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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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LOL!! Love it! Now use KAS to make one of those swing rides and you could open an amusement park ;).

somethink likaaaa this?


works perfectly fine, it can even do complete rollovers in succession, though I admit, my fuel ran out after I let it do 10 rollovers in a row.

now I just need to find a way to make them mobile and perfectly stable, so I can place them somewhere else, so I don't have to delete them every time :)

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somethink likaaaa this?

Well, no, actually, but that's cool, too :). I was thinking about the ride that spins around like your little rocket one does, only you're sitting in a swing hanging on chains.

I made this one a few days ago:


After countless fatalities, I was finally able to land a Kerbal on the roof of the VAB with this. And it usually exploded soon after the Kerbal separated, due to the resulting imbalance :)

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thats a really impressive catapult, I never managed to get my kerbals even close to the roof of the VAB :D

Ok, I know what you mean, sadly, this is indeed not possible without mods I guess, the idea is good though :D Maybe I'll try it.

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Built and launched my first ever space station today, nothing fancy though just a 1 piece "craft" with a boost stage so it didn't require multiple launches and any orbital construction. Essentially it's just a really big rocket with docking ports.


Only mod used was Procedural Fairings to make a pleasant looking cover that hides 4 escape pod type craft which can be used to evacuate the pilot (and 3 others) to Kerbin in event of an emergency.

Now all I need to do is figure out rendevousing and docking so I can refuel the thing and maybe use it as a refueling outpost for larger missions. It may even go through a small redesign to include more engines so I can send if off to other places too.

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started building my Amusement park on Minmus besides my Kethane Drill.

and i learned it the hard way that the "engage lock" function of the bearing is not working

and i should have strutted the rotational parts to fix it before i landed.


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I built an SSTO (on my first try, been on vacation for several versions!) Only mod used is Aviation Lights.


Then I deployed a six-satellite communications network 1Mm above Kerbin. Ran out of dV after dropping the last probe, so I had to run a rescue mission... which ended up taking two different launches, since 1Mm circular orbits are significantly more expensive than my LKO crew shuttle could do.



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Installed Universe Replacer like everyone else xD

Then put into Orbit around Mun my Nanuk Probe Station with twin landers, Igaluk 1 and Igaluk 2. I find it's always helpful to build landers like this (Duo's) because I crashed the first one into the Probe station then proceeded to crash it into the Mun.


The second probe lander Igaluk 2 though was a picture perfect landing, and became my first craft on another world with .21


Then I put into orbit around Kerbin my "KES" or Kerbal Emergency Station for those manned flights around Kerbin that could result in a lost kerbal I have things lined up to save them.

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Today I had a go at landing Firespitter helicopters on top of the VAB after a few (read: several) shots of whiskey. Surprisingly, I actually managed my first working helicopter. It flew beautifully. But landing a helo? Really, really hard. I managed to land on the SPH, the ocean, and the island runway...I was aiming for the VAB helipads. OUI is very bad news kids :rolleyes:

EDIT: I lied. Apparently I can get a helicopter onto the VAB landing pad drunk. Possibly because the drink suppresses my undying hatred of .21's SAS. Also because I added a Kerbal Engineer chip to the thing which makes judging your descent far easier.

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I docked two modules together to start a space station, then got bored of docking and sent a probe to Eve. It landed successfully, but without any power to open its solar panels or do science. I then sent a mapping satellite into Duna orbit, and decided to send another mission to Eve. This one was way more ambitious, with a two-part vehicle aerobraking into orbit, then separating into a mapping satellite and a landing unit, which would use ion thrusters to deorbit itself before separating into a science probe which would parachute into one of Eve's oceans and a rover. This one went off without a hitch (didn't even quicksave!) and I spent a while driving around on Eve.

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Still just getting started with this game as well as the Kethane mod. I put 3 landers on the Mun today, a driller, a refiner, and a manned craft to connect hoses and transit around.

My goal changes constantly haha, might leave them sit there for a while and try to build a orbiting station or travel to another planet next :)

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I created my own version of career mode. Gave myself a maximum annual budget which includes salaries for my kerbals (and death benefits for the ones who die) and even give them raises depending on their missions.

