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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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9 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Well, "like" is really the wrong word here, but I wanna seeeee :sealed:

Your wish is my command!

There are 9 engines on this thing but staging shows 7, 2 were on the disconnected part.



The side thats not entirely submerged. I guess it was wedged in between the middle and far side...


Edited by Spacetraindriver
Just wanted to add...No hangar extensions!
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10 hours ago, DBT85 said:

This morning I got Jeb stuck in orbit with no RCS fuel left in his suit 10m away from the ship that was sent to rescue him ran out of electricity.

Also I got Valentina stuck in orbit around Minmus. 

Totally an expert at this.

You sound like me three weeks ago.  I deleted a save after I managed to strand all three of my sandbox pilots in Munar orbit, one in EVA, one in a Mk. 1 Command Pod with dry RCS tanks, and one in the Mk. 1-2 rescue ship without enough fuel left to get back to Kerbin.  Prescription: multiple LKO rendezvous and docking practice flights before returning to Mun and beyond...  :wink:  Only took me a few tries to get to where I was able to dock an orange-tank transfer stage to a slowly tumbling, uncontrolled lander.  Hint: learn to fly the navball on docking, and use cap-lock to reduce RCS translation authority when you get close.

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Playing around in the sandbox, I decided to run a Kerballed mission to Dres...  I've landed and returned from the Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike, and all five Joolian moons...  So why not Dres?

The first step in this is to hurl a series of probes from Kerbin to Dres and back to get a handle on transit times and d/v requirements.   I've always found the various d/v charts to be 'best of', and not very useful.  (Plus they don't have helpful information like how often Dres->Kerbin windows open.)

NASA no doubt has programs all set up, so all the engineer has to do is enter the parameters and hit 'run', and the data is all presented in a neat tabular format by the time he gets back from lunch.  Me?  I have the sandbox and my trusty steno pad.


I've got a hefty desktop, a tablet, and a smartphone - but still I reach for my steno pad.  Old habit, learned at my mother's knee... (Always knew when something big was coming up, long before they actually told us kids - because mom would start making lists in a *new* steno pad.)

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Working on my refueling station at Minmus. Landed second 6.4k fuel tug with equipment for a distributed fuel depot on more level ground than the refinery. Gotta love the Pathfinder base system. Still a long way to go before reaching full operational capabilities, but motherships not just a pipedream now.

Also did a bit of crunching spreadsheets. Need a page for antennas.

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The Iota Mining Corporation finally launches it's first vessel!


Quickly followed by its first station, since nobody thought to put a refinery on the miner.


On the whole... Alekeg is not the best of designs. The radiators are significantly further away from the refinery than are the 1.25m docking ports, with the result that as soon as Badgermole locks on, all the heat of the freighter gets dumped into it rather than being properly lost to space. To make things worse, Alekeg's command pod and living quarters get uncomfortably hot during normal operation, leading to a very sweaty work crew.

Also, Badgermole is a bit too fat to be attaching to that docking port. It's a pretty tight fit during the final approach, and one wrong move would have knocked the panels off at least one of the vessels. In future, docking should be done on battery power only.

Despite the shortcomings of its design, Alekeg and Badgermole between them do at least do what they were designed for. Processing all of Badgermole's ore results in about 2.5x as much liquid fuel as is needed to refill its tanks, leaving a health surplus at the refinery, and by the third run it is well stocked with LF, Ox, and Monoprop. The problem of refuelling within Gael's SoI appears to have been solved - even if it is in a small scale and rather slow way.


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10 hours ago, Zeiss Ikon said:

You sound like me three weeks ago.  I deleted a save after I managed to strand all three of my sandbox pilots in Munar orbit, one in EVA, one in a Mk. 1 Command Pod with dry RCS tanks, and one in the Mk. 1-2 rescue ship without enough fuel left to get back to Kerbin.  Prescription: multiple LKO rendezvous and docking practice flights before returning to Mun and beyond...  :wink:  Only took me a few tries to get to where I was able to dock an orange-tank transfer stage to a slowly tumbling, uncontrolled lander.  Hint: learn to fly the navball on docking, and use cap-lock to reduce RCS translation authority when you get close.

Yeah, It was a bad morning lol.

I've logged several hundred hours but its been a while so I'm still making some weird mistakes.

In the end, I saved Jeb with a cunningly flown RCS proble controlled rescue capsule. Made more difficult by the fact that I had to launch 5 relay sats first (lost one because I forgot to extend the antenna before the probe lose comms with KSC).

I also launched a similar ship to rescue Valentina and then realised when it was some 10Mm away that the comms were dead. So I'll have to fix that before going to get her.

I did managed to get Jeb to Minmus and come back with some science though, so now I have a bunch to spend and a healthier balance to do things with.

Edited by DBT85
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Yesterday I was on Thalia. Today I went out of fuel and therefore I had to go to Eta because there ..no .. umpf..nkkg..grmbl.Thalia .. Have transmission difficulties. Roger Roger - Spoileralarm.


Eta is beautiful. No heat, low gravity, high albedo. Oh, could it always be so easy .....



There are only a few smaller hills, you have to be careful where you land.


