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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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3 hours ago, capi3101 said:


Barnacle 7 at nearly 700 meters depth.

I am going to have to remember Martian Emigrant's observation about cargo bays and submersibles; that strikes me as something to incorporate into future designs.

My experimentation shows that for most part that you had to the sub you need to add more ore. Makes it hard to makes something that looks good.

Parts that moves seem to have two data files if I can expres it that way. The CRG-04 Cargo bay has slightly different weight and volume when opened. Float always. Float more when opened.

Gear float when deployed, sink when stowed, 1.25m service bay float always and float more when opened.

That's the extent of my current experimentation on the matter.


10 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Well, "like" is really the wrong word here, but I wanna seeeee :sealed:

Not to be facetious here, but... could you not simply land on the night side?

Not sure cause I am not a "Real-In-dept-know-it-all" but....

The planets don't have a warm and a cold side. The temperature is dictated by the temperature the devs have given the atmosphere.



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41 minutes ago, astroheiko said:

I am just in the test runs for a manned Thalia exploration. I had to pack this on my Lander. They are still 95% hot. In a few hours I know if it worked. At the temperature I have nothing changed.

Well, I wish you luck :D  And yeah, it's nice to be taking guesses and having things go wrong :)  I'd gotten rather used to knowing whether missions would or would not work before I started, but GPP has gotten me back to having plan Bs and Cs.

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4 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

@eddiew Why is Thalia so hot? Is it just close to the sun, or is GPP doing something special with it? If the former, should I worry about Moho missions in 4x scale with 100% heating?

GPP doing something special. I believe it's an approximation of a highly radioactive planet, since KSP has no other way of damaging vessels over time other than heating. (The crust is about 20% uraninite too!)

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2 hours ago, capi3101 said:

I've seen a few designs for submarines that made heavy use of SAS wheels - my own experiences with boats in general would suggest they're very important. Probably should've added more than just one.

As to the second ore tank, the idea was to be able to use TAC to control how much weight was up front, making the bow more or less buoyant as the situation warranted. Can't say how successful that was; my design didn't want to dive at first, at least not until I got the engine cranked up and then it had a tendency to nose straight into the seabed.

You might also note that I didn't use a Service Bay in my design; after Martian Emigrant's earlier post, though, I'm liable to incorporate one into a redesign. Having RTGs set flush with the exterior may have thrown off the dynamics a bit more than I anticipated.

What kind of deflection did you have on those winglets? I use FAR, so I can tweak the deflection as necessary. 

I'm just running stock, so I tend to leave my wings and winglets on straight. Since you have to eyeball the angles in the SPH I generally find that it's not worth it to try to adjust the deflection.

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Today i re-made my shuttle after the kraken ate my ps4's save data (come on console update :p)   Using it to take a space station into LKO to practice docking  i HATE docking ob my ps4, its annoying as heck, vut thankfully fun enough for Jeb to still take a crack at it  ive yet been able to sucessfully perform any docking maneuvers besides the Apollo style docking (In LKO, command module docking with mun lander) but that doesnt count hahaIMG_0088-M.jpg

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On 2/6/2017 at 3:03 AM, Zeiss Ikon said:

I'm playing 100% stock, too, and I get engine shrouds and stack separators floating around all the time.  Trying to get into the habit of staging while still suborbital or on collision course for a body like Mun, but the ejection velocity of a nose cone is enough to make it miss the Mun if I stage early in a tranMunar orbit...

Turn the ejection force of your decoupler down to zero in the VAB.

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1 hour ago, Martian Emigrant said:

My experimentation shows that for most part that you had to the sub you need to add more ore. Makes it hard to makes something that looks good.

You could use something like Modular Fuel Tanks to change the contents of a 'good looking' tank to ore.


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Ooioioio ..... that does not look good



But the cooling seems to work. The percentages even fall. Reminds me of a windmill.....strange construction,



I was so overbearing that I even dared to get out. There it stands ...... THE FLAG



By the way, the mortal has made it back alive on board. It was Bob.




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2 hours ago, HalcyonSon said:

Turn the ejection force of your decoupler down to zero in the VAB.

Yep, but then the nose cone hangs right around the vessel until I maneuver, and invariably gets bumped and kicked off course.  Mostly I can dump the fairing and nose cone while still subortital, that one that went past Mun was an early flight, while I was still figuring this stuff out.  I thought I could dump everything onto Mun and not have it float around the Kerbolar system -- but no, it's not that easy.

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3 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Well, if it were real, Laythe would have no tides, since its tidally locked to Jool. Tylo might have some effect tho, someone else would have to figure the math on that. 

Laythe should have the same effect that keeps the subsurface oceans liquid in Callisto, Europa, and Enceladus -- because its orbit is elliptical, the change in tidal bulge as the distance to the primary changes each orbit kind of "kneads" the interior.  Won't do much to the surface oceans, but it adds heat to the interior.  In fact, on Io, it adds enough to melt sulfur to run all those volcanoes...

