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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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7 hours ago, Momocody said:

That's why there are hydrofoils!

Is that really the secret to getting 100+m/s on water? Control surfaces?

26 minutes ago, mdkendall said:

I found a place on Ike I am naming "Pogo Point". I can't drive anywhere near it without being mysteriously bounced upwards.


I bet the Kraken's seedling child lies there. In wait, for 1.1.

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I made an SSTO with enough fuel for a Mun Flyby! It's my first one and I'm really proud!!

It's called the Jax CR0 in honor to Sons Of Anarchy.

Here are the craft files (they use B9 aerospace and adjustable landing gear):

Crew version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/li7mn4q6u4h3u8r/Crew%20Jax%20CR0.craft?dl=0

Cargo version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pztwou10wbezn66/Cargo%20Jax%20CR0.craft?dl=0

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I made an entry for the Mun and back as light as you can challenge.

There are some crazy ultra-light entries but I started out with a 'Mercury style' entry - imagine you got word the Soviets had a serious Moon plan just as you were getting the Mercury program online:

  • 24.389 ton $13,777

  • EVA Mun landing because an Apollo emergency proposal involved the Astronauts lifting from the moon in their EVA suits Lunar Escape System

Give it a go, it's a fun challenge and room for all sort of entries.

Edited by DBowman
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On 1/2/2016 at 11:50 AM, Proteus said:

today i fulfill my own personal wish that i always had in mind,escaping eve...after 3 failed attempts finally managed to build a good full throttle vessel to go with my space plane,and did more changes on my space plane so it can fully manage eve hostile atmosphere.

docking mission before going to eveo8vv5j.png


going for high orbit


adjusting my self in the orbit of eve 


refueled my bird,and ready to go


waited for the right altitude and went full throttle with 4 engines


escaping the purple jailhouse :confused: barely got fuel after,but i went to orbit.


What mods do you have there?

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Been developing, launch-simulating and tweaking various gear for my upcoming Moon flights. Manned fly-by has already been completed. But since the RP-0 career seems to be asking for one-man landings first, I had to change plans and step back from the 3-man setup.

Instead I am now going with a lightweight lander. Pics from KCT-simulator:



The launcher thats going to carry everything into space is pretty much ready...



Guess tomorrow is launch-day. :D


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Ever since finding a floating boulder at Mun's south pole (terrain glitch apparently - don't care still named it Redshirt Rock) I have been trying to land a second time to plant a permanent flag. Every attempt has resulted in a fireball. Until today. Well, there was plenty of explosions but Jeb lived! Hit hard on the edge of a cliff. Lost half the tanks and engines. Started sliding. Managed to use RCS to stop, then fired the remaining crippled engines and limped to a stable landing site near the top of the mountain. EVA'd and used the jetpack in an attempt to reach the top of the south pole pyramid (ancient aliens is the only plausible explanation) but freaky physics sent him head first into the side. Slide to the bottom where Jeb decided close enough and planted the flag. Returned to ship and launched. Not enough control or Dv to reach orbit. After climbing to 8k, had to attempt setting down. Exploded what was left of tanks and engines off one side at impact. Flipped and exploded the remaining ones. Began to tumble in air. Managed to stop roll and point mono tank toward impact point. It exploded. By this time the speed was reduced enough I got the lander can upright and slid to a stop. Jeb is waiting for a rescue in a much more accessible and level site. Jeb is glad he wears a gold suit. Had it been a red one, he would be toast.

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I love a career game with life support... It makes really difficult any mission.

At this moment I am confident at Kerbin system... but is time to explore the system so I made  the first interplanetary ship... with greenhouses to produce the supplies by itself  with space for 20 kerbals.


This Is the first model and now I making the second... The problem I only have kerbonauts with 3 stars for two ships and the two next interplanetary windows are for Eve and Eeloo... I need to rescue more stray kerbals...  

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Early this last weekend I flew a flight to both Minmus and the Mun in a single mission.  I think that the craft was a bit too heavy, honestly.  It had two vector engines which were way more thrust than necessary, it used mostly Mk. 3 rocket and spaceplane parts which were perhaps a bit too much toughness and heat absorption for this kind of vacuum lander.  Once in orbit, I had to send three separate fuel drone launches to gas it up before leaving LKO, and even then it spent most of its fuel getting there.  It had to use its drill and resource processor to fuel back up at each landing site (I had a couple of contracts for extracting ore from Minmus and the Mun.)  Once it returned to Kerbin, its vector engines blew up during one of its later aerobreaking passes (which was odd because I thought those had a pretty substantial heat threshold.)  Once it was making its terminal descent, its four drogue chutes burned up, which was also odd because they should have been occluded.  Fortunately the drogues were not necessary for a safe landing, I manually popped the main chute on the nose, followed by popping the remaining chutes tucked into my service bay, for a comfortable 7 m/s splashdown.  

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16 hours ago, DBowman said:

I made an entry for the Mun and back as light as you can challenge.

There are some crazy ultra-light entries but I started out with a 'Mercury style' entry - imagine you got word the Soviets had a serious Moon plan just as you were getting the Mercury program online:

  • 24.389 ton $13,777

  • EVA Mun landing because an Apollo emergency proposal involved the Astronauts lifting from the moon in their EVA suits Lunar Escape System

Give it a go, it's a fun challenge and room for all sort of entries.

Capital work, and Beautiful craft, you did good sir

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8 hours ago, Fearless Son said:

Early this last weekend I flew a flight to both Minmus and the Mun in a single mission.  I think that the craft was a bit too heavy, honestly.  It had two vector engines which were way more thrust than necessary, it used mostly Mk. 3 rocket and spaceplane parts which were perhaps a bit too much toughness and heat absorption for this kind of vacuum lander.  Once in orbit, I had to send three separate fuel drone launches to gas it up before leaving LKO, and even then it spent most of its fuel getting there.  It had to use its drill and resource processor to fuel back up at each landing site (I had a couple of contracts for extracting ore from Minmus and the Mun.)  Once it returned to Kerbin, its vector engines blew up during one of its later aerobreaking passes (which was odd because I thought those had a pretty substantial heat threshold.)  Once it was making its terminal descent, its four drogue chutes burned up, which was also odd because they should have been occluded.  Fortunately the drogues were not necessary for a safe landing, I manually popped the main chute on the nose, followed by popping the remaining chutes tucked into my service bay, for a comfortable 7 m/s splashdown.  

After 1.0.2, I started putting all of my chutes in service bays, because nothing's worse than a toasted parachute, especially without airbrakes. Its got the added bonus of also being able to keep a 1k battery inside, as well as still keeping an attachment node for a docking port (and/or additional payload, if you need it).

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3 hours ago, Grenartia said:

How so?

well before I could bolt a heap of staged SRB's together on radial decouplers and it would get me to orbit, now if I try that (or similar, it's been a year) it becomes uncontrollable usually before disintegrating. Tall and skinny got me there.

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After several days of building and rebuilding SSTO's I took the leap from simulating (sandbox campaign) to applying it in my Interstellar quest-like campaign.

After several drone flights that went out of radar range, and several young cadet pilots going missing, I've managed to get a stable and reliable passenger ferry (5+pilot) and small cargo bay going.


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