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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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3 minutes ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:

I believe it was about 80 meters tall, but at the moment I have the rocket at 220 meters, and that's with only 1 of its 3 stages completed.

ah lol, i meant how high did it fly but i guess you proved me wrong since it went past that without even having to burn lol

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17 hours ago, XLjedi said:

@Cavscout74   Nice SSTO, and good luck on the Jool flight!  ...add some drills and a little refinery to it and you can just refuel along the way.  I like the Jedi insignia!

Thanks, I had good inspiration.  The self-fueling capability was a big part of what prompted me to download your Star Ranger in the first place, but since I generally have ground & orbit facilities in place at Laythe I decided I could get away without the extra mass & drag.  I may have to do a self-sufficient version for other missions since I don't have anything in my v1.4 hangar with that capability.

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2 hours ago, Kebab Kerman said:

How much do you have? If you can, upgrade to at least 16 GB.

I/we have eight Gb. ;.;

On the lighter side,


because I downloaded FASTCORP's Autogarage and couldn't get the wheels to work in 1.3.1. And the attachment nodes in the wheel wells don't play nicely with other parts (keyed? something...).  "Hmm," says I, "Wonder what would look good as a replacement..." And then I discarded everything that would look good, and came up with this instead! And it might even be on KerbalX if I did it right. 



'Nother shot, with Rianbow Dash as EVA'ing copilot. Sorry about the dark!


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24 minutes ago, InterplanetJanet said:

I/we have eight Gb. ;.;

So do I... Almost all of it is eaten up by Kerbal Space Program, and sometimes, the process freezes and I can't end it and it keeps using up RAM too. I'm going to be upgrading to at least 12gb this year. Hopefully...

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Slightly more annoyed than usual about the various states of wonkyness that the landing gears seem to undergo over time, I admittedly overreacted at some point a few days ago, when still using 1.4.0.

After watching a bunch of my favourite fun planes jump off the runway like mad kangaroos - only with less resilience to self-induced impacts - I found myself asking:

"Isn't there anything these gears are good for?"

This was obviously a very bad line of inquiry, which has lead me away from the path of noble and righteous rocketry, as I answered the above question by building my very first kraken drive. "Powered" by wonky gears, of course, and built into a spaceplane.


Animation of drive arming and activation: https://i.imgur.com/1zAOISN.gif  (large-ish GIF file, thus not embedded here)

While I'm not usually a fan of cheating myself in this fashion, I am more amused by the contraption than I thought I would be - maybe more than I should be?

This is a glorious "science fiction" drive: a strange, bulky, complicated looking, dramatically illuminated bullcrap apparatus, which implements a bullcrap propulsion principle. On activation, the ship briefly shudders, flexes, almost ripping itself apart shortly before the drive kicks in.

After that, it's smooth sailing with a steady, on-demand 3g tailwind, painting an obscenely straight line into the map view. If you ever saw a need to run away from Oberth or Tsiolkovsky, this is the vessel you'd want to escape with.


The moveable part in the drive (which I call the "kraken core" mainly because I cannot resist) can be easily re-docked, but initial testing shows that at some point after being used repeatedly for some time, the drive just stops working. This seems to depend on the environment, but once it happens, the drive remains broken even in areas where it worked before.

So this little plane is a Single-Stage-To-Anywhere-But-Probably-Not-Back vehicle.

Another test result: just because you show up with a fancy glitch drive, doesn't mean Eve isn't going to smash your vehicle to bits.

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Since I have several months to the next Jool window, a pretty good stock of cash & a mostly maxed tech tree, I figured I'd spend some time messing with new & old stuff I haven't gotten around to with yet.  Like building an R-7'ish launcher, which went surprisingly well, didn't bother with pics though.

Then I had my senior engineer try the new rover wheels with a little rover to run around KSC.  Pretty happy with it & the new wheels performed pretty well.  Even caught some air coming off the launch pad.  After not wrecking in the jump, he decided it would be fun to test out Angel125's Jetwing that I've never quite gotten around to trying.  That turned out to be more fun than an engineer should be allowed - especially once I let it build a little bit of speed & stop stalling.  The noise of the jetwing screaming through the R&D center disrupted important research, so KSC policy has been changed to require flight testing at the island airstrip in the future.  That in turn led to re-trying the kerbal-chute - which happily resulted in nothing more than a broken nose in front of the astronaut complex on landing, rather than the squishy mess on the side of the VAB from my first attempt.  KSC policy has been changed to require helmets while parachuting in the future.




