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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I dispatched this space station to Bop, where it will arrive in 2.5 years: the asteroid it is destined to feed off of will arrive about a year earlier. The solar panels are mostly for show, since the primary power source is several dozen nuks. This one of a half dozen craft heading out to Jool's moons this week.


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6 hours ago, kurgut said:

Also used to do the transfer burn, then Aj-10 stage will finish it:

You sure AJ-10? The AJ-10 a) doesn't burn blue and b) isn't a hydrolox engine. DO you mean instead the RL-10?

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4 hours ago, qzgy said:

You sure AJ-10? The AJ-10 a) doesn't burn blue and b) isn't a hydrolox engine. DO you mean instead the RL-10?

The blue in pic is Centaur yes (rl-10) but just above it, there's an other stage with aj-10 :)

Hre you have it: first, centaur stage firing, then jestisoned and aj-10 (advanced version) finishing transfer burn




Edited by kurgut
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4 hours ago, kurgut said:

The blue in pic is Centaur yes (rl-10) but just above it, there's an other stage with aj-10 :)

Hre you have it: first, centaur stage firing, then jestisoned and aj-10 (advanced version) finishing transfer burn

Oh OK. Yeah little bit my fault didn't quite read carefully enough. 

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First Saturn flyby! After about 7 years deep space travelling, and after have flybyed Jupiter (using gravity assist with correction burns to go to Saturn), Voyager-1 is encountering Saturn for the first time, with a very close flyby.

Hello Saturn:


Closing, clooosing


Earth looks, well... at least far from us now


We discovered some new moons, and learned a lot about this planet, its rings and general composition.

Now good bye Saturn


With this close flyby, Saturn's gravity is just pulling us out of the Solar system. Good bye Voyager




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After had done this kind of early Nasa Gemini stuff,...


...I decided finally to go for the real (sooo much expensive) one:


I will do others remaing contracts (this one was targeted moon landing, remaining is moon landing with maned rover deployement) and will then close apollo program since it is too much stress, too much expensive, and long time to build (3 years for each Saturn V ! ), and hopefully I didn't have engine failure on those launches (only with Saturn IB unmaned, and loss of thrust with apollo earth orbit mission and testing), I don't want apollo 13 to happen In my game!

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18 minutes ago, LushChicken said:

This that stock or from a mod?

@LushChicken, almost all parts here are from mods.

I don't actually remember which exact mods everything in that ship came from, but that lander is definitely using stuff from Near Future Solar, Near Future Electrical, Near Future Launch Vehicles, Station Parts Expansion Redux, OPT Legacy and DMagic Orbital Science.

Edited by NHunter
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20 minutes ago, NHunter said:

@LushChicken, almost all parts here are from mods.

I don't actually remember which exact mods everything in that ship came from, but that lander is definitely using stuff from Near Future Solar, Near Future Electrical, Near Future Launch Vehicles, Station Parts Expansion Redux, OPT Legacy and DMagic Orbital Science.

Thanks :)

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First Mars Sample return, and by the first probe to return from any interplanetary body landing. The MSR spacecraft is launched by Atlas V rocket (with boosters augmentation), first stage is RD-170, and Centaur upperstage (2 rl-10).



First stage separation:


After Centaur Stage finished orbit, the MSR spacecraft is released. The transfer stage (3 AJ-10) doing, well, transfer burn :sticktongue::


After midcourse correction burn, arriving finally to Mars:


Reentry (almost burned up!):



Chutes, landing gear deployed, and descent stage firing:


Landed! The parachute fairing is then jetisoned, all experiments experimenting and transmitting sweet science, and of course taking surface samples, and biological sample too.

After that, take off! The ascent stage (six 2kn engines burning aerozine/NTO) fire letting the lander on Mars surface (as apollo LM):


Upper stage separated, finishing orbit, and waiting 1 year to execute transfer burn to Earth:


After some hundred days of travel, coming back to home:


Return capsule separated, fairings jetisoned, and chute armed:



And landed! Historical day proving maned missions will be possible (in quite far future :) )



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I got my second Laythe crew transferred to Laythe station, then Jeb very reluctantly let Val fly the first crew back to orbit.


After rendezvous with the station, the two crews transferred by EVA


After a short briefing, the vets boarded PCC-02 Brigand and departed to perform a pair of rescue missions in LLO.  Who thought sending a Mk 2 capsule to Laythe was a bright idea?  Oh well,  it gets me a new engineer & a nice big chunk of cash when I get him back to Kerbin


After the second rescue - even worse, just a 1-man airlock - I had Brigand rendezvous with DSEV-02 Levian Bay.  Due to the 2 extra crew members, snack supply was going to be an issue if I stayed with the smaller crew cycler to go home.  Also, switching to Levian Bay allowed me to give the crew a chance to orbit everyone Joolian moon before heading home.


Vall was a snap, but I only got a night side shot, which wasn't very good.  Currently in Tylo orbit, waiting a few days for a transfer to Bop.  I still have over 50km/s dV remaining.


Finally, I sent the second crew down to the Lancer-Laythe base.  I may have them stay on land rather than head to the floating base due to snack shortages.  Landing was a bit rough, but the Pumera held together.  I may need to send a spare to Laythe, just in case.  Currently I have no backup in case of a take-off or landing accident.



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While diagnosing and (trying to) fixing a problem on a Mod, I ended up trashing a lot of Missions I did (under Contract Configurator). Since I already had set back my savegame  due involuntary cheating (I forgot a cheat activated testing another problem), I didn't bored to try to restore it from a backup.

However, I also ended up with a hand full of Tourists that just don't go away! (leftovers from the vanished missions).

Since I vowed not to kill a single Kerbal on this savegame, I think I will torture them for some time before dismissing them - I vowed not to kill, and that's all I vowed to. :cool:.

So I took my X-3 Mach3 plane, shoved some cabins on it and put some (Screaming) Tourist to fly over Mach 2 at 5 meters high. I'm pretty sure they realized pretty fast the reason the vomit bags were replaced by diapers on the emergency kit…. :sticktongue:

2.5Gs of acceleration on a straight line:

and almost 11Gs on turning.

Boy, I'm happy now. :) 

— — — — 

But since we are already here, and also due that vanishing missions accident, I'm redoing my CC missions again - what's being interesting (and funny) with the current know-how. This is my (re)flight of Tito's Tourism, my Space Tourism kick off rocket. 100% recoverable - if you manage to get the thing in orbit (really hard, as I don't eject absolutely nothing, not even the escape tower - that is used to help on the deorbit burn, so tight is my fuel profile!). This baby had 140tons at launch, and now with tanks near depleted, she's weighting about 35 tons.

Tito wants a 4 hours flight, so I'll probably will scare the "paper" out of him only tomorrow morning. 3:-)

Edited by Lisias
Mach1? I said Mach1? Make it 2! :)
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Today I landed a ISRU /drilling facility, and fuel truck (at the same time) on Asclepius, a planet I built for SSTO's.  I used the same tried and true setup that I use for Duna. Link to craft file in Kerbal X if you are curious


Everything was working great until I got everything situated, and finally tried to start the drill. "No ground contact". :confused:  Turns out I had set the drill on my lander about 3 pixels too low.

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