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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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We have made the first major rocket of the Laythe base. This will be a crewed Eeloo lander. It actually destroyed a bit of the base with the launch clamp but it's an easy fix. :)




You know what, I think I'm gonna start again. Too many mods = too many crashes, multiple mishaps that shouldn't happen (like the way that Dish on the base was separate from it, but somehow the KAS pipes caused it to relocate PARTIALLY INSIDE the habitation module) and other weird oddities that are making the game less enjoyable. Yeah, actually, defiantly gonna start again. Hate to lose all the progress, but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. :P

Edited by SmashingKirby148
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12 hours ago, Triop said:

Today I watched my first eclipse.



Didn't know that was possible, I love KSP ^_^

We all do:D.

Eclipse happens all the time. Kerbin as no tilt and neither does the Mun's orbit. So there is an eclipse (A total one over the equator) every day. The Mun does turn so you have to be at a slightly different place every time but it's there.



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I've often heard, once you are in orbit, you are halfway to anywhere... or something like that. I have a craft with command module, large rover and lander that I recently pieced together and tested pretty extensively on Mun, I reworked the lift stages and added a transfer stage for a Duna mission. The transfer stage was so effective that I loaded the ship back on the launchpad and headed for Eeloo - which now orbits Sarnus with OPM added.


I removed the lander solar panels and added RTG for power. Drove the rover in a big loop, while looking for the geysers that Galileo added in SVE. Didn't find them. Did spot them on the dark side of the planet as I was heading for orbit.


Managed a beauty shot of Sarnus on the way to dock with the command module above Eeloo.



 The command module had more dv than required for the return trip. It did not have enough to circularize in LKO, which is my normal practice. Instead I lowered Pe to 35k and slammed into the atmosphere at 4k. Wasn't sure if I would slow down enough for a capture or just burn up. Even Val looked a little concerned. Managed to exploded the engine and fuel tank but did land safely.  

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So, I decided to make a bunch of Star Wars ships piloted by Star Wars kerbals. Thanks to the almightly Cheat Menu, I created Kerbal versions of the Ghost crew from Star Wars Rebels, along with Wedge Kerman. Later I made Luke, Echo, Oddball, and Jar Jar Kerman.

The first craft was the Z-95 Headhunter - the original, unmodified version from Legends. I sent Ezra Kerman on some test runs with the fighter and tweaked it as I went. However, after a near-death experience, I sent Wedge Kerman to pilot it instead. This Headhunter uses two Vector engines for incredible speeds and better flight control. It is also equipped with TWO abort systems. The first system is activated by the "Abort" button. When activated, it opens the airbrakes, shuts down the engines, and deploys the parachutes. A secondary abort system does all things I just mentioned, but does not deploy the chutes. This second system is activated when the Headhunter's speed is to dangerous to deploy the parachutes. Wedge did have to use the first system, though. The Headhunter sped up to a whopping 360 m/s before starting to careen off the runway. The Abort button was quickly pushed, and the craft landed while only sustaining minor damage. A victorious Wedge Kerman climbed out for a "Victory Pose."





I left Wedge there for a quick vacation, I guess. Meanwhile, the KSC engineers went to work on a Delta-7A Aethersprite-class light interceptor. The design of the 7A proved to be very complex and risky at the same time. Two layers of winglets made the three-dimensional and triangular body of the craft. Each set were connected by several types of strut connectors. However, this could potentially be unstable and cause critical systems, such as the inside fuel tanks, to be destroyed. Such an event would cause the vessel to break apart or implode, possibly killing the pilot. It was a risk the engineers had no choice but to make.


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Aw man, my last few days have been depressing! Cuz Bob didnt have enough fuel to test the poodle on escape from Mun, I had to use it again to take 5 tourists to Mun, do a resq, test some other parts AND pick up Bob! FAILFAILFAIL!!! Was bussy matching orbits for the resq when I noticed the terrain was REALLY close and thought I'd have the clearance. One huge cover up later and I still had to do all that plus another resq and land a tourist plus test a rover wheel in orbit?!? In total 10 missions in one flight!

Now I've perfectly ballanced the torque on it, but having a scince jr and two loaded service bays arranged in a triangle ontop of a hitchhicker seems to do funny stuff in the upper atmosphere.

Realy just want to get this flight done!

Btw, how do I meet sat reqiurments? The 'argument of...' how? What?? Really want to get into the sat bussiness. Need it for my BigBrother project.

