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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Oh no no no no no! The new space station I was working on... after building and launching my version of the Orion vehicle this afternoon... I get up into orbit to find my new station a debris cloud. Apparently it met up with some orbital debris from another launch (likely my old Algernon project). Now I've got 5 crew stranded in orbit in 3 separate sections to rescue and a station to rebuild. :huh:

My version of Orion...


What was my new station...


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Ah man. I dun goofed.

I was having a right job flying my refueller in to my Tylo ship - it's over 4000 tons, not got enough Vernors, and with the two ships together the lag was pretty awful. In the end I just forced it, and transferred the fuel.

Now the refueller is severely clipped into the ship. If I unclaw, the ship just blows to pieces. The only option I can see is to disable all the Vernors on either the ship or the refueller, then free the pivot and I should be able to swing them clear.

I have been having problems with the game not responding to right clicks.

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An Orion reenactment? Nice!

I played some career. With NEAR, and only SRBs. Jeb has only survived one landing so far.



Also, far after too long, I have finally posted a new installment of Oceans of Eve.

The most special effects intensive one so far.


Available from your local fanworks forum. Read today!

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I took a luxury-weight spaceplane to Laythe. The launcher was this monster:


Those cabin lights sure look cozy compared to what's outside the front porch.


Aerobraking at Laythe.


Coming into land. Those struts at the back are the most important part: Jeb sez a floppy plane is a deadly plane. I coulda made better use of those nice new spaceplane parts: this is a bit old shool.


Lakeside landing. After hundreds of hours and many unplanned high speed ground reunions, I have now touched down on every planet and moon.


Into the sunset, and back to orbit. The mothership awaits to carry us home.


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I assume it's a try at the Space Shuttle.

It's a working Orbiter, and an underpowered STS. I need to increase thrust about 50% on the Thrusters, and increase burn time by 25%, as well as make throttle control smoother.

Or course, being 2000 tonnes doesn't help.

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Fiddling 'round with planes using AJE. Having to redesign a lot of stuff because of the tremendous thirst these engines tend to have! Making me rethink trying to make a spaceplane using this mod... Oh well, I did make this recently and been flying it around lEbzauV.png

It's in my somewhat RP careerbox mode I am playing. My Kerbals are experimenting with the ever so mysterious Liquidfuel and Oxidizer that they found in some oak barrels in Old Man Kerman's basement. This powerful stuff managed to help them make their first supersonic aircraft!

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Speaking of Shuttles II





Not really the shuttle. More an interpretation of the concept. It's called the MÃœNRAKER 1.

That thing pushed my current career save over the edge, so since then I'm taking a little break till 0.90 and wait for the new Mk3 Parts. :D

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Wow, some of the Delta-IV and Space Shuttle designs people have been doing are pretty cool.

BTW, for shuttles, I have some 2.5m SRBs that might be useful. ;)


But what have I been doing? Not so much this week. But I did get a 1.25m engine (like a 2x LV-T45) working, plus some size-adapters that function as upper-stage fairings for when you want to use a thinner engine without the ugliness of a thinner-diameter shroud. They're in three sizes, but below are screenshots of a mainsail under a 3.75m stock tank.





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Not really the shuttle. More an interpretation of the concept. It's called the MÃœNRAKER 1.

That thing pushed my current career save over the edge, so since then I'm taking a little break till 0.90 and wait for the new Mk3 Parts. :D

What did you use to make the windows?
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So I'm not the only person who has strapped orange tanks together just to get the right size... :D

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Continued from here, here and here ...

As promised, here are the pictures of the robotic ship, that left prior to the colony ships.

The ship left Kerbin and after a clean Hohmann Transfer, it arrived in the joolian system in preparation for aerobraking. The maneuver went well, and soon the ship was on its way to its target destination, Laythe.

The ship was disassembled (controlled and unspontanious) into the orbital refueling relay, the rover lander and the 3 satellites, which instantly moved to their designated orbit on their own to begin scanning operations. Once the surface was scanned, the robotic lander descended to the designated landing point to deploy a rover and check for the best possible landing site.

The lander descended as planned, but during final descent disaster struck... One of the fuel lines, connecting to the outer engines was not in place anymore, putting the ship into an uncontrolled spin. And if that wasn´t enough, when the robotic AI deployed the emergency chutes one of them was torn loose. It to land using the de-orbit-engines as a little help, but the impact was rough. The rover deployed as desired and seemed to be unaffected by the crash landing, but only 3 km later it lost three of its six wheels, just by driving gently at 10 m/s.

Maybe it was the kraken playing its evil game, or a hungry technician that gnawed on the kables back in the VAB before launch... who knows...

However, i count this mission as a success. The spaceplanes have been delivered (i double checked the fuel lines...), the planets surface is mapped in all its detail, the landing zone looks promising of what the rover could manage to see and the orbital refueling relay is in place.

Hopefully, the colonists will have more luck than the rover... we will see shortly.

Top to bottom: Departing Kerbin - Arriving in the joolian system, lowering periapsis in preparation for aerobraking - Aerobraking around Jool


Top to bottom: Separating the robotic lander - Deploying satellites - Descending to the designated landing zone - Disaster struck, descending on a single parachute - Touch... äh Slamdown! - The crippled rover on the surface of Laythe


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corrected wrong link
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