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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I land a smal base with a mun vehicle into the big hole near the north pole of mun I found yeasterday pretending I'm doing a alien artifact digging mission. The monolith is right below the bottom of the hole. Does anyone make a mod to change all the monoliths into markers?









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Today I launched two probes to Minmus for use in the "Minmus Array for Long-Range Observation and Communication" (MALROC). I then realized I forget to include any sort of power generation... so I "corrected" their course and renamed them the "Really Useless High-velovity Radar Object Experiment."

MALROC 3 and 4 also launched after a quick design tweak to install an RTG.

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Landed a base on Mün in one of the maria. Landed an automatic rover near the base and went on a trip across the sea.

Sent a new rover with two seats and a skycrane and docked it to the orbital station. Went down with one Kerbal.

Rovers are named Quijote and Sancho, both blutonium-powered.


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Came to terms with the fact that my save has been damaged beyond repair. and started a new one (managed to save some of the good craft files).

Then I decided to build a space station. I thought it was a good design until after i had gotten it into orbit and found out that with the solar panels out it looks like a swastika. So i tried again, made it better and less Third Riech-y. Now working on my plan to colonize the Kerbol system.

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Came to terms with the fact that my save has been damaged beyond repair. and started a new one (managed to save some of the good craft files).

Then I decided to build a space station. I thought it was a good design until after i had gotten it into orbit and found out that with the solar panels out it looks like a swastika. So i tried again, made it better and less Third Riech-y. Now working on my plan to colonize the Kerbol system.

You did nazi that coming, did you? :sticktongue:

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This is the hardest game I have ever played in my 30 years of gaming.

I hate it.

Yet, I love it.

I think Dwarf Fortress is harder, but yeah, this is up there. The cool thing about KSP is that you can start having fun right away and understanding some basics, but there's always new challenging things to try.
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I was working on infrastructure for my upcoming Jool mission, specifically the interplanetary tug. I needed to test something to see how much it could haul, so I grabbed a base I had sitting in LKO...


Worked quite well. :) The base is currently in orbit around Laythe awaiting reinforcements.

(I have a main save and a 'testing' save where I develop stuff, I consider the testing save to be a sim so nobody dies lol.)

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I think Dwarf Fortress is harder, but yeah, this is up there. The cool thing about KSP is that you can start having fun right away and understanding some basics, but there's always new challenging things to try.

I'd forgotten about DF...I might have to look into it again. When I was playing, the fish could still drag a dwarf to his death and swallow him whole, sending the whole fortress into riots in the middle of a goblin siege. God, I hated that game. At least with KSP it's more often your fault than the computer's when defecant impacts a rotary oscillator...

Hand-designed my three craft for the Doing it Gemini Style challenge - it had been a while but I remembered the basics and some of the stuff I've learned since I picked up KER actually made the whole process easier (such as how to calculate how much fuel a stage needs to do its job). Launched the Munar rescue craft tonight; got it into orbit after a UVD due to insufficient strutting between the first and second stages, and pulled most of a Munar transfer burn before my computer spontaneously shut off again (I think it's high time I took care of that, before something critical in my box gets damaged).

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Today in KSP I assembled a craft capable of entering a stable orbit at Jool, my first time there.

The ship was assembled in orbit in three stages / launches, the Engine Module, Fuel Module, and Command Module.

I used Aero-braking (set altitude to 120,000m) to enter orbit.

Jools moon-space is crowded! I was looking for a way to sling-shot my self out of orbit, when the moons, pulling me this way and that changed my orbit enough, next thing I knew I was in a collision coarse with a moon and no fuel to avoid it. That's ok, really that craft was meant for inner planetary round trips, I'm actually surprised it made it all the way to Jool, much less got into orbit.

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I launched an interstellar probe, and then time warped until my Jool transfer window and launched two wildly different craft towards it.: my 600 ton interplanetary cruiser "V.E.E.R. II" that has 24 of the 1 meter engines (12 each of gimballing and non) as main propulsion, and the Laytheplane that I docked a LV-N interstellar stage onto for interplanetary burns and a small tank with a pair of largest radial ones for deorbiting. The plane plus two different docked space drives total 118 tons. Both use B9 and stock parts, plus sensors from the Kethane and Interplanetary Launchpad mods are built into small satellites docked to the VEER II.

The insertion burn for the VEER II was 4 minutes of drunken wobbling. Needed more struts, I guess!

The Laytheplane will take about 30 minutes of burning repeatedly when I come around to the correct side of the planet; I'm writing this after the first 6 minute burn raised it's orbit from 100 x 70 to 100 x 300 km.

Unfortunately, night-side burns don't make for very pretty pictures... I'll be posting far too many of them when I get both ships into the Jool system though!

For now, though, the Laytheplane: Launched vertically with a now-discarded booster, capable of flying all the way around Kerbin with fuel to spare, easily controllable when flying on the jets after discarding all the add-on stuff docked at the rear. Seats 6 passengers and the pilot. Warranty void if exposed to vacuum or water.


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Returned 3 Kerbals from an excursion to Gilly.

I expected to leave the cargo bay, lander and boosters behind to shed weight in order to get back home but to my surprise I had way more dV than I needed. The entire interplanetary ship (including lander) made it back home to Kerbin. All that was left behind in Gilly polar orbit was a satellite.

Time to refuel it and pick new destination. Perhaps one moons of Jool this time.

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