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I conducted some more missions for my long-term career. The first docking, first crewed Mun flyby, and first cubesat.

Because I really love these tiny space boxes, here's the cubesat:


Also, I just had a thought: how well do the small solar panels fit onto the sides of the QBE? Because looking at my cubesat and knowing approximately how big the QBE is, it looks like they should be a pretty good size match.

Edited by eloquentJane
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Finally built a functional Mk 4 spaceplane:


An SSTO, no less.


And then I turned it into a cargo SSTO.


Barely carried an orange tank into orbit. And by barely I mean 70 km orbit with only 128 m/s delta-v left over (216 m/s without the heavy orange tank.)

Successfully splashed down with no parts destroyed. I probably could've pulled off a ground landing.


From sending spaceplanes to Serran to barely putting orange tanks in LKO. Truly, this space program has come a long way.

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2 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:


So, I decided to make a bunch of Star Wars ships piloted by Star Wars kerbals. Thanks to the almightly Cheat Menu, I created Kerbal versions of the Ghost crew from Star Wars Rebels, along with Wedge Kerman. Later I made Luke, Echo, Oddball, and Jar Jar Kerman.

The first craft was the Z-95 Headhunter - the original, unmodified version from Legends. I sent Ezra Kerman on some test runs with the fighter and tweaked it as I went. However, after a near-death experience, I sent Wedge Kerman to pilot it instead. This Headhunter uses two Vector engines for incredible speeds and better flight control. It is also equipped with TWO abort systems. The first system is activated by the "Abort" button. When activated, it opens the airbrakes, shuts down the engines, and deploys the parachutes. A secondary abort system does all things I just mentioned, but does not deploy the chutes. This second system is activated when the Headhunter's speed is to dangerous to deploy the parachutes. Wedge did have to use the first system, though. The Headhunter sped up to a whopping 360 m/s before starting to careen off the runway. The Abort button was quickly pushed, and the craft landed while only sustaining minor damage. A victorious Wedge Kerman climbed out for a "Victory Pose."





I left Wedge there for a quick vacation, I guess. Meanwhile, the KSC engineers went to work on a Delta-7A Aethersprite-class light interceptor. The design of the 7A proved to be very complex and risky at the same time. Two layers of winglets made the three-dimensional and triangular body of the craft. Each set were connected by several types of strut connectors. However, this could potentially be unstable and cause critical systems, such as the inside fuel tanks, to be destroyed. Such an event would cause the vessel to break apart or implode, possibly killing the pilot. It was a risk the engineers had no choice but to make.


After a very complex and serious pilot selecting algorithm made by only the most intelligent Kerbals (eeny-meeny-miny-moe), Sabine Kerman was selected to test out the Delta-7A. keep in mind that I didn't have any Clone Wars-era Jedi Kerbals yet. The ship was launched, and started flying very soon! I mean, it lifted off while only going at 55 m/s! The Delta-7A had amazing aerodynamic abilities, able to make shockingly quick turns without much turbulence. However, the 7A still had tumbling issues. While flying over the coast and began to shoot vertical, the craft began rotating and flipping out of control. Sabine and the Delta-7A began to fall out of the sky, but some quick maneuvering kept the ship airborne and heading towards the location of Wedge. I doubt he was very happy to get his vacation interrupted. It didn't help when Sabine came in for a landing. While the Delta-7A landed at only 14 meters per second, the two wing-layers were too fragile and blew up. 

Sabine Kerman decided to get out. Big mistake. Lurking inside the rubble was a terrifying being only known by one name...ableoth THE KRAKEN! It pulled the poor Kerbal, spazzing and killing her. REVERT REVERT REVERT!!!!





A few tweaks later, the Delta-7A was ready for an additional test. I decided not to put Sabine Kerman back in the cockpit after the whole...incident. Instead I selected Hera Kerman for the job, whole was the only non-clone pilot Kerbal that hadn't flown yet. Guess how the amazing pilot Hera managed to fly this thing?


Yeah, it didn't go over well. No one had the resources to go rescue Hera, since they had been busy with Sabine's flight revert and some new constructions in the SPH. She didn't argue (then again, not many Kerbals break the 4th Wall). The engineers began arguing over what project to work on: A replica of C1-10P, or a MLC-3 Tank. They made a compromise to first make the low-budget C1-10P "Chopper" and launch it before the construction of the tank.

