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Mayor of Kerbapolis: Jebediah or Bill


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  1. 1. Who has your vote?

    • Jebediah
    • Bill
    • Other

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Bah Jebediah is all flash and no substance, i bet he needs someone else to tie his Mun-boot laces before every mission, Bill is the guy making sure everything runs smoothly, he probably even has to remotely contol Jeb's Mun-boots to make sure he walks in the right direction, i also think poor Bob should have his name up there.

Edited by Custard Donut (In Space)
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Jeb. He has all the answers. need money? GET A JOB! Need shelter? MAKE A HOUSE. Not enough power? MOAR POWAR!

CITIZENS: Mayor, we're out of power! All our electricity is going into your space program!


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I like Bob.

Sure, spaceflight makes him nervous, but under that frowning, screaming exterior lies a thirst for discovery equal and beyond that of his peers.

He's the guy who screams, terrified, on a roller coaster, yet still decides to go again.

(At least, I hope so, otherwise I'd feel guilty for taking him from his home in the space station, down to Kerbin and then blasting him away from there on a trip to a completely unexplored planet.)

I like to think of Jeb as a former test pilot, Bill as a former engineer, and Bob as an ex-researcher. (Before they were astronauts that is.)

That said, I'd vote for Bill. He's calm, sensible, though not unflappable. He would undertake sensible city planning options. Nothing too wasteful, stuff that does the job as good as possible. Inspite of that, he's still Kerbal enough to try a wild idea when convinced it might work.

That said as well, none of them seem cut out for politics to me. Though they'd definitely be popular with the media...

Edited by Tw1
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Bill for the Mayor! Jeb is a great pilot, hero and explorer - but as a Mayor he would be a nightmare. Rats in the severs? Pump several cisterns or rocket fuel in, and then throw burning match inside. And he would be the one throwing the match.

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Bill for the Mayor! Jeb is a great pilot, hero and explorer - but as a Mayor he would be a nightmare. Rats in the severs? Pump several cisterns or rocket fuel in, and then throw burning match inside. And he would be the one throwing the match.

Well, ya know, Jeb would of definitely done what his platform said he would do. And that's solve the problem. The consequential problems? Well he'll solve them to. "City on fire? SHOOT IT INTO SPACE

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Bill is the one for the job. Let's have a look at some of the "good" things Jeb has done for our city:

  • Increased taxes to construct rockets.
  • Unemployment up due to workplaces being destroyed by failed launches
  • Funding cuts for schools so that more boosters can be built

With all these bad things, is it no wonder that Bill should become mayor of Kerbapolis for 2014?

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Bill is the one for the job. Let's have a look at some of the "good" things Jeb has done for our city:

  • Increased taxes to construct rockets.
  • Unemployment up due to workplaces being destroyed by failed launches
  • Funding cuts for schools so that more boosters can be built

With all these bad things, is it no wonder that Bill should become mayor of Kerbapolis for 2014?

These are all lies! Do not believe the Bill-propaganda!

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So according to the quicksave stats, Jeb and Bill actually have the same bravery! The difference is Jeb is more "dumb" so he doesn't realize he should be scared. It turns out Bob is the "least dumb" of the three. He'll chicken out of anything that isn't a good idea, and put foam padding on all sharp corners. I cast my vote for "Other"!

Edited by Zephram Kerman
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Bill is the one for the job. Let's have a look at some of the "good" things Jeb has done for our city:

  • Increased taxes to construct rockets.
  • Unemployment up due to workplaces being destroyed by failed launches
  • Funding cuts for schools so that more boosters can be built

With all these bad things, is it no wonder that Bill should become mayor of Kerbapolis for 2014?

On the plus side, the construction industry and rocket parts manufacturers are doing extremely well...

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Wait, how did this spiral into choosing the mayor for Kerbapolis when cities aren't going to be implemented until very later?

I'm voting for Bill, anyways. He knows how to balance everything. You might think Bob, but he's too scared to actually fund the space program.

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