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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I did some of the usual early-game things.  Got enough funds and tech to finally get a Munar-landing mission together.  One of my little self-imposed rules is to never send out single-Kerbal missions that last for more than a few days, and I like to boost experience anyway, so I always send planetary-landing missions out with three Kerbals, which I did.  Still pretty low-tech, which results in some interesting challenges.  I had to remove some of the fuel from the SRBs I used to get it under the weight limits of my current launch pad.  Ran out of fuel for the main lander engines a couple kilometers above the Munar surface, so I had to divert a little fuel from the return engine.  Fortunately most of the main lander assembly (including science equipment and landing struts wide apart on light wings) remains on the surface while the much smaller and lighter landing capsule, passenger cabin, and probe core / breaking assembly return to Kerbin on a single small engine with a dedicated fuel tank.  I have no unlocked docking ports yet, so that was not an option at this point.  

Returned with a bunch of science!  

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  On 10/20/2016 at 10:37 PM, eddiew said:

You haven't appreciated Wing Commander until you've played it at 0.3 fps on an Amiga 500+


"Here kitty kitty"


So, I don't have many (any) plane parts unlocked in the Tech tree yet... focus is rockets. I needed a 'buggy' though, so I slapped some things together with the intent to drive over to the KSC monolith. Imagine my surprise to find the LY-10 gear (4 of them placed on the buggy) behaving more like pogo sticks. No joke, it was actually comical; This thing was dancing a jig all over the place. I just let it go to see where it would end up. It was all over the place. After a while, just for ha-ha's, I threw a pair of AV-T1 winglets on it ... and to my amazement, the pogo'ing disappeared. Go figure. Some crazy physics going on here. :confused:

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Decided to build a heavy spaceplane for delivering standard fuel pods (40 tonnes LKO). Useful amount of stuff to orbit but not ridiculous. Was having a lot of issues with generating enough lift to not lemming off the runway, eventually realised the best way to double my lift,

Build a Biplane


In a couple of weeks time expect something like this


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  On 10/20/2016 at 10:37 PM, eddiew said:

You haven't appreciated Wing Commander until you've played it at 0.3 fps on an Amiga 500+


It came on, what 25 floppy disks?

Anyway, I think I'm close to finalizing the designs for the mining trucks I'll be sending to Laythe.  Here's some pictures of a mobility test near home...





The train consists of one miner, one refinery and two tankers.  They can split up while working, but link back up for moving to a new site.

Edited by RoboRay
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Haven't played without KER in a while... my Duna transfer vehicle shown just up thread, with the Apollo Reentry capsule (heavy heat shield) from the ascent vehicle could have made it back to Kerbin sacrificing the transfer vehicle, easily. But I had several hundred m/s left, so I braked into an eccentric orbit (~180x4000km), instead. I still have mono left aplenty, so I can reenter the capsule, and put the DTV back into orbit, then I'll need to refuel it---though it already spent its Duna Transfer Stage, so it lacks the dv for another round trip without some effort.

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Tonight, impatient with waiting through multiple flybys of Kerbin to alter an orbit, I decided to engage in an ambitious rendezvous.


There were a lot of braking burns as I slowly brought the orbits together. Fortunately I remembered to install my old skybox so there was something pretty to look at.


The world was impressed.


Once in orbit around Kerbin I began some shallow aerobraking to bring the periapsis down to make rendezvous reasonable. (Note: If you are attempting the same, this is a 55km periapsis at 120% heating set on the save.)


After six (Earth) years in interplanetary space, our crew is heading home. Well, one of them at least, those two scientists will spend the rest of their lives in a lab somewhere in space.


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I sent up this thing:


The solar panel weighs exactly as much as the survey dish and five z-200 batteries, so the center of mass was still dead center. I didn't have to worry about uneven drag thanks to the fairing.

I launched into a polar orbit, then spent a good chunk of time collecting gravity readings from every single biome on kerbin from low and high orbits, as well as the orbital scan. Then I did the same for the Mun. And then I did the same for Minmus. That's 72 different different readings, for those of you keeping score at home. Then I popped loose the return capsule.


The return capsule wasn't very stable coming in for re-entry, but nothing exploded. Good enough.

I was pretty pleased with the result, although for my next career game I might have to put a limit to how much science I'm allowed to harvest from Kerbin's SOI.


That should be enough to get me those jumbo docking ports I wanted, at least!

It turned out my second booster stage (one of the largest white 2.5 meter tanks and a skipper) was ridiculously overpowered, and I completed my entire mission tasking before it ran out of fuel. Consequently, this thing is still hanging out between the Mun and Minmus.


It's fully fueled, so I might see if it can go visit Duna and Ike. I won't be getting return values for gravity readings, but I do have a relay sat in orbit of Duna already, so it should be worth doing.

