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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Separatist speaking:

"Well, looks like Triop found our base, won't be long before Mirages will come and destroy it."


"So we send in some reinforcements to protect it."




(No accounts were hacked for this message)

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After four days of hard work, I finally got my reusable fly-back booster to work! I went through a series of various designs, including SpaceX style, ULA's Vulcan style, and ESA's Adeline style, but I finally decided to use a modular fly-back design, which can be used as a 1st core stage, a radial booster, etc. Ascending like a conventional rocket, with a (tiny) automatic gravity turn due to the mass offset of the 'Whiplash' turbo ramjets. After beginning but not completing the orbital insertion, the 'Atlas RM' booster re-enters like a shuttle, ignites the 'Whiplash' jet at 20km, and flies back to the KSC at mach 3.








No images of the MECO or beginning of orbital insertion burn, but there are some of the re-entry and fly-back.




Igniting the 'Whiplash' engines to complete the turn-around to face the KSC.





Ascending up to 20km to lower the drag as I accelerate to 1 kilometre per second.






Shutting off the engines and deploying the airbrakes after I realised that I was going to overshoot.



Entering a steep dive to slow down and lower my altitude from 20km to 2km.






Pulling out of the dive to align myself with the runway.


Deploying gear:




And... touchdown!




62,427 funds out of 67,903 funds recovered. Much better value value over the previous 50,000 launch cost with 0 funds recovery! Who knew?

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1 hour ago, Triop said:

Separatist speaking:

"Well, looks like Triop found our base, won't be long before Mirages will come and destroy it."


"So we send in some reinforcements to protect it."




(No accounts were hacked for this message)

Image result for annoyed squidward or Image result for annoyed squidward? (i put that in that order for a reason :P)

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1 hour ago, Triop said:

Separatist speaking:

"Well, looks like Triop found our base, won't be long before Mirages will come and destroy it."


"So we send in some reinforcements to protect it."




(No accounts were hacked for this message)

You have my A-10, right? Feel free to borrow!

A high dive might also work.....

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Separatist speaking:

"Looks like we arrived on time, we had a small "Kraken" incident while unplugging, but the wheels were easily fixed."



"No sign of Mirages yet..."   :ph34r:




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1 hour ago, Triop said:

Separatist speaking:

"Looks like we arrived on time, we had a small "Kraken" incident while unplugging, but the wheels were easily fixed."



"No sign of Mirages yet..."   :ph34r:




Pass me the save, will you? I need separatist blood on my hands.

I might be a little ... disturbed.

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Not all today, but I came back to my 3x rescale save that I was working on.

After getting cargo SSTOs working for kebin, and a moderate sized mining vessel, I started working on SSTO shuttles for use on Duna and my modded Rald.

The Duna shuttle


Landing does not use chutes so it can be flown remotely without needing kerbals to pack chutesbtfcSR0.png


Takeoff normally requires use of the VTOL engines:


Also note the non-stock ramrocket engines. They are just poor TWR and ISP rocket engines until a certain mach number when the thrust augmentation kicks in (visually identified by the bluish flame):



back to normal rocket mode:


Since testing and launching this Duna design, I decided to increase Duna's surface gravity to 0.376 Gs (Mars' surface gravity) - I'm not sure it will still work, if so I may undo the change or make a new one and cheat it over there)

I doub't I'll use its full payload capacity, so the effect of 25% higher gravity may just be a smaller payload... should be fine:





These cargovessels couldn't make kerbin orbit on their own, and I abandoned the idea of small strap on SSTOs to enable them to reach orbit. The only way they'd get to orbit is with the help of something even bigger, and I didn't feel like making an even more gigantic SSTO for them to ride piggyback, so:




The Rald transport didn't fly piggyback, it had a rocket jammed up the cargobay, and had to be loaded with the first module (the surface fuel depot) in orbit:


Even with an orange tank loaded in it, it didn't have enough dV for the transfer to Minmus (I swapped minmus and Mun orbits for convenience of faster travel times and not needing to match inclination on launch or wait for windows, the dV difference is minimal)

So, I had to send up a refueling tanker just to get the darn thing out of LKO. I had also sent up a small tug for loading cargo, but I've found that I don't need it and I can just use the RCS on the cargo vessels.




Anyway, I also decided to start setting up a surface base on Minmus as a model for what I'd be making on Duna and Rald (with some differences, like no air filter). I've modified the KPBS parts so that one can make a closed loop life support where greenhouses and algae farms will produce oxygen and food from waste and CO2 in just about perfect amounts, with a water purifier, ships and bases will last nearly forever with no additional resource inputs, but I'd like my Rald and Duna bases to be able to produce surpluses of food/water/oxygen so other vessels don't need to store the waste. The minmus base can supply water (and thus oxygen from splitting it), but needs CO2 inputs to provide excess food.

Landing the first module (as always, the fuel tank/depot - although this was a problem for my Mun base, as even after emptying the tank, the transport could get to orbit but not return to the surface again without a refill in orbit)) happened during an eclipse:


Next came the ISRU module so it could refuel the transport for additional modules


Loading the center command module was a bit of a challenge, its the widest module (at the 4 way junction):


but I was able ot get it in past that position by closing the ramp and bay doors, and jiggling the craft around with it contained... then I got it to the surface:



In this configuration, it could basically permanently supply 1 kerbal (but no surplus food/Oxygen production), and was more or less functional as a surface fueling base, with space to add-on.

