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The MachingBird Challenge!

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Here is my entry into the Machingbird Challenge. This is the less than inspirationally named "Highspeed Testbed2." I haven't looked at all the other entries, so I apologize in advance if I inadvertantly stole somebody else's design. Its really simple, so its quite possible.

I wanted to make something that would meet the challenge and was landable/re-useable/survivable. I met the survivable part. Still working on other parts.




SPAAAACCE - Kinda.. took this on the way down during first bounce. Came very close to my LKO fuel depot. If I time it right, might be able to dock. If I had the docking adapters.



Space flight log with top speed.



Any landing you can walk away from, is a good one. I tried to go for two orbits before landing, and ran out of fuel. I tried to land it in this fairly flat area. Everything was going good until it was ~20m above the ground and it started pitching wildly for no apparant reason. I'm didn't turn off ASAS, and I'm thinking that is the culprit.



Edited by wildstars
General English repair.
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I went for a fly in my ultra micro. Little thing hit mach 6! And then ran out of fuel before headed for the ground. Luckily the wonders of KSP physics saved me but I will admit I don't have an image of the flight log of me at mach 6 before the crash, mainly because I was only at that speed for a few seconds before running out of fuel. I will let OP be the judge. Anyway enjoy (speed run is about half way into the video, the rest it me playing about and looping around the tower :) )

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i made a small plain called ''the need for...''

that did 2218mp/s

Also I did a flight with a variant of it that had only 2 sepratrons added of camera;

and is capable of getting into orbit.

If i angle it up once i achieved 2000mp/s and then use the sepratrons at the apoapsis,

unfortunately Jeb is now stuck up there although He enjoyed it.

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My entry. manned, no mods

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Image 1: Take-off

Image 2: Dropping the gear

Image 3: Glory pass 1

Image 4: Glory pass 2

Image 5: Final result = Highest speed over land 2300m/s

HERE is my CRAFT file if you wanna give it a go yourself.

I so badly want the 2400 mark!! :D

Edited by LeadMagnet
inclusion of CRAFT file
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Sorry for the long delay, guys, I was off camping.

veio, your entry has been added. That plane amuses me greatly, and that video was quite enjoyable to watch.

LeadMagnet, your entry has also been added, despite you lacking an image of the plane on the runway, because you provided solid proof that you could take off horizontally by showing your landing gear.

I'm sorry searlefm, but you lacked the obligatory runway shot (or the barely acceptable landing gear proof shot), so I cannot accept your entry. You do not need to re-do the entire run to complete, though, as you can simply display your craft on the runway and taking off. Good luck!

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A turbojet engine provides no thrust near or above 2400m/s (and very very little above 2200), so the only way to do this to enter a fall above 35km (so that your terminal velocity will be high enough to carry you faster). Of course, this involves a vertical component, so the horizontal will never exceed 2400m/s even then. So the Mach7 club is unattainable without leaving the atmosphere (and difficult even then, it involves obtaining a relatively high and eccentric orbit - maybe 100x50km would be enough?).

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How could you increase your speed by going outside the atmosphere? You can't thrust (unless you close the intakes and use stored air). You can't get far enough out to get a gravity assist. What else could you do?

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Hey, can you maybe link to the posts in the op? I'm wondering at what altitude the craft achieved the velocities. With 2340 m/s you need at sea level 26.8 minutes to circumnavigate Kerbin. At 20 km altitude (which is the maximum altitude I usually fly, but of course not as fast as the rest of you) you already need 27.7 minutes. And at 50 km altitude you need 29 minutes. I know it's only a difference of 2 minutes but I wanted to add the results from here in the wiki and tried to explain how fast those velocities are (when you only need half an hour to go round the complete planet).


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Congrats TheHengeProphet, you made sticky of the month for the challenges section!

I have been trying this challenge and the best I can do is about 2235m/s, I'll get some pics for you soon :)

Wow! Thanks!

Hey man, there are an unmanned craft on the manned board score!


Climberfx, your speedsteer has been entered! Congrats on getting over 2300!

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