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@Magzimum I went back into sandbox and revamped my base design


I cheated a little by using some parts from later tiers (namely the angled nose cone for the tail and elevon 5s) but I'm confident I could replicate the design using the early tiers I had mentioned previously. It can get off the ground at 40 m/s, but will fall back to the ground in a shallow angle, it really needs to be flying at around 70 m/s to successfully take off. Weight is around 8.529 tons, and uses 24 parts.

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  On 10/21/2016 at 4:04 AM, Martian Emigrant said:

Very nice.

I am guessing that the running boards on the trucks are radiators.

But where are the solar panels or energy source?


These trucks are intended for Laythe, where solar panels only have about 5% of the power output they do at Kerbin, so they are loaded down with RTGs.  Most of them are tucked underneath the cabs or the running boards (which are the radiators, as you noticed), but the refinery truck has some more visible RTGs right behind the cab.  The refinery truck also has a large fuel cell array on the back.

Edited by RoboRay
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  On 10/20/2016 at 10:37 PM, eddiew said:

You haven't appreciated Wing Commander until you've played it at 0.3 fps on an Amiga 500+


I think I appreciate Wing Commander plenty, but not really that much...
Game gave a pretty good test for my daddy's first Sound Blaster - as I recall, it exploded. No, really...a transistor on the card blew out and we had to replace the thing. Sounded so much better once the game was in, and apparently the game sounded a lot better on the Amiga.

  On 10/21/2016 at 3:05 AM, RoboRay said:

It came on, what 25 floppy disks?


Pffft...try 4. And not the "high density" jobs either - the double density ones that held a whopping 700 kilobytes of data...
At least, I think that's right. I might be thinking about Starflight...

(1.1.3, 2 to go) Last night began with the launch of Beep-Beep 7g headed to a rendezvous with Minmus and Beep-Beep 7f headed to another polar orbit around Kerbin. Spent most of my night with the 7f mission since it was in relatively close range of Kerbin. Also got Bob into a polar orbit around Mün aboard Flaming Death Trap 7 and started collecting orbital science. Tonight I plan to continue his mission and grab as much orbital sci as I can before making the initial landing. His activities allowed me to clear a contract from the queue; haven't picked up any new ones just yet. Gurney 7 encountered Mün and the effort to use Mün to slingshot the craft back to Kerbin was a success; Buremy will be exiting the Mün's SOI in about another in-game hour or so and will be on his way back to Kerbin soon. Craft still even has another 200 m/s of delta-V - Oberth effect for the win, I guess...

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  On 10/21/2016 at 1:15 PM, capi3101 said:

...apparently the game sounded a lot better on the Amiga.

Pffft...try 4. And not the "high density" jobs either - the double density ones that held a whopping 700 kilobytes of data...


Amigas could fit 880kb onto the exact same disks that PCs were getting 720kb onto, so yeah, they had room for better sound files :)  On the other hand, Amiga framerate for Wing Commander was terrible. The 500 would literally take more than a second per frame when in the heat of battle, and even a 1200 with upgraded 68030 CPU and floating point co-processor add-in board wouldn't deliver much more than 2 fps. It's amazing that the game was ever allowed to launch given that it wasn't really playable...

Although Babylon 5 season 1 was rendered on Amiga 4000s with Zorro graphics cards because they were better at it than PCs of the day :wink:  But then the 486 was released and Commodore hadn't bothered producing any new hardware for a few years, so now here we all are with x86 compatibles!

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I just got given a contract to: "Rescue Frodo Kerman from orbit of the Sun".

Frodo Kerman.


I feel like I'm the local Walmart's 1,000,000th customer!
Presumably I will have to stand next to a washed up 1997 C-list celebrity for an overexposed photograph holding a huge cardboard check for $100.

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  On 10/21/2016 at 9:27 PM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Wait, what?!

wheres the parawing from??


Contares, but it's also dependent on the new Retractable Lifting Surface mod.

There's also a straight wing in Contares that rotates 90 degrees for stowing.



Lift when extended, no lift when stowed.  The tourists will love it!

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Preparing for the final serious mission of this career, it seemed like time for something special... so I dumped 60,000 science points into aerospike engines and lightening all the components of a small shuttle. Now it has 11km/s vacuum delta-v... and a lot of kick. And plenty of seating. 


...so yeah, ok, it's a Cheaty McCheatface of a thing, but honestly... I've done so much in this career, gathered in the region of 300,000 science points, and it's all been legit (within the bounds of KR&D anyway), and 1.2 is out, and I'm just looking forward to a little break before starting a fresh run with some new planets and different mods. I don't care that it's a bit science-fictiony; I've earned this one.

Mission control sends Ulysses up with Ellie Kerman, River Kerman, and Ollie Kerman aboard. Docking with the Odyssey once again reunites the original nine from the Jool Discovery mission. (Only two months ago, seriously? Feels like I've been playing this career since at least 1.0.2... May have logged more hours than I quite intended to... :blush:)

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