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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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still not found the password to upload images to my hosting.

not looked that hard to be honest..

yesterday saw the return to Kerbin of two of the three intrepid and at least partly willing visitors to Gilly, mixed bag of a mission. sent a base, for a contract, to which I added fuel processing kit etc. mission plan was:

  1. launch base, launch resource scan sat, launch crew flight (with return capability)
  2. at Eve dock crew module to base (contract) and stick the science crew aboard, process whatever they can in the lab the contract required
  3. scan Gilly, land the base and start munching fuel
  4. once fuelled, with ore bays also full, return to orbit - when science load is finished transmit - while this is going on the crew craft & pilot land in another biome, then return to orbit - dock again, refuel, transfer science and repeat.
  5. eventually the base is left in orbit, fuelled for the next mission - the crew fly home.

what actually happened

  1. step one was fine
  2. step two was fine
  3. scanned Gilly, the base failed to enter Gilly orbit (thrust too low to capture), then lacked the fuel to try again - crew unit picked up the full crew, and landed, did science and flew back, docked, churned science for a bit, robbed what fuel was left and headed home
  4. realised one scientist had managed to sneak back to the lab module, still don't know how - realised after the Kerbin return burn was finished..
  5. crew ship flew back safely, two Kerbals & science recovered.

today saw a replacement base unit (as the contract is still incomplete), with a higher thrust and more fuel, plus a second crew flight - two on board stuck in Kerbin orbit waiting for the next window - their job is to finish the mission of the first...

also stuck a probe in Duna orbit, and a test Xeon powered one is headed to Dres. never been to Dres, even on console


mind you never had Kerbals outside the SoI of Kerbin and managed to bring them home again[/.i] on console.

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I sent an expedition to Duna of four Kerbals using all the infrastructure in the kerbin system.
First the habitation module and extra fuel tanks are assembled at the low kerbin station using the reusable rocket "Rooster 7" (Name comes from Reusable booster). The Duna lander is also docked at the low kerbin station.


The completed Duna expedition ship (now with chemical propulsion section attached) launched to the Gateway station at Minmus. The expedition ship is docked on the right side.There it is refueled and resupplied (together with the fully motivated Kerbals). From the gateway it can get to an highly elliptical Kerbin orbit while fully loaded.


Because of the extra fuel tanks on the expedition ships the Duna lander can land and return several times to both Ike and Duna. So even though only 3 kerbals are at Duna's or Ike's surface at a time, all 4 Kerbals have been to the surface. All sorts of surface experiments were set up and nice rocks were sampled.


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When leaving Duna the now empty middle fuel tank is left in Duna orbit. The Habitation module was proven to be comfy enough for long space travels with four Kerbals, and will later be used in an expedition to Moho.


The Duna expedition crew left seismographs on Duna's surface, so an impacter is sent to Duna while the expedition is returning to Kerbin. The crewed ship passes quite close by the impacter!

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The impacter will return some sweet science! Speed at atmosphere entry was 5 km/s, which produces some interesting reentry flames :).


BTW why are there no forum threads about impacters for the breaking ground seismographs? An impacter to Eve or Laythe challenge would be fun? Maximize the impact energy (for lowest mission cost)!

Edited by kedrednael
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I messed around with Breaking Ground hinges to achieve more appropriate Soyuz panels.  Also discovered a thing about using the KAL editor that makes it alot easier to use.  Turned out pretty good:






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This is Torch making a vertical ascent to a (hypothetical) geo-stationary station, parked above the KSC.


You can see the position of the KSC immediately below.  Torch is just now climbing through 1,200 km.

Through a Miracle of Navigation (by constantly tending the longitude), it's possible to keep station on the ride up.  A final surface-relative retrograde will finalize the position at 2,863km -- or, of course, target retrograde if you do happen to have a real geostationary space station in position.

It is very definitely NOT the most efficient way to get from A to B in space!  (I got out of the shower this morning with this idea, posted it to Shower Thoughts and...  you know...  kind of executed on it.  Like a mad fool.)

That nasty carbuncle on the nose is a SuperSize HeatShield.  When Torch makes the vertical return descent, speed reaches 3.7 km/s (courtesy Isaac Newton) before hitting the atmosphere...

Still a work-in-progress...


Not so hypothetically, in my Orbit "production" world, I do have most of the pieces of my  Geosynchronous University for Advanced Research and Development (GUARD) parked precisely above the KSC.

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 I had a couple of Mun contracts to take care of. One was a scan of a Mun crater so the engineers thought "why not just use this Duna Lander + Rover that was in inventory. Why re-invent the wheel?"


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 And we are on our way to the Mun


After the de-orbit burn for landing the transfer stage was dropped and Fredbie extends the legs.


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Next, science was deployed and public relations pictures taken. Fredbie, Ardas, and Cerbart line up.  


Now time for Ardas to take a road trip to find a crater. 


