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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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On 5/23/2016 at 2:30 PM, teag2 said:

Just out of curiosity and possibly to try to fix my own game, which mod was it?

Environmental Visual Enhancements (E.V.E). For my build at least it was causing problems. The removal of E.V.E and it's components addressed the game crashes.

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8:00 AM: Though of all the wonderful things I would do in KSP today.

10:00 AM: Tweaked those plans as they seemed flawed.

1:00 PM: Played Various other games.

3:30 PM: Got hungry, left for a snack.

5:00 PM: Did some reaserch for rocket-building advice

6:10 PM: Got on the forums for a "quick" check of my content.

6:54 PM: Am still on the forums writing this response.



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9 minutes ago, Exploro said:

Environmental Visual Enhancements (E.V.E). For my build at least it was causing problems. The removal of E.V.E and it's components addressed the game crashes.

Ah. I just started a practically unmodded install (which didn't have EVE) , and it crashed after about an hour of playing. Maybe it's Hyperedit, as it technically isn't updated to 1.1.2.

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I FINALLY made my first SSTO after 320 hours of KSP. It didn't have a high enough TMR to achieve orbit on the first pass and actually fell back down to ~50km before it came back out, and then it achieved orbit.

I then mucked around with Munar gravity assists, which resulted in a large, unplanned explosion due to somebody not telling the Flight Controller that we were on a munar impact trajectory.

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In my latest episode of newly (re-?)discovered articulation and trainyness,


It was discovered that adding a powered swivel docking washer to the front bogey of the locomotive for use in emergency situations where she had to turn tightly due to reverse not being possible more or less.. enabled me to do a magic trick!


you know the one where someone ties a knot in string them pulls it.. and its magicly undone.. well :) watch this



Yep! :) I went there


No explosions! :) I guess its not oftern  you get a rocket able to tie itself in knots.. thus it wasnt considered to be a bad thing








ok back to serious trainness.. tomorrow :)


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This morning put a science core up into space.  Now, it lacks some science stuff because, you know, space.  Not everything works in space.  But it is also missing a Jr. Lab.  Now, I am thinking all I need is a third core, maybe using struts and framework and stuff, to toss together some odds and ends, like non-senior docking ports and the Jr. Lab and stuff like that.  Then I can get a orbital tug up there and assembly the cores together.  As you can see the core still has the last stage attached with some fuel - so the tug can at least top off it's tank with the second and third cores.  Also I timed the launch to bring the first two cores close together.  Well, kind of close.


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Well, I was on a roll, with so many ideas, I had to put the third core into space.


I will place it on the far side of the station, away from the hab, because it is full of atomic reactors.  I know that does nothing to the crew but I like to role play.  Feel sorry for the poor sap who had to check the lab.  I suck at EVA also. ^_^

Now, all the cores are nice and close too.


I do have a problem.  I have designed a 22 plus ton Orbital Tug and all my boosters break under it. It isn't the weight.  It is just a horribly ugly design.  I think the rockets are killing themselves in horror.  No, no, to be honest I think it is just somewhat unbalanced.  So I sat down and had a think.  Putting it on a rocket, or in the middle of two stages, didn't work.  But in my older saves, when I was trying to place rovers and other items onto Mun, I designed what I called at the time as a Space Truck.

Old pictures:



It held the cargo UNDER the craft and it also made it easy to drop the cargo onto the surface.  Now, if I made a special Space Truck for the Tug I think that will work no matter how badly the Tug handles atmosphere.  I hope.

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Done.  The most wobbly booster I have ever made.  It was like watching a drunk aunt dance during a Christmas party.  The tug is the part hanging from the body with the two nuclear engines.



But it worked.  The Orbital Tug is in space - and the last stage has a ton of fuel so I now have a tiny fueling station for the future.  At least until the fuel is gone.*


And now I will stop spamming you guys. ^_^


*D'uh!  The booster has no probe - once I undock it becomes junk.  What a waste of fuel!


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A launch window to Eve is but a few days away, so the go ahead to launch a new Gilly station was approved.  The contract only called for the station to house 5 kerbals, and the normal generate power, docking port and antennae requirements.  But the payment for fulfilling the contract is such that adding an ore processor and a tank would be a smart thing to do.  So, up went this ship into LKO, and it now awaits there for a couple more days.




When that was done, a quick check with the administrators revealed that they had just received another contract, this time for a station around Eve!  How convenient!  Same minimal requirements, so the engineers drew up plans for a ship that would satisfy the contract, but also be able to land on Gilly, drill for ore, and transfer it to the new GIlly Stayshun.




However, not all was perfect.  One very sheepish worker on the assembly floor shuffled into the main office and admitted he had made an error: there was no antennae placed upon Gilly Stayshun!  The only thing to be done was to send up a mission to attach a structural piece to one of the many docking ports that had antennae attached.



This mission also brought a scanning probe to the drill ship, so it was quite useful in that regard.  Also, the antennae mission was brought to orbit in a fully recoverable and reusable ship greatly reducing costs.  The two station contracts together will still bring a decent profit, adding ISRU capabilities to the Jool system to boot.


The poor forgetful worker has since been relegated to snack-wrapper-picker-upper, and his wage of 2 snacks/year cut in half.

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Today, I landed a really cool-looking base on the Mun.


I really appreciate how it looks like a "space house". I've come a long way with designs. Tell me what you think about it!

I also sent a probe to Neidon (No pictures, sorry...). It'll arrive at Neidon in about 24 years. I plan to land it on Thatmo, where it'll measure the atmosphere and stuff like that.

But the biggest new is that I found my old save file! I looked for it for so long, and I finally found a working copy of it! That'll get me back into KSP for real!

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I de-orbited my old space station, and started work on a new one. No pics. Sorry.

Btw, the station actually somehow survived reentry and I managed to land it in the ocean next to the KSC with the help of some unintentional engines placed on the crew module. Isn't ksp great? :D  

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Yesterday, I also messed with the vessel spawning in Vesselmover. I launched a Z-Map from Tylo, but it was a pain to reach orbit. It had plenty of dV, but it had no RCS or reaction wheels. Good thing the first stage used a Swivel engine!

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My new Orbital Tug turns out to fly like a drunk.  It would over-react then over-correct and then over-correct the over-correction.  Looked like that final stand scene from the Last Star Fighter.  I went to an older design and the same problem happened when it got into orbit.  I was worried about MechJeb2 being too sluggish and now it is too quick to spin and turn.  I have to go back to the drawing board and relearn how to design a tug.  How annoying.  Also my favorite jet fuel tank seems to be missing too.

Oh well...



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9 minutes ago, ValleyTwo said:

 I was worried about MechJeb2 being too sluggish and now it is too quick to spin and turn.

MJ just does what it can with the resources it has. Over-correction is probably about not having enough attitude control for the amount of mass you're trying to push around. Add reaction wheels or RCS. If you think it's too quick, then remove some attitude control and save some weight. You can also use the part sliders to reduce the control authority of the attitude control assets you do have, rather than trying to add or remove them.

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Working on my new flying carrier design, can fly by itself for about a good 5 minutes usually, before it starts to behave funny and usually about a minute later it crashes into the ground. She comes with a tiny VTOL on the deck and i've worked out taking off but landing is a different matter entirely XD




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