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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so an edited picture with description must be worth at least a thousand plus the length of the text.

So, here we see what our minimilist program has produced. Laythe Science Station ready for departure as soon as Billy-Bobdas gets inside the ship. Ignore the thing with the lander cans, it was totally slapped together and shouldn't be around Laythe long.

We've got a crack crew of pilots: Billy-Bobdas, Jenzer, and Dorick. And scientist who are said to be "top in thier field": Shelmon and Johnkin.

The mission was criticized for being far more expensive than they thought a minimilist mission should be, and we don't actually *need* any more science, which was quickly shut up by saying: "The value to Kermanity of flying jets around Laythe can't be ignored!"


At which point the naysayers said: "But you don't even have a single antenna on the whole thing!" To which was said: "And you were complaining about cost!" KSC to Jenzer: "Hold the launch!" KSC to Dorick: "Return to the KSC, we've got something in mind."

Bonus image (NSFW: Space ****, hardcore docking)


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Jeb sent Bill to pilot a science vessel, staffed by scientists Hudrod and Sonsby, on a mission to study sunspots from underneath (a Kerpie doll to whoever can recognize that reference). When they expressed concern about being that close to Kerbol, Jeb told them not to worry; they'd make their final approach at night :cool:

As you can see Bill is thrilled to be the first Kerbal on Kerbol!


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Finally made my first usable SSTO! Did a good orbit, rendezvous and docking with the station and a not quite good reentry, it went like crazy and stalled but using what was left of fuel I could stabilize the ship again and got it into the airstrip (my first successful landing too!!) :)

Here it is, the SM Mk2 (SM is for Scot Manley, whom videos where fundamental for this design)


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  StrandedonEarth said:
Jeb sent Bill to pilot a science vessel, staffed by scientists Hudrod and Sonsby, on a mission to study sunspots from underneath (a Kerpie doll to whoever can recognize that reference). When they expressed concern about being that close to Kerbol, Jeb told them not to worry; they'd make their final approach at night :cool:

As you can see Bill is thrilled to be the first Kerbal on Kerbol!


I was drinking coffee when I read that part. Ouch.
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Aerocaptured at Jool. Jenzer: "Hold on to your socks gentlemen!"


And finally over Laythe. At this point a faint signal was heard, morse code, apparently being generated by a sparking a wire on a broken communotron: "... Bob Kerman need pickup ... [unintelligible] ate all the goo ... KSC this is Bob Kerman ..."


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Hello, a bit late I know but Happy New Year for everyone! :) (I just registered on the forum)

I have this game only for about two month only (since 0.22) . At first I wasn't sure about buying or not because I have never tried early access game before but after I had tried the demo and had 10+ hour fun game time just messing around with it trying to sent a rocket to orbit :) I felt I need more from this. I was impressed! I got lot more fun than I had expected and I have already played 200+ hour.

I play the vanilla game in career mode (with engineer redux mod only) and I recently managed to build a lander to carry the lab module to the mun. I tested it in the kerbin atmoshpere to make it sure it has good balance and can safely hover if needed. The landing was a lot smoother than I had expected.


I had been looking after a game like this for years, thank you SQUAD!

I am waiting excitedly what comes with the next patches keep up the good work!


Edited by SharkH
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My career mode story thus far, for those interested:

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/lw9eG/embed"></iframe>

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/4XbRd/embed"></iframe>

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/Fy7Ys/embed"></iframe>

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Hey folks

I got bored today and noticed that there is a launchwindow for dres coming up. I´ve never been there so far, so I just wanted to build a nice, small ship to get there.

It might be possible, that I got a bit carried away...


That´s the KSS Ziolkowski. Finally I managed to build a working artificial gravity module. :confused:

Though, the launch will be tomorrow. 6 hours have to be enough for today.

Cya in Space

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Well, I took a few days break from KSP... got a little burnt out. Today I loaded it back up.

FFWD my Moho probe to it's correction burn... come to find out my orbital trajectory was going to miss it by quite a margin. Needed more than 7km/s to intercept. And my probe only had 2000. Fail. Oh well, kind of expected with my first interplanetary probe.

My second mission was far more successful. Finally returned Bill home from a heliocentric orbit (after missing his burn point and slingshotting out of Kerbin SOI). He's very happy to be home, after 60 days chasing down the planet.

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  SuperBigD60 said:
Can I say that I think there's something sexy about this giant rocket with planes on the sides. and your erotic docking.

1. Any similarity between that image and anything else was completely unintentional. But your comment has made me see something in it now, what you see may be different.

2. I may have unintentionally broken a couple of TOS's.

  SuperBigD60 said:
Also, I sent a refueling tug out to Jool, which another poorly planned mission needs to make use of.

My overbuilt Laythe mission also has the driver section docked to the previous driver section in another orbit with just over two orange tanks full of fuel left. We could very well wind up touring the station around to a couple of other planets.

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