Oh, and there is still this ... lol (r $ .Burp.. scratch .. damn, these stupid transmission errors. You should bring spotlights in any case, depending on the time of day.

Then I'll go to Thalia again - hell calls.



Edited by astroheiko
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On 2/6/2017 at 6:22 PM, eddiew said:

Unleash the robot bug!


(Combined @KerikBalm's Rald with @Galileo's planet pack. Feels like a good fit, imho, nice dinky oxygen world with a clear view of the look-but-don't-touch big momma of the system.)

Your robot bug is awesome! Is that the Laser Surface Imager from DMagic Orbital Science mod? So it snorts lasers :D

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Finally back up and running - although with a slight. quirk

I repainted a puma in desert camo livery as shes to be a passenger/fuel train between 3 stations/colonies on kerbin

she turned out a rather offensive shade of - brown?


Anyway with that ignored.. driving in desert landscapes to the awesomeness of MechWarrior 2 soundtrack Pyre Light (someone will get the reference)

was pure epicness in itself


Then I found a crack in the terrain and pop went my immersion bubble...



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Last night, Elyris and Val came home from Minmus.  Compared to getting there (with Mun getting in the way, then having to raise orbit and burn at apo for the Minmus encounter) getting back to Kerbin was both simple and (relatively) fast.  With periapsis set at ~35 km, it was only about forty days back home, compared to the 90 going out.  Fortunately, after docking the two pods, Elyris revealed that she'd brought a deck of cards even though Val had "forgotten" hers.  By the time they decoupled for reentry, Elyris reportedly had won almost half of Val's next paycheck.  The word is out around KSC, now -- don't ever play gin with Elyris.

Reentry was managed with a new, previously untested system to keep the two command pods close together, allowing both to remain under control (previously, the transfer stage was held in orbit for one more revolution after putting the lander pod into reentry profile).  The lady pilots were able to keep their pods close enough together through reentry that they splashed down only 10 km apart -- each reported being able to see the other's parachutes, naked eye, after full deployment at 1000 m -- and on opposite sides of Nye Island, within easy sight of the space comm station there.  No, mission planning wasn't that good, it was just coincidence that they landed so close, but it was a happy coincidence.

Test reports indicate a few minor items that need correcting in Selene 1 Mod. 3a, but most of the excitement in the mission debrief came from the two sides of the prior argument meeting in the middle when they realized that adding the boosters from Mod. 3-1 to the staged core of the Mod. 3a would allow boosting heavier payloads further.  Mission planners were overheard muttering about Duna and Dres transfer windows as they left the conference room.

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Racking my brain for an effective way to refuel the staton in LKO.

First I thought send up a Minmus mining craft.
This one goes up almost empty, lifter gets it to LKO (lifter is recoverable). Scoots off to Minmus, mines, coverts, fills up with fuel, then heads back to the station to either sit and fuel others or dump the fuel in a tank, then has enough dV to return and land on Minmus, rinse, repeat.




and without lifter...




But then I thought, I want that fuel time meow.  And I love launching rockets, so why not just launch a probe fuel cell with a recoverable lifter?  Also, bonus if it lands it near/at the space center, send out a mining rig on wheels to refuel them, recover at almost entire cost.



Lifter gets it LKO, it gets to the station on its own power, stays till allotted fuel is gone (large center tank), then returns using its own reserve (smaller top tank). Has parachutes and air brakes.

Still working on the lifter. Might steal an idea off kerbalX



What would Jesus Jebediah do?

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Having thrown a bunch of probes towards Mars, I've set about the task of landing a Kerbal on the Moon. It's gonna take some big rockets. Nine "Main Boar" (Twin Boar+Mainsail combo) stacks asparagused, then a Mainsail stage, then a Poodle stage.

I like big boosters and I cannot lie


I'm taking an EOR+LOR approach: That's only the CSM on top. The LM is going up on a separate launcher, and the CSM will need extra drop tanks which will go up on additional launches.

In the test flight it suffered violent SAS wobble. I should be able to fix that easily enough with some autostrutting and a lower stage probe core.

Edited by cantab
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Today I designed and launched the Klamath.

I really have no idea what I'm going to use this for. Regular taxi to Jool? Dres? No idea, but it carries stores for just under three Earth years for four Kerbals. I figure the payload is about 30 tons; it'll still manage 6km/s of delta-V out of the thermal nozzle (1050sec isp at the current tech node, IIRC) with > 0.35 TWR carrying that load. In fact, I think the TWR is around 0.4 with payload, which is much better than Cascadia managed. Fully nuclear, no solar sails on this one.




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12 hours ago, eddiew said:

On the whole... Alekeg is not the best of designs. The radiators are significantly further away from the refinery than are the 1.25m docking ports, with the result that as soon as Badgermole locks on, all the heat of the freighter gets dumped into it rather than being properly lost to space. To make things worse, Alekeg's command pod and living quarters get uncomfortably hot during normal operation, leading to a very sweaty work crew...

You may want to consider the extendable radiators.  The fixed radiators will only draw heat from the part they're attached to, and one part further away.  The extendable versions act like they're pumping coolant throughout the craft, so it will pull heat from all parts, no matter how close a particular part is to the radiator.

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