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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Finally completed my first Eeloo mission! All crew and 1800+ science returned safely, despite some ... complications along the way. There's nothing quite like that feeling when something's gone wrong, but you manage to salvage the situation solely through experience. :)

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I finally got to Bop, didn't get to see the Kraken though, maybe next time. I had only 300 m/s delta V left after my deorbit burn, so it was pretty close getting home. I left a flag reading "Mission control said there'd be ice cream here"

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Very happy and proud of my accomplishment today, after hundreds of failures, I made a succesful Ion Drive & jet powered SSTO!

Using Bandicam are you Rookie mistake use Open broadcast system it's free and 2-in-1 as you can stream as well

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By using the correct mod cocktail and modulemanager tweaks to both science and part costs, I managed to make a game where I couldn't make enough money to keep flying.

Bankruptcy: Successful

Now, to tweak the difficulty down just enough so it stays challenging but doesn't spin me into oblivion in spite of 0 failed launches... :)

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Yesterday it was quite a longer session.

- Returned Jebediah from vacation at inland KSC.

- Sent surface and orbital probes to Laythe for further contracts.

- Contracts, contracts and contracts :) Testing KR-2L engine orbiting Gilly gave me more than √ 5M total.

- Tested rocket launchers, which are guarding KSC (actually targetted at test vehicle near SPH) :)

Using only Kerbal Engineer Redux mod.

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Today, some baloon upgrade, Kelix Kaumkarten is still training for is attempt of sub orbital jump, as some journalist succeed to take a few stolen pics (but in fact, Red Kull control all the com, they want us to think that's stolen pics, even if that Red kull who authorize them !!! ....ing communication world !!)


Red Kull ballon waiting on launchpad for testing flight.


Red Kull ballon plateforme, wiz chute system, as i cant grab chute even wiz KAS :(


Jeb playing at low Alt, but was sad cauz that balloon cant explode as fill wiz neutral gaz !!

Balloon only reach 14k meters as top altitude, which isnt enough for challenging record, but Kelix is still training !!

Edited by FacialJack
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Not much, had to fly two refueling trips in orbit of Pol. Right after I left Pol's SOI on my way to Tylo, the craft accelerated to 30km/s and burst apart without leaving any debris behind ... last savegame is 15min old, I did not wish to see where it left me, will pick up this evening and hope for the best.

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I decided to try that shuttle stuff that everyone is banging on about and threw together a thing. First attempt made orbit, empty, with enough fuel to deorbit, but I had forgotten to add landing gear so I had to try again. The second one was with landing gear and cargo, but failed to make orbit.




second one




and in other news, my duna mission is now on a return course for Kerbin


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Well, as Kelix break his leg on a party, cauz i had drunk too much vodka RedKull wiz a few russians girls, Jeb take the program in hand. For breaking the 14k ballon's limit, just put some engines !!, So wiz airintakes and turbojets, ready to challenge that record !!




Cam 1


Cam 2


Cam 3




30000m, record is close !


BEAT !! Jeb's work !!


Jeb preparing himself for his jump at 43k as balloon is still ascencing


Jump at 68k, still getting up




Top altitude 83k !!! Record easily beat at first try :D


Jeb's view at 75k



Cam 3 70k


Space !








Record explode by Jeb, for who that's seams to be an all-days work !!

Kelix shoot himself as he learn in 2 min the Jeb's record and that so .... blonde russian was in fact a guy !!!

Edited by FacialJack
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Some spaceplane messing-about. Built a Turbojet-ion SSTO spaceplane that, once in orbit, has over 6km/s of ionic delta-v. There's also over 50 units of spare liquid fuel, so I think it should be capable of single-stage to Laythe and back. If it doesn't manage, that's fine: there's a Jr docking port to dock a xenon refuel ship to it if need be.



After returning this, I added some cubic octagonal struts to prevent the plane from tipping over to the side to any serious degree: if I want to fly it back from a Laythe landing, I need to be roughly level before takeoff. Also, I added ladders by the cockpit, and slid the rear landing gear back a little.


The undercarriage of the plane is rather busy, with Z-400s, the landing gear, the docking port and two of the Gigantors visible. There's quite a lot of winglets at the back, largely for control, but also to pull the centre of lift back. I ended up doing a turbojet test on the test flight, too.




Speed-building at 20-25km got rather heated...


I didn't get above the atmosphere before the turbojet cut off, but I continued with the ions for a bit. I put the solar panels away again, then fired up the turbojet as I descended, getting the apoapse to 80km with a bounce.




And circularised. I used the figures as shown in the middle of the three above images to calculate remaining delta-v on ions alone: 6187m/s to the nearest m/s. With so much jet fuel left too, I think a transfer to, landing on, and return from Laythe are in the cards for this plane. But the next Jool window isn't for 280 days, by my estimate. That's before my Duna window, which is before my Eve window, though.



Returned on the first attempt, but had to fire up the turbojet to finish the flyback. Used less than 15 units of jet fuel, though.



It's not easy to keep a bicycle plane upright after a landing... there's a reason I decided to add the structural supports afterwards. Sometimes, it'll even fall over before takeoff, let alone landing...

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Completed my Moho and Duna round-trips, and updated my imgur albums with what I've done in 0.24 so far.

These two mission albums below contain some of the test-launches prior to actual departure. Plus, the Moho mission includes the probes sent first, and the manned mission afterward.

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I got somewhat over-excited about finally flinging together a spaceplane fuel tanker that made it off the KSC runway in one piece, such that I forgot to go back to the hangar and check where it's centre of mass would be with the tanks empty. I should also have taken it as a bad sign that it left the runway by flying off the end and descending to 40m over the ocean before it finally started to climb agonisingly towards space. Instead, I foolishly sent it into orbit, docked and transferred a piddling 15t or so of fuel to my half-finished Jool Exploration Ship.

On re-entry it flipped over and flew backwards into the sea at high speed. Turned out the centre of mass had moved quite far back, well behind the centre of lift/drag. At 250k cost with 0 return, it would've been cheaper per ton-to-orbit to send up one of my ridiculous, pre-0.24, nuclear tankers. Back to the drawing board!

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I added new modules to my Minmus space station. Each time I send a ship it has transferred it's remaining fuel to the station and jettisoned it's engines. This time I attached a reusable lander so I can money print minmus and let ships on their way further out replace the monopropellant the lander uses.

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I finally managed to put a spaceplane into a slowly decaying orbit around Kerbin. The design was surprisingly minimal. One engine, one tank, two delta wings and 8 engine intakes. And off it went. Sadly, when returning after two full orbits, it got completely out of control during the last 8km or so. I crashed just short of the KSC runway. I think I made the same mistake as Corvustech up there: centre of mass completely shifted after depleting a large amount of the fuel tank.

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I sent Jeb & 2 others to collect surface samples stored at the Minmus station and swap some crew. Got him there and then took 1/2 the fuel from the station to get him back so had to also send out a tug with a fuel cell for it.

I'm enjoying the new purpose for having stations :)

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