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Rune's Slightly Used Vehicles


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Have you checked the Far-Star as of 0.23.5? K-drives seem to be erratic as of the new update. :( We're going to have to redesign them slightly to function well again.

Not yet, first things first:


That's 75mT to kerbin escape in three stages and 91 parts, including all of 4 struts. But yeah, the new joint behaviour was bound to do stuff to the working drives. Hopefully, though, it's just a matter of tweaking the engineering and the underlying bug scientific principle is still sound. I'll see how the ones I have behave!

Rune. Oh, and I need to fix the OP with spoilers. Like yesterday.

Edit: Finally. Oh, how I missed you, spoilers!

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Update! Added the Phoebus Mk III to the OP, a much nicer to look at replacement for my Apollo replica. Also, new logo! I kinda like it, even though I threw it together very quickly. Also, Jenkens, I can confirm most of my functional K-Drives are dead as well. Well, I have a lot on my plate going on, what with a certain asteroid base in need of building and such...

Rune. And never enough time to play!

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  • 3 weeks later...


I was playing with your Grand Tour files (which are the awesomest thing imaginable) but I seem to be running into a problem. For some reason, the east-west axis when piloting the tanker module are reversed--east is west and west is east. For example, I put the mothership in a standard rotation-assisted orbit (moving towards 90 degress after about 11km height) and then when I go to launch the tanker, I have to boost towards 270 degrees to match the mothership. Any idea why this happens? Any ideas (from anyone) would be appreciated. I looked to see if this was a known KSP bug, but didn't see anything. Help me, forum people, you're my only hope.

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I was playing with your Grand Tour files (which are the awesomest thing imaginable) but I seem to be running into a problem. For some reason, the east-west axis when piloting the tanker module are reversed--east is west and west is east. For example, I put the mothership in a standard rotation-assisted orbit (moving towards 90 degress after about 11km height) and then when I go to launch the tanker, I have to boost towards 270 degrees to match the mothership. Any idea why this happens? Any ideas (from anyone) would be appreciated. I looked to see if this was a known KSP bug, but didn't see anything. Help me, forum people, you're my only hope.

Oh yeah, that. I think the probe is upside down, that's your problem ^^' You are seeing a brown navball on launch right? Well, turns out the ship thinks you are pointing straight to the ground. Just right-click on any docking port facing the right way (the more stable position it is, the better for control afterwards), and select "control form here" to get the navball in its right blue color indicating you are pointing straight up to the sky with your proper bearings. It irks me a bit when a design works out that way, but usually it's not worth the bother to find the probe the game is taking as root control part and flipping it, it's usually too well hidden. BTW, I'll be updating the Grand Tour thread with more screenies, because the Medusa Class is proving to be quite the workhorse transport.

Rune. If it isn't that, you have me quite lost.

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That was it. Thanks! Although I feel stupid now that I didn't notice the nav ball was brown instead of blue (might have clued me in to a solution). And I can't wait to see more of your stuff. Keep up the good work.

Well there you go, new stuff! The Eagle is completely revamped, with an impressive new version. More cool than useful, but hey, I've already done the useful stuff :)

Rune. Also guys, thanks for the rain of rep recently! :kiss:

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The Eagle looks awesome, although I am current addicted to your Skycrane... unfortunately I am also addicted to crashing it. Up to 2km on 1+2 engines (jet and spikes) then up to 10km on 1+3 (jet and nukes), turn 45 deg. and run on 1+3 until the jets give out (restarting as much as possible). Can't make it up into orbit (never have enough to circularize at a decent apoap). Should I be going shallower to gain more speed in the upper atmo like a winged ssto? When I try that, the... interesting stability issues I run accross make that difficult (it gets wobbly and I lose control). Any suggestions from successful Skycrane pilots? Many thanks.

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The Eagle looks awesome, although I am current addicted to your Skycrane... unfortunately I am also addicted to crashing it. Up to 2km on 1+2 engines (jet and spikes) then up to 10km on 1+3 (jet and nukes), turn 45 deg. and run on 1+3 until the jets give out (restarting as much as possible). Can't make it up into orbit (never have enough to circularize at a decent apoap). Should I be going shallower to gain more speed in the upper atmo like a winged ssto? When I try that, the... interesting stability issues I run accross make that difficult (it gets wobbly and I lose control). Any suggestions from successful Skycrane pilots? Many thanks.

Oh yeah, that's like the most advanced ship I have done. "Advanced" as in cheaty, unsafe, prone to violent RUDs, and needing a really, really good pilot to perform something resembling a nominal flight. But yeah, you are spot on, it needs "a bit" (lots) of airhogging at around 20-30kms to get the full bang for your buck, you don't actually need the aerospikes form that point I think... Oh! And also consider the nukes give isp over the best the spikes can offer your ridiculously early, like from around 2-3kms. I see now you already know this, still: I would suggest to use them for the whole launch! That would minimize gravity losses (so you can have those when you are airhogging to >1,500m/s at 25kms), because the extra fuel you consume at launch? That allows you to get over 10,000m much more rapidly. Oh, and have fun with the asymmetric flameouts, those are great to try to recover from :rolleyes:.