Also created this:


And the power core for said station (located just above the hitchhiker cans) 9 RTG's put into a single core... Hope those kerbals living in the hitchhikers don't want to have kids...:


And though I haven't gotten it into space yet, I re-designed the fuel modules for the station:


150 tons, 14k fuel stored. Station will have 2 of these on it.

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Sent Jeb on a one-way trip to Duna.

He sacrificed himself for the good of setting a flag, what a brave kerbonaut...

His home is now a "MK1 Cockpit".

Actually, forget "one-way trip", I will probably make a rescue mission, after all, Jeb is Jeb.

Best not leave him there. He might get mad waiting, and form a rudimentary interplanetary rocket and fuel distillery out his pod, to go exploring on his own. He might be gone forever! :D

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IAnd the power core for said station (located just above the hitchhiker cans) 9 RTG's put into a single core... Hope those kerbals living in the hitchhikers don't want to have kids...:


That's a brilliant idea! I'm definitely going to have to borrow that idea. :)

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That's a brilliant idea! I'm definitely going to have to borrow that idea. :)

It is an easy enough build, and all stock. Rockomax Brand adapter 02 Place the first RTG in the middle, take another adapter and put it on top (after hitting W twice to invert it) then do the rest of your RTG's inside. You can do all the RTG's before closing it as well but I find it difficult to get the top to snap into place just right if I do. I have also considered a MK II version of this which will use the 1x1 structural panels along the gap between the adapters to close it in entirely. Either that or placing a bunch of lights in the middle to make it light up I haven't decided yet.

Since I made another post here I will update... Got my fuel tank into 80k orbit (well 80,302 - 78,977)

On the pad, needed 12 of the support tower things to hold it up, started with 6, but it collapsed so I just doubled it and threw it against the wall.


I had to manage the core stage engine shutting it down and back on to prevent overheats, if I left it off the rocket didn't have enough lift. So I would shut down until it cooled, restart it and shut it down again... That is until booster separation. After that it was ok.


Didn't get booster stage separation but here is the core stage separation:


And because I was afraid it would be top heavy in the gravity turn if I left the fuel tank full I let it feed the core stage. This however left enough fuel in the core stage tanks to refill the tank + 1400 units left which will be used to refill the tanks on my tug before I de-orbit it.


Refueling done, final separation in progress:


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Today I checked all of my space stations - around Duna, Kerbin, Mun and minmus, hopefully sending storage module with solar panels and docking ports to laythe.. - and I found out that every spacestation is okay and at least has half of it's fuel ready. except kerbin's ( which is really big space station, with lander, orbit module, storage module, Mainsail engine with 720L tank and a jumbo one. barely has any fuel.. ) I decided to refuel it once and for all but the challenge is to refuel it in ONE mission. what I did is build a massive rocket, with a jumbo tank in middle and 4 90L tanks mounted on sides with nuclear engines. Took this all the way to 500 KM, and reached there with enough fuel to refuel the station and come back. I'm proud to carry 50 ton weight to 500 KM orbit!

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My next launch window opens up to Jool so I built a "Jool Express", got it into orbit, and attached one of the fuel slugs. 6000+ delta-V for up to 27 tons of lander, but it has to fit within that frame. This is my second attempt at a "puller" design, so gimbaling off and extra reaction wheels, and RCS, to help.

E: Should also note that this was partly inspired by katateochi and his Constellation craft, I do love the open frame designs... Mine's just smaller and cruder.


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My _biggest_ achievement so far...getting this huge gas tank to my "station"

Believe me, that's an achievement if you did it manually (it's even pretty tough to do with MechJeb). Muscling around those orange tanks is quite a chore.

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It really was difficult! Took me a while to get a rocket configuration to get it to orbit and then finally the rendezvous. No mods for me yet. Still enjoying stock :)

Indeed it is. I used to use those tanks, always seemed like a chore to get them into orbit. I think it is because I find it silly having to use 6 of those orange tanks to have enough fuel/engines to get 1 full one into orbit :P

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