content into your main KSP directory. If you put it in the correct spot you should get a confirmation popup asking if you want to overwrite the folders and files. Say YES overwrite all folders and


You should have a clean version of KSP and FASA only.

Run KSP and see if it works.

If it still crashes on load, verify that you have enough free memory to run KSP with mods.

If you have less than 2gb of RAM you are going to need to upgrade your system or install fewer parts.

Never had FASA before I downloaded it so no need to remove the old one. I followed the instructions and everything else shows BUT the launch towers.

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Nothing, I just made sure you had a working zip file. It includes the latest update for a fix on the collision as well but node placement has nothing to do with them showing up.

Also new beta is up. Fixes for misnamed S1B fins and Launch Tower collision. Should help with exploding tall rockets using the Launch tower and Umbilical.



Added J2 engine prototype. still needs textures but the model is done.

Gave the Mercury decoupler a FAR drag parameter. Tell me if this needs to be tweaked

Fixed naming conflict with S1B wings and Winged Gemini.

Pulled out attach points on Towers to help with collision issues. Mind the gap!

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