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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Oh, I also returned a kerbal from Gilly (I did have to cheat a bit, I was lazy for a good transfer window.)


Subject in question

Also modified a previous cargo plane and left it on a testing run.

I actually forgot about this!

Edited by qzgy
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Wow... more than 3 months without playing and coming here, a lot happen for sure!

I just launch the game for 20 minutes tonight and looked at all the crew I left in orbit.


I totally forgot my SSTO, the XC-73A Pallas, during its last demonstration flight in December and finally took the decision to end the trip...



I will land it once I got enough time.

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Took my little Tylo rover for a spin. Dubbed the Ty-Lowrider.



Here, Aniella stares mournfully up at the gas giant, contemplating her place in the universe. You can just see Laythe there, looking very small. Aniella can relate.




The rover is complete with drills and converter, which is why it's packed with solar panels and thermal control systems. And why Aniella (an engineer) was assigned

this most lonely of missions.



The drills were necessary because engines are placed fore and aft to act as brakes (Ants and Spiders). Though, if I knew then what I know now, I would've put a Terrier

on each end. I have to take hills at a serious angle. Once you really get rolling on Tylo, it takes an awful lot to stop you. Or just a rollover.




So why put a rover on Tylo in a career game with nothing to gain? Who knows?

Kerbals have their own motivations.


Edited by Cpt Kerbalkrunch
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[1.2.1 career save "trekking"] Sometimes KSP provides exactly the right contract. DDRocketsInc had several failures trying to land bases on the Mun and Minmus - wheeled vehicles on slopes are not easy to control remotely! The engineers' were getting extremely frustrated and growing concerned that Gregfry Kerman, the engineer on Minmus who was getting the mining base started was running low on supplies (USI-LS mod). Next thing we knew Radcliff Kerman, the Doctor was running in with a cash contract to bring Gregfry back because of a medical emergency (ironic!).

He rode the Minmus Lander up to Minmus OSL I Refit Station. before riding Venturer X home. Top left image is external station camera watching the Minmus lander docking into the station habitat module and reminder are the snap shots he took as the shuttle backed away from the Science Station.



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Today I finished my pair of polar omnicomm towers.

Enough antennas to target every planet in the system, plus the active vessel.  And since they are sitting on the actual pole of Kerbin, they provide constant line of sight forever with no drift.


The original plans were nice and symmetrical:



The actual assembly process at the south pole with KAS was not quite as planned.  Extra ladders were needed, and a few parts were ultimately proved unnecessary when they exploded after being dropped. And, despite some wacky wobbling when some dishes clipped into each other, nobody died:



The engineering team got a bit lazier for the second station at the north pole, when they realized they didn't need to build a tower since they already had a great big platform to attach the dishes to after landing:




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  On 4/22/2017 at 10:51 PM, Triop said:

Testing  (classified) that can (classified) so it can (classified) and (classified).




  On 4/23/2017 at 12:05 AM, Triop said:

5 North-Kerean deserting pilots landed on our base today, we are giving them asylum.


O, and we keep the jets of course....





Solving the Korean troubles one plane at a time. :cool: Someone get this guy to the UN!

Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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A couple of days ago, in my career game, the USSR launched the 'Salyut-1' space station atop a 'Proton-K' rocket:


The, the USSR also launched 'Soyuz-1,' which ended in failure after I mixed up a monopropellant engine and an LF/O engine on the upper stage!


However, 'Soyuz-1' successfully docked to 'Salyut-1' after a minor redesign:


The, not to be outdone by the Russians, the USA launched 'Skylab-2,' which was an extension of the new 'Skylab' space station, which was, in fact, the 'Artemis-1' spacecraft that Jeb was launched into LKO with to test some safety equipment and come down after a week or two.



After the 'Skylab-2' mission added the Experiment Logistics module to the station, Jeb undocked and de-orbited, while Wehrus and Jenlyn stayed aboard to conduct scientific research onboard 'Skylab.' More here.

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Today I did a little bit of further reading on Beriev aircraft, as I've discovered I have a bit of a soft spot for them.  After a little bit of messing around with my latest (and incredibly outlandish) mission to Moho I set about building a Beriev Be-10 replica:





Link to full thread including craft file here.



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Testing started on the heavy exploration rover Globetrotter, designed to wander about on a surface until there's nothing left to find or the crew gets bored.

