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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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14 hours ago, Tyko said:

1.3 restarting with Merkury program. After several unmanned test flights Valentina Kerbin launches on first sub-orbital flight.

Single boost stage, 3117m/s DV, Flight AP 95km

Primary Mods: Ven's Stock Revamp, FASA launch clamps (50% scale), SETI Probe Core

So FASA launch clamps Mod works with 1.3?

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Do you know what speed you were going meow. I meow I was going fast.

Played a bit of early RO Career to mess around meow.

T0 to orbit... not quite but sound judgement


Put this into Orbit with T2 Tech engines


Then tried to make a RV to bring back science.  Pushed the edge of survival. Burned things off but made it back.








First to kerb to space was a scientist, because all 4 of my orange suits are scientists. Atlas- Mercury, because 1.5stage to orbit rocks. (included a probe core, 'cause scientist). Next time I'll replace the retro pack with an RCS pack since the Retro is too powerful.




Using Rcs to get the last orbital boost to 140km PE


Space junk afterwards. It should come down on its own since PE was 136km....



Teen Titans Go!, Titan Uppperstage. Titan Lower Stage. Titan Boosters. Go Science!





Clear Day




Things start to go south. Litterally, polar north orbit starts flipping out, no gimbal and forgetting to eject fairing to allow rcs to function, lost 1500m/s of dV before it corrected. got lots of science pictures in atmosphere.






Edited by Bornholio
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12 hours ago, Starman4308 said:

-snip giant post-


10 hours ago, Triop said:

Dude, we all love you, but 27 images in one post.....


You both are freaking right. I didn't even see how many there was while writing the post. And as a traditional idiot I didn't read it back before posting it... a mistake to don't make anymore.


12 hours ago, Starman4308 said:

First class piloting there.

Second-class engineering, but first-class piloting.

Sir, ALL my creations are like second-class engineering ! :D

More seriously it's hard to understand how it happened, the craft got it nose gear when I built it in 1.2.1. Then I just copy all my career and craft files to the fresh 1.3 installation. So maybe something occur at this time.

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4 hours ago, XB-70A said:


You both are freaking right. I didn't even see how many there was while writing the post. And as a traditional idiot I didn't read it back before posting it... a mistake to don't make anymore.


Sir, ALL my creations are like second-class engineering ! :D

More seriously it's hard to understand how it happened, the craft got it nose gear when I built it in 1.2.1. Then I just copy all my career and craft files to the fresh 1.3 installation. So maybe something occur at this time.

Don't you listen to them, that post was awesome.

I was on the edge of my seat -- was she going to crash? Was she going to make it? Was she going to kick the living green out of the Engineering department?!




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20 minutes ago, JoeNapalm said:

Don't you listen to them, that post was awesome.

I was on the edge of my seat -- was she going to crash? Was she going to make it? Was she going to kick the living green out of the Engineering department?!




Thank you. But I think they are not so wrong, it was pretty long and heavy (I mean with all these pictures) for a "What did you do today" topic. Maybe it would have been more easy to show just one picture of each mission parts and the others in spoiler, just to ease the situation for some peoples who still don't have access to a high performances network.

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I don't mind huge posts. I dislike it when people quote huge posts in their entirety to comment on a small section. Thus why I snipped out the vast majority of your post.

You can also put some images in spoiler tags to reduce page load shenanigans.

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1 hour ago, Starman4308 said:

I don't mind huge posts. I dislike it when people quote huge posts in their entirety to comment on a small section. Thus why I snipped out the vast majority of your post.

You can also put some images in spoiler tags to reduce page load shenanigans.

Don't worry, I was not against your post or I would not have "liked" it. But as we wrote I will probably just place one image per "chapter", the others being in spoiler. The main problem to me being the fact that some persons could have to wait a long time the load the whole page due to all these images.


To be back to the topic I just started another shuttle this morning, called Vishnu, for Mun/Minmus touristic trips. But it only is at the re-entry test :






It's possible to land it by gliding or by using descent parachutes.