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This morning I got Jeb stuck in orbit with no RCS fuel left in his suit 10m away from the ship that was sent to rescue him ran out of electricity.

Also I got Valentina stuck in orbit around Minmus. 

Totally an expert at this.

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25 minutes ago, Zeiss Ikon said:

Yep, but then the nose cone hangs right around the vessel until I maneuver, and invariably gets bumped and kicked off course.  Mostly I can dump the fairing and nose cone while still subortital, that one that went past Mun was an early flight, while I was still figuring this stuff out.  I thought I could dump everything onto Mun and not have it float around the Kerbolar system -- but no, it's not that easy.

The trick is to set your decoupler as low as possible, but not zero, and then dump it retrograde or radial-

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On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 0:58 AM, eloquentJane said:

Well I suppose it's good to know that I don't need to go through all of my mods to figure out which one's causing it since if it's a stock bug none of them are. Has it really been since they were added? I've only experienced the issue since 1.2.

Yeah. But, it is only a problem when switching from another craft at times or to a high part count one. But, thankfully it is a non-issue to worry about.

Also. Kerbin I think we havea problem with Mün:



Best guess on whi is. That when I selected the Mün and set the ore to be seen. IT stayed on even when switchign from another craft...


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5 hours ago, netbumbler said:


Nice looking shuttle. I see you're using Fuel Tanks Plus (at least it appears so). I don't know whether you've noticed, but there are longer versions of the 2.5m tanks which have similar color switching to the rest of the FTP tanks, and using one of the double-length ones instead of a pair of stock ones in situations like yours can help to keep part count down. There's also similar extra-length tanks for the 3.75m diameter (which can be color-switched to be completely white if you need that), and if you use Color Coded Cannisters as well you can get the full range of options from those mods. Additionally, there are 2.5m nosecones similar to the 3.75m one that you've used, so you don't have to use the conical adapter and then the 1.25m nosecone that doesn't have the same color options.

Also, I absolutely love the use of the Planetary Base Systems parts for the shuttle's OMS. I don't think I've ever seen anyone do that before but it's an excellent design choice.

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12 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

Nice looking shuttle. I see you're using Fuel Tanks Plus (at least it appears so). I don't know whether you've noticed, but there are longer versions of the 2.5m tanks which have similar color switching to the rest of the FTP tanks, and using one of the double-length ones instead of a pair of stock ones in situations like yours can help to keep part count down. There's also similar extra-length tanks for the 3.75m diameter (which can be color-switched to be completely white if you need that), and if you use Color Coded Cannisters as well you can get the full range of options from those mods. Additionally, there are 2.5m nosecones similar to the 3.75m one that you've used, so you don't have to use the conical adapter and then the 1.25m nosecone that doesn't have the same color options.

Also, I absolutely love the use of the Planetary Base Systems parts for the shuttle's OMS. I don't think I've ever seen anyone do that before but it's an excellent design choice.

Thanks for the kudos and advice.  Yes definitely using Fuel Tanks Plus and Planetary Base Systems.  I have one more tech tree unlock and I will gain access to the really huge 3.75 tank so I can color switch it all to orange.  I have already redesigned the 'SRB's (in quotes because they are actually Vectors underneath liquid fuel tanks) to be white like the real thing.  The only fuel in the Planetary Base Systems tanks is just enough to run the fuel cells.  Just use the radial adapter on the rear of the shuttle to orient your tanks then rotate and move until they are in position.  I made the mistake of initially clipping in tons of monoprop to those (mostly) empty tanks but apparently having lots of weight high and to the rear makes the shuttle very unstable.  So I put two of the big RCS tanks (the ones with 750 in them) up front for counter balance (I have 2 of the 1000 unit MK3 monoprop tanks making up the bulk of the rear) and set the fuel logic to drain all of them at the same rate and I can keep the vehicle pretty stable regardless of fuel level.  No manual balancing required.  Only two big cheats (besides the aforementioned parts clipping): had to clip canards into the cockpit to allow her to pull up on final (they still work even though they are completely clipped-in); and I had to change the max temperature level of the Planetary Base Systems adapter that makes up the front part of the OMS.  Yeah the most stable reentry profile is just holding prograde but it heats the OMS part of the shuttle up enormously so I had to edit the part from 2000 to 3000 max temperature.  Since it's really only a cosmetic part, I don't feel too bad about it.  Those canards were pretty cheaty, though...



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11 minutes ago, netbumbler said:

Yeah the most stable reentry profile is just holding prograde

Here's a suggestion: somewhere in the design, clip a tiny probe core and use the rotation tool to tilt it 20 or 30 degrees downwards (or maybe some other angle depending on design, but those angles tend to work quite well). That way, when you re-enter, you can control from that probe core and hold prograde, and the shuttle will automatically tilt up. Though I suppose flying a space shuttle mimic is always going to pose some challenges if you're going for a perfect stylistic replica, since the original shuttle was never the best glider.

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