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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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My first use of the updated Crab with autonomous Spear:

1UQb3xe.png   3GX7Slf.png

Topping off ES1 Scout, part of the upcoming Eve flotilla (window in 15d).  The example is somewhat contrived in that the $$$load has an adequate dock on the prograde end.

Crab fired the Spear to easily dock with the claw, then act as control point to rotate the target for the Crab to dock.

I am probably going to use a Ladybug with klaw attachment for this in future, since that combination is more flexible.


In other news, you may have intuited that I have amassed an expeditionary flotilla for Eve, with the transfer window opening up in 15 days.  About a day later, I have a transfer for Moho, so I am currently assembling a second fleet.

Each fleet contains (1) Scout telecomms, (1) Nova space station, (1) Gremlin miner and (1) Aquila VIII Ladybug/Hummingbird exploration swarm.

The wrinkle is that the two flotillas will depart on the heels of each other -- but both bound for Eve.  The Moho flotiilla will wait in Eve orbit to be refueled (with Gilly-brand LFOX) and thence depart during the next Eve-Moho transfer window.

[My first despatch to Moho, direct from Kerbinside, saw hundreds of tonnes of equipment (and a small number of Kerbalives) sail straight on through the Moho SOI, fuel exhausted, so I ain't gonna try that again!]


Edited by Hotel26
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did some science harvesting with val and tiul around kerbin, although once my minmus expedition gets back i should have lots of science.  i also started a career game, did some contracts, mostly involving Jeb screeching through the atmosphere in a blaze of fire.

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My burnout from KSP finnaly finished!(took a whooping year and a half)

I think this picture describes how rusty I am


9O4VlTE.pngVoila! A mun ship!(Yeah im pretty sure this can go to Duna but you see half way up one of the boosters decided to destroy the entire lower stage.....still i had enought fuel to go to Minmus)


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so Jeb has joined up with Bob and Bill*, Magfrid and Patbert have returned from the expedition to Minmus, and I continue to shoot Val and Tiul off in experimental aircraft.

i don't know why i do this to myself. i don't know how to build a spaceplane.i launch them and eventually they end up falling and i cannot pull out of the dive.

*Heremone Kerman will have to wait for the next rocket.

Edited by Nezclaw
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Lememone reconfigured the Mun station quite a bit with his electric screwdriver. Instead of ditching a transfer stage we've now got lots more fuel storage capacity here. (forgot to transplant several items from the transfer shuttle before it left)

Recompiled a few mods, then used Ship Manifest to transfer some resources around my Mun Waystation (can't work out the new KAS, miss all the legacy parts) before taking Jeb and Bob down to the surface in the Lander.

Eventually found a Mun Stone but didn't deploy the surface experiments as I don't have the dish yet and no Engineer to cobble something together.

Returned to orbit and docked, transferred science and personell to the transfer shuttle, and headed back to Kerbin leaving Lememone to kerbal the station (he should have enough Snacks before the next mission gets launched).





A fiery reentry later and finally Bob is home from his first mission. Over 900 science and several contracts completed with this trip. Noice!

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It's finally happened.  Truman's Craftyard is being sued.  :(  "Deep pockets" and all that...  but with those deep pockets comes a crack legal team of "junkyard dogs".  Cave canibus!

At issue is the latest release Polaris II...  check it out.  Truman thinks this is (finally) the most fun spaceship he will ever fly.  (Wrong a thousand times before...)



Edited by Hotel26
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1 hour ago, Chryssalid 8492 said:

you take off and land

The Polaris II is a lunar executive "spacejet" meaning rocket engines and lo-grav lunar operating regime.  It comes on a Zephyr launcher to get you into LKO from whence you proceed to your theater of operations.

The Dart is almost completely superflous, but it does feel nice to "get going" quickly and ditto for arrival.  (Passengers appreciate the level flight profile keeps their drink trays horizontal.)  Grand also to make a "conventional" landing on a lunar runway and the fuddy-duddy Top Brass passengers prefer it that way.  Use RCS for taxi operations.

Edited by Hotel26
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After several weeks of designing and testing both space hardware and KOS scripts I finally have my Mun base operational.  This is a proof of concept, the idea is to hopefully send something similar to other bodies to set up long term bases in a single misison.

I'm ridiculously excited about this so have a complete Imgur album about it.


TLDR:  Built a modular base on the Mun where everything was carried in on one vessel



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My career continued, with upgrades completing to the astronaut complex & tracking station.  Tourist missions were my most numerous category of launch - funding said building upgrades, as well as the in-progress VAB upgrade (still a few weeks left there).  Science & exploration missions took a backseat while we were waiting on the building upgrades.  Full notes available here


First probe return from Mun:


Inaugural flight of Kerbal Express Airlines, KSC to the desert & back


First EVA


Flight to the northern ice cap


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In  my newer 1.8.x sandbox game, I created a new rover/lander system.  Pretty happy with it, especially since it all worked out on the first build.  

  • Rover mounted center under the lander
  • Mount created to attach rover to lander, then decouple the mount from the rover (you can see my mounting bracket laying in the background of picture 2)
  • Ion engine worked quite well, and the stability was quite good.