Chopper took longer than expected. Then again, not many Kerbals were enthusiastic about the job anyways. When he was finally finished, he literally shot out of the atmosphere and crashed back down. Such hard work for such a stupid piece of tech. Meanwhile, the SPH engineers finished the MLC-3 tank on time for launch...before realizing one issue: It would have to be piloted by a Kerbal in a command chair even though there's no crew module on the vessel. Quickly, the Kerbals threw together the 8-seat "Kerbal Car" to provide some crew members for the MLC-3 tank, along with similar vessels. It took eight Kerbals - Jeb, Bill, Bob, Val, Ezra, Kanan, Zeb, and Jar Jar - and parked next to the runway. At least, the two front wheels were parked. Physics decided to be weird. Next, the tank was taken out of the SPH. Kanan came out of the Kerbal Car, boarded the MLC-3, and tried to move forward.




The MLC-3 tank was impossible to drive for some reason. So I began to formulate a plan...

While the experimental Chopper was flying to his doom, Sabine Kerman (the only TIE pilot Kerbal not already assigned on a mission) was sent to pilot a prototype TIE fighter, which she landed about 1.5 km away from the runway. Meanwhile, Jeb and Val were with the others in the Kerbal Car, which had a strong engine. I decided to bring those three Kerbals over to the MLC-3 tank and get the Kerbal Car right in front of the tiny tank, parking it in place with the help of its giant brakes. The engine of the Car would face the tank and, under the supervision of the Explosions Experts (Jeb, Val, Sabine), would fire on the MLC-3! At least, after Kanan had gotten onto the Car's ladder.

Jeb, Val, Kanan, and Sabine Kerman moved into position with the Kerbal Car. While Sabine took forever to arrive, Jeb and Val got into position almost instantly - and nearly broke their necks. Once all the kerbals have arrived, the engine fired! An all hell broke loose.




Both the MLC-3 and the Kerbal Car blew off! They tumbled, and their control surfaces exploded! The Explosions Experts started screaming! Being kerbals, however, they just stood there. Now I had one problem in a place of another, and I couldn't even move the Kerbal Car! Without the 2.5 meter probe core, it was nothing more than manned space junk. I formed another plan. The Car was quickly evacuated, and all Kerbals except for Jar Jar gathered next to the runway. The mentioned Jar Jar Kerman had a very important task at hand: he would pilot the TIE fighter into the Kerbal Car, destroying both of them. Wedge Kerman also wanted to help, but managed to wreck the Headhunter. He had no choice but to get out of the way.



Jar Jar boarded the TIE, hacked gravity, and flew it into the Car! Well, it missed by a meter, destroyed the runway, and threw the Kerbal Car into the air. I decided to keep hacking and unhacking gravity to blow up the Car. I also had to make sure that the Kerbals didn't hit each other and go floating away.


Damn Kerbals! Just listen for once!

The group of floating Kerbals - possibly started by Ezra Kerman - were having a great time, despite my warnings. However, tragedy struck when Valentina flew too high. When gravity reverted to normal...she smashed into the ground...and died. The remaining Kerbals were overcome with shock and horror. As a way to avenge Val, they took out their favorite weapon, which is what we call Whack-A-Kerbal. The Kerbal Car was destroyed, but now nearly a dozen Kerbals were stuck without anything to do, and two of them dead. What will they do now? Play Sabacc and bet an entire house? Or just stand there and do nothing?



The full album is HERE. Stay tuned for more Kerbal Star Wars stuff eventually...

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15 minutes ago, LordFerret said:

Today I built and sent a SCANsat probe out towards Jool, realizing out past Minmus that I'd forgotten antennas. Blithering idiot I am. :mad:

Tomorrow's another day.

Could be worse. You could have realized you had no antennas when you reached Jool.

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Today I delivered a large quantity of fuel and construction materials to Tremella Shipyards. I am preparing to build another, more portable orbital construction vessel intended for chasing down oversized ART asteroids and building new, self-sufficient stations into the rock (this is theoretically possible with a few edits to the asteroid.cfg in the community resource pack).

Anyway, I am very pleased with Tremella Shipyard's performance. It is very strong and stable, handling very large shifts in its COM with ease. The five vessels currently docked range from about 250 tons to 1200 tons fully loaded, and were able to attach and transfer resources into the main station without any wobbling. The only accident involving the shipyards so far was when I stupidly turned on SAS after a 1200 ton ship loaded with material kits had docked, causing the docked vessel to bend, snap and explode at the docking port. The shipyards suffered no damage.