The first addon was a greenhouse module enabling it to permanently support 8 kerbals. The next addon will probably be a science module, even though I'm doing this in sandbox and not career.



(ignore the electric charge for TAC, I've fixed that issue for now - also note that those tac estimates don't include production, the Oxy/Water/Food stores are increasing)

After the last landing, I took out the fuel tank to refuel the Minmus dropship on the surface, 


The minmus surface-orbit shuttle can use that tank to act as a fuel tanker... but it doesn't take much fuel, and I need a lot more in the 3x gameplay for journeys to other planets, so I also have dedicated tankers for that. 

This one can be launched by my cargo SSTO, but its capacity is a bit lackluster, I made a bigger one launched by disposable rocket for convenience, since this isn't actually career and I dont care about funds.


Also, bonus images of that SSTO launched tanker and a glitch I had with out of date mods after 1.3 came out:



No, I did not successfully land this:



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Ok @KerikBalm That is amazing. I've not even started to play with Life Support Mods yet. Basic KSP breaks my brain. XD 

So Day 2 of my 1.3 Career, Ive spent about 3 hours trying to land Jeb on the mun without success. I do orbit easily enough but i crashed more time that i counted. I managed to land and took some lovely screen grabs. I think realized that i probably didnt have the fuel to return. (sub 1.2k DV) so i had to revert to auto save. Except that autosave was before i landed on the Mun (while in orbit). I decided to walk away before i get too frustrated. I will try again possibly try a Minmus fly by instead to grab the science there. 


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1 hour ago, qzgy said:

Pass me the save, will you? I need separatist blood on my hands.

I might be a little ... disturbed.

Sure, I'll share them with anybody who is interested.

Stock + BDA version:


https://www.dropbox.com/s/eyuypqyt0f0e8jr/AA Tank Stock BDA.craft?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/r1byto8b3bs14xk/Ore drill Stock.craft?dl=0

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Sat through an almost 30 minute burn....

NERVs. Great ISP, terrible thrust.

Also, starting a jool 5 attempt with that ssto, maybe....

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Made it to Jool (barely). For the first time (apart from that one time I strapped a cockpit on top of a nerv.... (this we do not speak of)). Got lucky and did not have to burn to capture.

Crew Picture on Laythe!


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"Gregfrod Kerman, this is Hilda Kerman at Restitution II Station, do you copy?"

"Copy Hilda, whats up?"

"We're monitoring your descent... why didn't you burn at the designated time as per Valentina's instructions?"

"I lost the bit of paper, but I improvised."

"Not so well, it would seem, Gregfrod. Are you aware you're about to engage in a litho-braking manouvre well in excess of spacecraft structural integrity?"

"Sorry, is this Hilda or Sir Humphrey Appleby??"


"Oh that. Er... I was just testing you... yeah, thats it! Pointing the pointy bits towards space....... OK now I'm in scoot mode. This feels weird. Vertical velocity zero, lateral 136... commencing gradual tilt west....... Overshot Jeb's Landing by 6.7km but I'm down safe. Well, I think I've stopped sliding... I can't hear grinding noises now. Don't worry Restitution, I'll get your ore!"

"Gregfrod, if you've broken our miner, you'll be on indefinite shore leave pending an appearance in KOURT!"

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Spent my night modding....again... And then I tried to rebuild my lost race car. That didn't turn out well so I built the next car I had planned, a high fidelity F1 racer. Its yaw control is not amazing, and a few little things have been added since this screenshot. But it's a keeper.

We're letting Jeb drive. Because reasons...


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I loaded KSP >14 times.

Various versions of PEWEE tested beside a Pheobus 2, Needs plume tuning.


Something wrong with the 500:1 ratio Pewee, TWR x10 Mode....


The 104 ton "Niven Class" fuel tankers to Mars. Frustrated with design difficulties of the Martian mining systems single use orbital tankers to deliver 350k hydrogen fuel to LMO (150km)


Automated docking guidance system on the front for a fuel only port. A side extendable port and moderate communication facilities will allow it to perform Comsat duties after expending its fuel load.

Longer term it will be used to accumulated LH2 from the martian surface and provide emergency tug service.


Lights, Camera, Action Groups. Docking port cover still in place, all systems in extended position. Pusher arm extends to undock target craft without fuel use. Full optical telescope and lights allow remote guidance to use sophisticated algorithms for docking and rendezvous of targets without active beacons.


Survey instruments and test equipment round out the engine pod.


Plenty of cooling, cryogenic compression and active heat rejection. hot engine parts extended away to limit incoming heat.


Chill Dude. Maintaining cryogenic temps in full sunlight. Solar power regardless of angle (sun co-axial to panels will stop function) 50 days full batteries (orbit).



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I got bored today, so let's design something


Flying it normally would be quite boring. let's spice things up. First, the pilot will be Jeb (as always). Second, try to reach the highest speed possible with the lowest altitude possible


Jeb's face says it all

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