Initial system tests ensured nothing conflicted, fell off or went boom.


However mobility testing showed an inability to climb slight inclines which it was felt would adversely impact certain mission parameters.


The project has now been reclassified as Bowling Green Surveyor until this slight setback has been rectified.


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"Dres Explorer" arrived! The probe had enough deltaV to get into orbit.qCG37V8.jpg 

Low Dres orbit, 4,4km x 5,3km


I also returned Lanne Kerman back to Kerbin. During her manned Duna lander mission she never had any problems, and she will take the next transfer window.


World First Milestones:


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wanted to play hard career. My first launch, forgot staging, staged booster and chute at the same time, cut the chute to speed up not considering that I have no way to land with it. Jeb died

Edited by Numerlor
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Hello again m8s! I had an extremely hard day ,but despite that ,i played KSP!

1. The "Libra" mission. It is the largest and the most serious relay mission ever. I settled up relay on Eve and on Moho. 

HdQSSx8.png EB8Hj1J.png

SqmmU6X.png 1Gq8EiF.png

ECargaY.png ssYOLM7.png

2. The ending of a very old mission-"Dunion". It took a very long time to get to Duna ,but now its time has come.

FAjSc3z.png UpNLOuC.png

LS9B3HU.png ghLPM0W.png

3. Launch of the "Ursa" ressuply vehicle to the "Triangulurum".  Its launcher used an interesting technology,a small fuel tank with the "Vector" engine. It is supposed to give a powerful push and raise the velocity very quickly!

6C5cCaA.png kJnXmCX.png

XK8sSVk.png uPveRNy.png

4.A small flight of the "Antipod" jet fighter! Just a small ivestigation of distant regions...

UH0O7gO.png ZGh8Sps.png

WNLs8oM.png CufC38c.png

5. The "Bliztagen" presents a concept of an atmospheric relay. When a dangerous situation strikes and you need a signal ,this little thing will help.

lMbBdJr.png aABK3il.png


6.Shot of the day: a sunrise at the "Triangulurum'.


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I modified my previous "Rocket-only" entry for the Stock Payload Fraction Challenge, and flew an SSTO in "Rocket-only Recovery" -- which requires recovering all parts of the rocket other than payload.  Spam parachutes and provide landing legs (in case of dry land recovery), add a probe core and a big enough battery to keep it running until after parachute and landing leg deployment, and the same booster can launch the same payload (for a slightly lower payload fraction, because the recovery parts add mass to the booster).

Note: only works if the original SSTO was arriving in orbit with at least a little fuel left -- some to account for the added mass of recovery parts, and some to deorbit (though a 40 km periapsis from a 100 km orbit doesn't take much of a burn).


As it turns out, deorbit only used about half the fuel seen here, leaving a little burst of thrust for use during reentry if/as needed.


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  On 4/22/2017 at 2:16 PM, Knacky said:

Same here !!! :mad:


okay I figured it out thanks to V8Jester's and Bornholio's helps

if your problem is having all the parts but they're wobbling and glitchy and things, then you need first to check if your autostruts are activated on InfernalRobotics parts (go to settings > gameplay > show advanced tweakables > return to your ship with not working robotic pieces > right click on IR pieces > check if autostrut is on > turn it off ) if it still does not work then that's because you use kerbal joint reinforcement, and you will need to download the latest-but-unstable dev build you can find here:


still doesn't work? then you have badly installed your infernal robotics folder. make sure to have every file into the "magicsmokeindustries" folder and if you're in 1.2.2. , check here if you have the most recent versions of IRobotics.

-sorry for helping in a non-help thread-

to complete my post: today I've finished testing my OPT VTOL (size K ) that'll go on duna assembling my base thanks to KAS and thanks to throttledcontrolledavionics (without this mod my VTOL would transform into a dozen of debris in less than 10 seconds, thanks to my incredible pilot skills)

I've also built the largest rocket I've ever made, to transport that VTOL in a single launch to duna (7.500 meters of diameter)

got no time for screenshots, must finish building rockets right now, sry :l

Edited by Tomato29
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Still in my GPP career,

Finished adding modules to my Iota outpost to have a functional Simple Construction shipyard.

A more complete album of the steps leading to the fully functional outpost is there: http://imgur.com/a/xNs1c

The next step is to complete the nuclear power-plant accompanying it located ~300m away and linked via Simple Logistics.

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