I find the noose ugly. The round cone is too short and the aerodynamic fuel tank too heavy for this... maybe I should select the last and install another turbojet to make it a full plane instead.

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6 hours ago, XB-70A said:



It's possible to land it by gliding or by using descent parachutes.


Huh...why didn't I ever think of that?

I like how you Moved the chutes to be flush with the hull.

I'm totally stealing that.


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4 hours ago, lovec1990 said:

Sorry i cannot help myself i did it again:


I just towed Class E asteroid into stable orbit and put anchor on it for base

I gotta do this.

Didn't there used to be telescopes?

I see a bunch of "?" in the tracking station with "last seen" dates...

I am hoping the fleet of probes I just sent out to all the planets will help spot something.



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^^ Just go to tracking station then zoom out and you should see some of them then find the one you like and click on it then in low left you will get blue icon start tracking and you will get path that that asteroid has.

For intercepting aim where icon is you should find it

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correcting grammar issues
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Back to my main RO career.


Arrival in the Planetary band mars mustering zone.


Docking the first tanker to the Ares Depature Port Zurbin


Mars crew abort return ship going through orbital testing. Fuel rods removed and tankage flushed, it is sent into the atmosphere for destructive testing.




Thermal overload , cascade failure and a cleanly ejected crew pod.  Success.


Methane Tanker/Tug and a Light Hydrogen Tanker Destined for Mars orbit. The Methane tanker needs an RCS Re-build because lithium is not hydrogen.  RCS needed lithium, service tank kurrently holds no lithium.


First abort return ship testing finished with sub-par rcs power.  New machine is more capable.




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Built the LES tower for my Apollo replica.


Shortly afterwards I realized I had screwed myself over in doing this. Like the LM, it has a lot of careful strut-work that will blow up if the assembly is moved or the undo button is hit. I can deal with not hitting the undo button, as I already have to avoid it due to the LM being there. The problem comes in that I can't move it. As the CSM is sandwiched between the LES tower and the LM, I can't modify the stacking in that part of the craft without destroying the strut-work on one of them. Oops.


Chadlong Kerman flew an Eagle through a hanger with a blindfold on.

After blowing up a large bit of a flying wing at high altitude, I managed to softland in a manner similar to those spinny seeds from some trees.


I imagine everyone was quite dizzy afterwards.

Edited by EpicSpaceTroll139
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After a long time not playing to KSP (4 months) I come back with the new version.

I started to think that "career" is too easy for me, so I need to pay to use every part of the ships. (not automatic parts with only the technology)

With only the small docking port I made this orbital base, orbiting the Mün, with two landers (with a delta-V of 1985m/s) I want to use them for science and rescue missions.



I think that I will make a game with a lot of stations. 

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(3x size gameplay)

After finally fueling my Rald and Duna orbit-surface-orbit shuttles, and finishing my Minmus surface base, I started thinking again about the mission/colonization of the Rald-Duna-Ike system. (I also launched a probe well before the transfer window, cutting inside Eve's orbit to make it to the system and scan the bodies well ahead of the arrival of the rest of the mission, and then become a communication sat (its got an RA-100).

I think I'll start with Ike by sending an all in one mining/tanker vessel like my Minmus miner visible a couple pages back, so I can supply fuel if needed while organizing my stuff. Haven't launched it yet, haven't modified the minmus miner design yet, but should just be a tweak of the previous version.

Then there's the surface bases for Duna and Rald to produce surplus food/water/oxygen. For RP purposes, I'm going to establish the Duna surface base first, as its a "dead" world, but rald is clearly not. So for RP, the base will be established on Duna to study the past conditions/look for remains of life (presuming Duna was once like Rald, and they swapped material in the past), before sending a base to rald (or perhaps, relocating the base modules to Rald, since I can use the cargo shuttles to move it module by module).