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13 hours ago, InterplanetJanet said:

Oh, the first mod is sooooo nice.... that's how it starts, you know. :o:confused:

After having seen the results of this slippery slope in some of my games before, as well as seeing the chaos when an update breaks peoples mods (plus a few bad experiences with viruses and/or borked games), this is why I now have a strict "no mods" policy.

2 hours ago, Cavscout74 said:

resulted in nothing more than a broken nose

A broken what, now? :wink:


After a couple days of not playing KSP, I got back into it today and finished launching components for Quartz Station - the converter, the fuel tank, and five comm sats. The Ugly Space Flowers comm sats are uglier than ever, but also slightly less flowerlike, I guess?



Got a rather striking screenshot while the converter module was on its way up, too.


I actually ended up launching two fuel tanks. It was only after launching the first one that I noticed that those delta-v calculations I did before that gave a significant amount of wiggle room didn't take into account the weird design of the module. Because of reasons that ultimately boil down to "because the tank itself is payload," I essentially had the fuel tank for the final stage also contributing to the ascent stage. Once the tank was in orbit, the fuel levels looked too low to get all the way to Dres, so I headed back to the space center, intending to go to the VAB. Instead I apparently went back to the void.



I decided to ignore it and just click the VAB button; the game promptly crashed. Thankfully I had just saved - if Skyrim taught me anything, it's "save every 30 seconds, and always in a different file, because you never know when the game will crash, or worse, glitch without your knowledge and require reverting to an earlier save." I should probably clean out my save folder, because I have several hundred saves and the "load game" menu is getting slow, haha.

At any rate, when I launched the game again, I went to the VAB and opened the fuel tank. The first thing I did was take the ascent stage parts off and lower the fuel levels to roughly what the existing tank had left, and did a quick, rough delta-v calculation that confirmed that I was about a thousand m/s short. So I proceeded with redesigning it to have more distinct stages, and as a byproduct I somehow boosted the delta-v of that last stage to 6230-ish. I would admittedly not be surprised if I made a calculation error somewhere. In practice, however, it will have slightly less than that, as the ascent stage wasn't quite enough to achieve orbit. However, with over a thousand m/s worth of wiggle room and only a small amount of final stage fuel used to compensate, I don't think that'll be a problem.

On the Duna Wagon Train, I put each component on an escape trajectory directly from Kerbin before launching the next craft. This time around I did things a little differently, simply leaving each craft in LKO while I launched the rest. I intend to slingshot them off the Mun one after another.


As for the first Fuel Tank (visible as "Abandoned Fuel Tank" above), it's not a complete waste, as I intend to dock it to the Kerbin Space Station and either transfer the fuel or just leave the tank there indefinitely.

On a semi-related note, I had something of an epiphany/revelation today. I have a tendency to jot things down on little note sheets (like sticky notes but without the glue) which accumulate on my desk, especially but not always related to video games. I tend to recycle these notes until there's no room left on them. Today I realized just how bizarre the resultant scraps of paper littering my desk really are: various combinations of alchemical formulae, recipes for pie and cookies, delta-v calculations, telephone numbers, hastily-scrawled maps, logic circuit diagrams...

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I've been wondering, what if we started something like Kerbin City, but not Kerbin City, so as to not get into legal complications? Maybe we could have SEWERS AND SUBWAY TUNNELS! :o


EDIT: Maybe with train tracks or a subway that goes from the city to the space center!

Edited by Kebab Kerman
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Completed enough of my "Stealth Livery Variant" skins to properly outfit My SB-24 Banshee as a Stealth Bomber! 


I particularly like the new gold anodized shock tubes and red-lined gear and bay doors...



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137963 tonnes
3872 Parts
503 Meters tall
2 Giga-newtons of thrust
486 Mammoth engines
1 Rhino (For some reason)
30 Kiloton payload capacity
3 Stages
0 Modded Parts
0 Autostruts





Now comes the hard part... launching it into orbit

Edited by Kronus_Aerospace
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1 hour ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:


Dude, what's the SPF (Seconds per frame)? That's a much better metric at these levels!

also just needs a spider engine. Somewhere. for funsies.

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