Here is a bonus screencap of a hydrogen lighter preparing to dock with the shipyards:


Edit: And here is the first Taraxacum construction vehicle in drydock, designed to build asteroid installations. This is what all of the supplies were for.


Edit edit: In profile.


Edited by Odonian
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I'm on my 5th-6th career run-through.  This whole time I've avoided rovers like the plague, just for playtime efficiency.  I decided to change that this go-round.  Built up a rover and skycrane, with the constraint that it had to fit in a normal-sized fairing, and I only have 2.5m parts so far.  So it took some work to flat-pack the whole system inside the fairing.  Then to assemble it on-orbit, which was pretty sporty since I don't have the Claw yet.






Full album: http://imgur.com/a/EPAAm

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With finances on a sounder footing thanks to asteroid detection contracts the rover testing could resume. The first important conclusion reached was that someone forgot to pack any screwdrivers........ #feelingstupidmajornoob.

Luckily a tourist mission was accepted planned meaning a bumper box of screwdrivers could be delivered with minimum disruption.


"And we put some Marmite sandwiches in as well"

Rejigging the new Grifter/Grizzler hybrid (now known as the Gryfon)was a simple process. The transport wheels were retained on the chassis to be transported to Munbase and stashing against future needs.


The run back to base proved the Grizzler heritage of being stable and able to maintain decent speed without resorting to magic glue SAS.


With their data rate slowing the crew of the Kerbin lab were recovered by Val for eventual deployment with the Mun lab.


As the only 2 star members of a limited roster If they think they are getting some nice R&R they will have a shock when they are stuffed into a ship and fired out of Kerbins SOI. By the time they return the Mun lab will have been prepped for launch (won't that be a nice surprise snh snh snh).



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I worked out the kinks in my technique for deploying relay sats at equal distances along an orbit. I put three little sats on a carrier rocket, then got it into an circular orbit of minmus at the correct height, deployed the first sat, and then raised the apoapsis until my orbital period was 7/6ths what it was before. Two orbits later, pop the next sat, circularized its orbit. Another two orbits for the last sat, and bam. Triangle. Really, really satisfying. Then I spent a few minutes with the sats' ant engines set at .5% thrust to get the orbits as close to identical as possible. This ended up being at 1,000,002 meters, for some reason. I expect there may be a little bit of drift anyways, because of invisible decimal points, but it should last for as long as I need it to.

This method should be scalable for any number of sats I want to deploy in a given orbit. I wouldn't expect 3 to be enough for some solar-orbit missions, or around Jool, for example.

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My full stock Saturn-ShuttleKronos-Demeter has been re-styled at 08.00 local time... I must be adicted...

Old design from last September : 



New one :


The main difference is about Demeter's external tank. The first model was using the orange Jumbo-64 to be in accord with the shuttle we know, but after all the Saturn-Shuttle concept never lift off the design table so I switch for a white (or at least more white than orange) tank using a fairing. 11 FL-T800 are contained inside with two small reaction wheels. More than enough to keep the control and place the Ap at 300km before the ET release.


Keep on accelerating during the first test flight.



Moar boosters Sepratrons.





As usual I sent the maiden Shuttles flights on a polar orbit and they used to fall back a bit and hit the upper layer of the athmosphere , placing the Pe at 53 km for a 200 km Ap.


I will shurely share it on KerbalX tonight (-04.00 UTC).

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Playing vanilla I built my Mimnus station the old fashioned way, Lugged up the modules and docked them in Mimnus orbit.

I spent several hours over the last few days building a mining ship to go down to Mimnus collect ore and bring it up to the station for processing.

The brightly lit lump on the right end is my new miner. It carries just enough fuel to go down, mine a load and return with noting in the tanks but an echo when it gets back to the station.



The reason you can't see the kerbals yet is because I had to be quick to take this picture.

Because seconds later.


My new ship is torn apart.


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finally finished setting up my fuel base on ike to support my cololisation efforts for duna

here the main base, its kinda small but can hold a crew of up to 16 kerbonauts 


the base was constructed using manned/unmanned assembly rovers called "movers"


the hard work is done by two mining rovers that mine the ore and refuel the landed freighters

the first version called Hedgehog


and the upgraded Version "Badger"


and here are the two ore freighters that get the goods for processing to the orbiting fuel station



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