I've got the cargo shuttles ready to go, each with a fuel depot module, but I still need a lot more modules: command module, greenhouse module, ISRU module, on one of these modules I've got to add some air filters (in contrast to the Minmus base modules), I'll also include a science lab module (I haven't got around to adding one to the minmus base), a second ISRU module which I've modded to produce Xenon gas from IntakeAtm (so I can do ISRU for Ion drives at Rald), and then probably another fuel truck for hauling xenon to orbit.

So, I'm going to need to launch 6 additional modules, and get them to Rald/Duna. The modules dont mass that much, I can get them to orbit, but I'll need a tug to get them to Duna/Rald (I'll make a train out of them).

So, I launched a LV-N Tug:

no fairing, jut made it aerodynamic, as most LF fuel parts are:


Can't really count the final mass in orbit as all payload, since the tug helped out a lot on ascent:


Much mor Oxidizer than needed for the vernor RCS, but the module train will probably have some LFO engines to help with initial TWR, so that Ox wont go to waste


Recovery of the SSTO for the nth time if anyone cares anymore:





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I made a double Minmus rescue. Nothing to write home about normally, but the vessels where orbiting in opposite directions. However, this is Minmus, so orbital speed for the craft furthest out is 110 m/s. Quick back of the envelope calculations says that if I EVA the kerbonaut I can cancel out the relative speed of a craft going in the opposite direction in something like 8 km, so why not do an Iron Man? Five tries later the maneuver is perfectly executed and the kerbonaut is saved, and I turn to OBS to watch the screencast and edit a short video.


Turns out a freak checkmark has downscaled to a quarter of the screen size, making the video unreadable. No pics this time :-(

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Well, where to begin. After two evenings of game play I spent the first playing with my orbit pls design trying to turn it into a mun lander as well. This experiment sucked and I had no luck trying to do anything with it. (I'm on my lunch at work hence no pictures.)

Day 2, I started more positive in attitude and managed to land a basic probe controlled rocket with bob kerman on the Mun with just over 900 dv left to come home. Sent what science I had home and hoped that I could unlock mechjebs ascent system to no luck. So I repurposed my orbit pls ship into a minmus flyby/orbiter with a probe control too. This went well with Haldles kerman the volunteer scientist in the crew cabin. It did very nicely reaching minmus with plenty of dv to use. I droped the orbit to around 20km and then EVa'd bob in each biome to gather the science from it. This done the probe returned a more learned bob to kerbin with just over 800 science. (after the mishap with Jeb going awol. Ground control decided that probe control was safer.) Jeb is still grounded. XD with that returned. With 75m/s dv left Bob was returned from the mun to applause and a very sulky Jeb. XD

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When I logged in, I noticed my pics from Jeb's adventure with the Buckaroo I SRB "Science Vessel"...annnd then I remembered that I'd forgotten to switch control to his chair, so when he ejected, I stayed in control of the Buckaroo I. After a safe water landing, I'd logged off, that evening...forgetting about Jeb.

So I went looking, and here's where I found him:9E51105AAAE5622A96869060ACC77071AFA7ABB2

About 1000m deep, on the bottom of the ocean.

I'm pretty sure that expression translates to "I think I saw the Kraken! Is it still behind me?!"

Once I assured him that there was "no such thing as the Kraken, it's just a myth, like the Loch Kess Monster and Career Mode", he popped his safety harness:


Now I want to build a rescue helo, complete with kerbal rescue divers. :D


Then it was off to test the Nomad V -- this time, I thought I'd see I could deadstick her in, controlling her descent profile, keeping those tender struts in the back away from the heat.

With her shiny new observation copulas, and a whole @#$%ton more fuel than the IV, she cuts a handsome line:


There still might be a couple of design points that need refinement:


The observation copulas provide front-row seats to Armageddon.

Maybe I should just build the whole dang ship out of those little radial flower tanks? :P


Back to the drawing board...

Easiest fix is using those inflatable shields, as recommended, but they don't look sexy enough and block the crew's view.

Drogues and/or airbrakes might work...



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