Rune. Hint: never, ever, allow it to go out of control because of a flameout. KER helps to keep vertical velocity in check.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update! I linked the Nodachi, which, judging by its thread, people seem to like. Check it out, it took a lot of work! Also, expect a soon-ish update on the Eagle, and I might even throw in some new White Dart versions.

Rune. I wanna design a two-seater for Duna!

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I still can't figure out how your flag has a clear background.

Oh, that's easy, though you can't do it with paint (I think). Paintshop will work just fine. Just don't use a background! I don't remember exactly how I did it and I'm feeling lazy to boot it up, but I re-learn every time I want to do it, so it can't be hard. :)

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Oh, that's easy, though you can't do it with paint (I think). Paintshop will work just fine. Just don't use a background! I don't remember exactly how I did it and I'm feeling lazy to boot it up, but I re-learn every time I want to do it, so it can't be hard. :)

Or if you have GIMP then I think you can color the flag's content black then set the non-content white. Then you can do set color to alpha. Then you can color the rest.

Also- New Shuttle, new OTHER shuttle. Time to test those... Perhaps to destruction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Rune! Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your awesome designs! I picked up your lifter rockets, and they worked pretty well, but there's a few too many parts for my system, with the multi part fairings. So I took to modifying or rebuilding some of them, with the procedural fairings parts and a few extra bits since I use Remotetech. These are going to be my standard lifter vehicles from now on. Thanks! :)

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Hey Rune! Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your awesome designs! I picked up your lifter rockets, and they worked pretty well, but there's a few too many parts for my system, with the multi part fairings. So I took to modifying or rebuilding some of them, with the procedural fairings parts and a few extra bits since I use Remotetech. These are going to be my standard lifter vehicles from now on. Thanks! :)

That sounds exactly like what I expect people to do, modify and make them your own! I'm glad you are liking them and I hope they inspire your next builds, and since I'm only human, there are always things I could have done better.

Hey Rune... Want to partner with my company: SparrowHawk Aeronautics?

I don't partner just for the sake of it, never got the thing behind listing a lot of names on your page... however, if you come up with something to collaborate in or some request, sure, give me shout and if you pick my interest I'll join! :)

Rune. Is a bit of an isolationist sometimes. ^^'

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That sounds exactly like what I expect people to do, modify and make them your own! I'm glad you are liking them and I hope they inspire your next builds, and since I'm only human, there are always things I could have done better.

Cool! They are really sound designs already. Not much I had to do to to them to make them run, just cleaned up all the external bits hanging off the side. I used Nothke's 6S tubes to make an interior storage, and between that, the procedural fairings base, and a little bit of clipping, each rocket has smooth sides and full functionality. Each insertion stage has batteries, antennae, rcs and a mechjeb module so they can run independent of payload once in orbit. I've tested all the refits, and so far all but one can get the advertised payload into a stable 75k orbit with enough Dv left light maneuvering and a deorbit burn. THe only one I'm having problems with is the 5t model, but I think I'm running the gravity turn to late, I ended up about 100 Dv short on my test flight.

I'll try and get some pictures up in the next day or two so you can see them, but they are going to by my go to launch systems now. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
is this place still alive? I hope so

Sure! In fact, I have quite the backlog to link here. It's next on my to do list, link everything I have been releasing since 0.24, and I might throw in a new SSTO that was sidelined for a while. I also have to decide what to do with my old shuttle replica, the new one blows it out of the water, but that one is so tiny and cute, and I really like how the "segmented SRB" idea worked out.

Rune, would you mind making a Procedural Fairings version of your lifters?

Sorry, forgot to answer :blush:. Since I don't use that mod myself and would have to learn it before using it, it might be faster if you ask Ghostshark27 for his files and take out remotetech... or even faster to take away the stock fairings (just pick any of the side decouplers and both will come off), separate either the payload or the first tank from the rest, and stick the Procedural Fairings thingie in there, from what I understand of the mod. You will end up with excess lift capacity, unless those fairings are very heavy, so don't worry about bringing more decouplers than you need, just stage them right.

Rune. They are built so taking them apart is easy!

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Hey Rune, I love your crafts. Whilst I'm not a terribly good pilot of planes (or designer of them, either), these things fly so great even I manage to get them places.

Have you ever experimented with (or have plans for) some kind of piggy-backing plane/SSTO that could be dropped from a mothership of sorts? Kind of like Virgin's SpaceShipTwo carried by the White Knight Two.

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