Very rare for me to have a design in mind, build it once, and have EVERYTHING work great on first launch. Sherrie Kerman is off to go find some Mun rocks to scan, while a new mission is being planned to Minmus, as well as retro-fitting for Duna and some other planets.





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My first use of the Breaking Ground deployable experiments.  Is there any way to stop them making a noise in a vacuum?  I'm not overly keen on the messages keep popping up screen every few minutes telling me they've transmitted 0.08 science either.


I think I've pushed my current SSTO design about as far as it can go, with 7 Vectors being the most I can fit on a this diameter tank.  I now need to either increase the diameter or start looking at double or triple stacks.

This one launched a 40 tonne payload to LKO at Minmus inclination, but figuring out how to land it from that inclination is proving tricky when my code is using the runway coordinates for reference and I appear to be using pogo sticks for landing gear



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29 minutes ago, RizzoTheRat said:

My first use of the Breaking Ground deployable experiments.  Is there any way to stop them making a noise in a vacuum?  I'm not overly keen on the messages keep popping up screen every few minutes telling me they've transmitted 0.08 science either.

There's a mod that's just a MM script that deals with the Breaking Ground Science Notification Spam.  With an upgraded MM, it should still work.


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Continuing from last week, Today I arrived at Kerbal Scaled RSS Uranus after ~15 years of space travel.

The Mining Ship was the first to arrive, and after a simulation that had it burn-up real good in the atmosphere then having the crew cabin crushed at lower atmosphere, plotted a safe slowdown burn at around the 1000km mark.  The whole thing saved me nearly 250m/s of dV... neat !


Since the Packaged station + pulling craft will only arrive in 3 more years (yeah they messed up their transfer I guess) the Mining crew decides to set sail to Titania (Uranus' only moon in KSRSS) and fill the tanks with 48k of ore while waiting.  Might as well be ready when the whole crew gets here.

The landing went pretty well, and we touched down somewhere on the north pole with a view of Uranus.  Yeah Titania is too far away, unfortunately.
Gonna have to do something about that later with the proper mod.  But for now, it's legit.  On the plus side, Titania is not tidally locked, and has 0.0386g (Minmus has 0.05g),
Which makes this almost Minmus 2.0 for logistical concerns.  Sure enough it is prime real estate for mining operations, tho I expect later rovers to have a hard time.
Energy is also a problem, I am running a Nuclear Reactor but it's gonna run out of Uranium at some point as I did not mod it so you could harvest it.
I guess that is the point of resupply missions.


Three years later, it was the Uranus Station Ship's turn at Aerobraking.  Like it's smaller cousin, it had no problem performing a similar maneuver.

Then a remote camera probe operated by one of the crew's engineer took a picture of the ship in it's 7000km orbit.  Some ppl wanted to get the ship closer to Uranus for a better view, but it's more practical in it's current orbit.


On hearing Kerbin radio chatter for the first time in more than a decade (yeah someone forgot a proper antenna on the mining ship... good job) the crew got exited and prepared for takeoff.
However two things remained undone. First, Samberry Kerman went to plant a flag at the landing site who was their home for 3 years.
( I guess she couldn't resist doing a little jig around.  To be fair, getting visitors after three long years does make one happy ! )

And second, the crew wanted to take a picture on top of the Mining ship... especially since the sun had moved and we got far better illumination this time.


Then they blasted off, got the rendezvous with the still packaged station, and another final picture was taken while the crew celebrated the event.
( Now standing at 670 parts, this thing is starting to get annoying, lag-wise. It is temporary however, since when unpacked it's going to be at ~250.  Someone has to refuel this thing right? )

( Final photo of this week's progress, those Bakla solar panels?  0.8 electrical charge instead of the usual 200 around Kerbin.  The 12 crew member have earned a good week's rest for their effort !)
( Well, except the engineers who must at least keep an eye on the 5 convert'o'trons changing 40k ore into LiquidFuel... But that is mostly automated :) )


- - - - - - -
So all and all, everything is progressing fine.  I'm not really satisfied with Uranus' color (should be more on the aquamarine color rather than dull steel-blue), and the ring isn't there.
Considering how amazing Sarnus is, it's quite the letdown to not have it.  The fact it has only one moon is kinda annoying too, but it wasn't the plan of this mission.  Building the station is.
It does have Titania orbiting in a near 180 degree orbit tho, and that's really nice.

More to follow next week, if RL plays nice.
Have a good week all, and thanks for reading !

Edited by Francois424
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i tried to launch a mission to intercept an asteroid, but ran out of delta-v. then  i launched a mission to mun, and sent a craft off towards minmus armed with a scientist. i hope i can get jeb and co to the station  i put around mun, although they'll have to EVA over since i don't think the ship they're on has docking ports.


Jebediah Kerman has made it home with Bill! Bob was sacrificed to the Kraken remained behind on the mobile lab in Mun orbit.

Edited by Nezclaw
did you know reentry pods lack reaction wheels? i didn't.
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