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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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2 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

How'd you connect both "frame rails" to the rear mk2 parts? Also, what contract mod?

Inside the visible portion of the truss is a very carefully arranged cubic octagonal strut.

I believe the contract came from the "Giving Aircraft a Purpose" mod, though I'm not 100%.

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The engineers had a great night last night, after the previous days' disappointments.  A mission to Pol needed to be launched, and after discussions with the scientists they came up with a two-stage 10-ton probe that will get the job done.  To get that to orbit though, was where the real magic happened.  They came up with a single stage to orbit booster that is fully recoverable.  So, the only piece of the total vehicle that will be lost is the second stage:


Nice smooth ascent driven by a Mainsail engine.  The only unfortunate bit of this design is the lack of fins at the bottom, which during testing tended to mess up the return flight, making the booster flip around.  It is easy to keep a natural gravity turn though, what with the large reaction wheel sandwiched between the two main tanks.


Orbit was achieved with just enough fuel left in the booster for its return and braking burns.


Separation of the probe was smooth...


… it unfurled its solar panels, and waited in the parking orbit for a few days before the optimal window to the Jool system.

Meanwhile, the booster burned retrograde and began its return to the ground.



Engineers were slightly worried about the heat, but in the end everything was okay….


… ending in a gentle splashdown in the ocean. 



Mission control also insisted on the Ike group to get their act together and complete a couple contracts there, or no snacks upon their return.  So the lander was deployed  from the main ship...


… science gathered on the surface, flag planted...


… and a successful reunion with the station.



Edited by justidutch
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4 hours ago, MaxwellsDemon said:

I was able to lower periapsis to 62 km before running dry, so he'll land eventually; and I'll probably hurry things along with some judicious use of Jeb's trusty EVA jetpack.  Still:  argh.

I call that the "get out and push" maneuver.  

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I basically built a flying cathedral today, I tend to oversize stuff. The ship itself tends to get heavy because I like to keep the little green dudes relatively comfy, and I like to have spare Delta-V for when I mess up my maneuvering, or if I feel like taking a detour. 



Second stage, I have seriously underestimated the "Rhino" engines, I very recently discovered they're excellent transfer stage engines.


Final stage of the Sleipnir 2 craft



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I built this truss using KIS with the intent of later docking a reactor to it...


Came back to the station later later, and I had my first confirmed Kraken encounter in over two years, as it accelerated my station into an unstable orbit. I wound up spending half an hour of realtime and three full orbits in a successful effort to pull it out of that death orbit and restore it to the standard 100x100 orbit it was parked in before.

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Finished off some contracts and copied ongoing save(s) to a stick.

Started up laptop/typewriter, updated 3 mods (thanks modders and CKAN), and added the latest saves from the stick.

So all set for a country side weekend with fresh air, garden work and some evening KSP :)

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Just now, Andem said:

I've come to the conclusion that planes aren't possible in 1.1.2 career. Yay. :huh:.

I gave up. I have a Cessna knock-off that flew like a beast in 1.0.5. NEVER had a problem with it. It was able to roll down the runway and reach 45 m/s and was light enough that it could actually go airborne at that speed, and it only took a little over 25% of the length of the runway. It was virtually indestructible and took a lot of abuse landing on all kinds of terrain. Oh, and it was s l o w... but it did get to wherever you needed to go, providing you had the fuel. :D

AND NOW COMES 1.1.2: Around 10 m/s it will either begin to pull to the left or the right. If I adjust the heading, it then immediately pulls hard in the opposite direction, shoots off the runway, and begins doing donuts until I either revert and try again, or get mad and <ALT F4>. It doesn't matter what aircraft I try, it all ends up more or less the same. Landing is no longer fun. I crashed a space plane into the hangar because the darned thing did donuts almost as soon as the front gear made contact with the runway. :mad:

Out of respect to the programmers, I will not say anything beyond this. Nope. Won't... :sealed:

I've gone back to 1.0.5... :(

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Landed for the very first time in career on Duna (lost my engine due to a little too hard touchdown but I don't care, empty fuel tanks anyway), sent fourth Kerbonaut to interplanetary ship, crashes a plane few times on landing/takeoff.

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Settled on the booster and ET design for my "shuttle", and got the whole shebang into orbit.

I think the motto here is very much, If it looks stupid but it works, then it isn't stupid. And in fact this is inspired by a real STS concept, the Lockheed Star Clipper.


Possibly a bit overkill on the DV front, it doesn't *need* to SSTO and can instead drop the boosters leaving a pair of small upper tanks to feed the orbiter's RAPIERs. But I took the whole lot to orbit to take a nice screenshot. And definitely overkill TWR for its planned mission of 5 tons to Serran, but that gives me room to uprate the thing in future or use it for LKO launches if I want.

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Well, I built a big rover landing pad read: I used super glue, stole to roof of the administration building, and glued it on a big rover. Then I visited the monolith research center, and because it was so big, even with all ten wheels going backwards and firing the vernors, I had a hard time slowing down and ran over a Kerbal (he is ok.) I thought "this can't get any worse." And of course, it did. I turn around to park, and RAN OVER A PLANE. Oops. I forgot I had that there... And of course I ran over the modified Bug-E buggy i had there too. Ugh. AND I FORGOT TO TAKE SCREENSHOTS!!! 

But to sum it up: ran over lots of expensive equipment, killed my FPS, and forget to take screenshots. Not the best day... 

Actually, one of the worse days, because when you blow up the ksc, you can fix it. This you can't.


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