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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Yesterday I landed on the north pole of Eve with a probe and today I will put another one in orbit around Gilly.

Since I didn't want to waste a good tranfer window, I sent both to be all set for the "Explore Gilly" contract.

I also took my time while orbiting to map Eve with SCANSat in lo-res, multispectral and karbonite sensors.

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Spent a bit of time looking for a 2 man pod for rockets, the 2 man can just looks like a tuna can with a door and a window. Maybe in a patch coming up rockets will get some love like space planes have ;.; .


Stock alike Gemini capsule.

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Learned that my Long Duration Orbital Tug's launcher likes to make the LDOT spontaneously disassemble when doing the gravity turn of more than 5 degrees, spend most of the day trying to find the problem and applying more struts, then I figured it would be easier to just brute force it into orbit with the Sea Dragon, and that seems to have done the job.

Edited by AfailingHORSE
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I thought a bit about what it would take to finish my Jool-5 prototype. When I flew a test flight, the prototype was able to land on Tylo, Laythe, and Vall, before it had to return to Kerbin. A major issue is that I only have a tier-2 VAB, so the ship is limited to 255 parts. Because I'm a lazy person, I decided to take the easiest route.





The SRBs are ugly but necessary, because the game doesn't have high-thrust 3.75 m engines.

In the test flight, the transfer stage had spent half of its fuel by the time the ship was finally orbiting Tylo. With a bigger launch vehicle, this should be reduced to 20-25%, saving an orange tank more for exploring the Jool system.

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Flying a rescue mission in LKO, when I set KAC to remind me when the closest approach was happening, needed a F9 to be done due to uncontrollability, which persisted in the quick save. Seems like the kraken wanted the kerbal to be stuck in orbit for a few more weeks, and wanted Jeb too. Luckily, jettisoning the SM allowed a safe landing, for the kraken merely made a higher appsis, with the periapsis in the ground when it was jettisoned. Currently redesigning the craft.

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Today I built a large spaceplane to fulfil a contract to test a RAPIER engine


The crew were anxious prior to the test


Still anxious after the successful test and on approach to KSC


Relief after a successful landing.

All the way through, Minidou and Melgas were going D: and it was only after landing, that they were :)

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I cheated. I 'm running interstellar and I tried a Minmus seismic survey contract. I was on track to do it and I knew I needed impacters. I landed a probe with a sensor and released my first nose cone with Ullage motors on it. I angled them so it spun; it looked pretty good and shot straight. I switched to it as a piece of debris, followed it in and got the notification of data recorded. Apparently this does not satisfy the contract. I hit F9 and tried again. This time the science yield from the impact dropped from 250 to 150. Still didn't fulfill the contract location. I thought my aim might be off and reloaded and tried again. Well I did this a few times before realizing that the seismic sensor was not resetting. I ended up getting 15.5 science and wasn't able to fulfill the contract.

I canceled the contract, took the hit but was pretty upset about the science so I altered my save file to add the 250. I'm still going to miss out on about another 270 from my other failed attempts.

Also, make sure you have the power to transmit.



Edited by Delrey
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Also, make sure you have the power to transmit.



I have learned to shut one battery off once it is full for just such a problem, I also throw two static solar panels on as well just in case one of my EVA-ers gets happy feet (or worse yet I crash). Having options is always a benefit even when they seem to be redundant, you know the whole measure twice cut once type thing.

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The past 2 days I have been playing Linux x64, and adding a ton of mods. The primary aim is to land on every body in the solar system, in Realism Overhaul, plus parts, utilities, and graphical enhancements.

I shall post progress, and maybe make a Mission Reports thread.

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Made it to the next anomaly I planned to visit, turned out to be the Neil Armstrong memorial. First time I've been there. Long drive. Charlie, Chuck, and Seanrod all got to jetpack up and pose for a photo op... sorry, not posted here. One more anomaly to drive to, far out across the Northwest Crater. Then it's a drive back to command base, a long, long drive... then home.

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Launched my "Moon Bus" (via probe core) for frequent visits to Mun and Minmus from my space station at Kerbin and docked it to said station.

Launched an orange tank with a science module for the Moon Bus (combined with a part for testing on Minmus), accompanied by The Three and also docked it to the station. (Note to self: Install TAC Fuel Balancer - to many small tanks on the bus :P )

Launched a Minmus mapping probe and planned a transfer in a few days.

Launched a Mun mapping probe and brought it into Munar orbit directly from a lucky launch without stopping in Kerbin orbit first.

Both probes will also fulfill a contract - final orbit for mapping with SCANsat will be/has been achieved after its completion. :wink:

Launched and dropped some expensive hardware - the contract paid well anyway, so ... :P

Accepted a Minmus Base contract that would have been fulfilled by landing the Moon Bus - but it will not count as "launch a NEW base" ... :P

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It took the better part of a day in 'realtime,' and involved sending up a rapid succession of way overpowered engine modules to dock, blast, undock, deactivate- lather rinse repeat- BUT I GOT THE DAMN THING INTO ORBIT AROUND KERBIN. Now to build a base on it.

Screenshots will be forthcoming once I've got the base up and running. And I need a NAME for it.

Edited by Tassyr
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Yesterday I wasted hours trying to build a big plane with the B9 parts. I gave up.

I also had this glich:


http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag401/Engineer-Of-Stuff/screenshot66_zps6a98d669.png I got so mad. I was unable to escape the Mün's gravity. I would transfer to Kerbin's SOI, but then go back to the Mün.


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