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And craters were found and conquered.


And now time to go home.


Take off!


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Now on the way back it was noted that the Duna Lander didn't have a heat shield or even a de-coupler. The engineers who put this mission together will be talked to. Severely. 


The smart thing to do would be to stay in orbit for a vehicle to take the kerbals home. But these are kerbals. Everyone of them asking the question "What would Jeb or Val do?"


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And another successful mission in the bag.



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  On 7/18/2020 at 8:45 PM, kspbandit said:

Stock Ksp Live stream, will become tomorrows video and this will be taken down when its uploaded tomorrow officialy.




I was laughing to death with the sudden unplanned take off, your reaction, the stunts while trying to land again... and @Delay's reaction 'NOOO' :D 

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Did a few firsts today, although none proved too challenging.

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  On 7/18/2020 at 10:03 PM, JorgeCS said:

I was laughing to death with the sudden unplanned take off, your reaction, the stunts while trying to land again... and @Delay's reaction 'NOOO' :D 



  On 7/18/2020 at 9:24 PM, Delay said:

You should make your plane change much closer to the node, plus you're further away from the Sun then, so the burn is even more efficient.


yeah, but when closer to duna, due to the higher burn times, the manover editor is a lot more controlable, i've learnt now about using the scroll wheel, ill be sure to be efficient from now on.

  On 7/18/2020 at 9:00 PM, JorgeCS said:

Listening and watching :D but I don't have my channel so I won't comment on the chat there hahaha 


Still really appreciate the view. :).

  On 7/18/2020 at 11:01 PM, Delay said:

Well it was quite a funny situation, wasn't it? Plus, what else do you think when your lander starts falling over?


me I didn't worry too much as I sometimes use cheats tbh, like lower gravity to tip my rocket over, Call me a scam, or call me a desperate person, I think borders can be crossed when kerbal lives are at stake.

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I was cleaning my SPH of old craft files (mostly other people's creations and other spacecraft that currently have replacements), when I stumbled upon my first career plane.



  • The aircraft in the SPH.
    • I know it's fully upgraded in this picture (taken today), but it was the best I could do at the time I made this.
  • Has a part count of 30, which includes a thermometer. Perfect for your first survey missions. Just be sure to land it right.


Curious on what it can do, I decided to take it out for a spin. 




Recommended Cruising Specs
Altitude Above Sea Level(m) 9,000
Surface Velocity (m/s) 270
Estimated Usage Time Over 2 hours



It was evening at the KSC when I took off, which meant I was entering the dark side of the planet. However, much to my surprise, I saw some sunlight when I had less than 1/3 fuel capacity left. 




To be honest, I wasn't expecting the range on this plane to be this high. I don't know if pilots were allowed to go on EVAs when I first made it, but I wasn't going to just let Jeb take the easy way out of this test flight. I made sure I was over land when I descended, touching down smoothly. 



  • Still in one piece, so that should count for something.
  • Only 1/4 fuel left, and about 1,187 km (that's 737.6 miles) from the KSC. Pretty impressive, isn't it?


Pretty much your best choice for your first Kerbin temperature and crew report surveys.

Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Mars-Bound_Hokie/First-KSP-Plane

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  On 7/19/2020 at 7:12 PM, Castille7 said:

Glad to see you back in action on the forums man! :)


I'm home from the clinic just for 1 day...I have not been behind my PC for six months !

I'll be home soon , ready for more Kerbin shenanigans... :sticktongue:



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Today, while beginning construction of a large ship in LKO,  I performed my first ever multiple-port docking when I attached one of the engine sections to the core stack via 2 Docking Port Sr.

That's a tricky little bit of RCS wizardry to get the alignment and rotation perfect on multiple ports before impact.

I thought it would be near impossible on console, but I was pleasantly proven wrong 


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Testing a lander design for my 1,000 views special eve lander. So far at a starting altitude of 2200 meters I am 200 meters of delta v short. I guess I should find a landing spot with over 4000 meters above sea level.

I mean this is the third time trying to do an eve crew mission. But this time I have better skills

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So, made this outpost on Mun for a contract require 4000 LF units. For reasons.


So, Munar Habitat One, ready to be sent up in space with 4 launchers.I've just packed a lot of MK-! LF tanks in circle around a HitchHiker, added a Cupola and some lateral mk1 passenger cabin (which you can't see here, they're hidden behind the landing engines). The dV calculator says it should be OK. Short, but OK.


Approaching the Mun, looking for a landing spot. There's little bit more than 700 ms, for 550 ms of orbital speed. Everything should be OK.


Perfectly calibrated mission. 0ms left 10 meter before touch down. Nothing exploded, and the outpost is now almost fully deployed. We just have to get rid of the landing tanks and engines.


Et voilà. There's a lot of dead engines around, but this is it. Contract certified by mission control.

The thing is, I was just trying to see how much more dV should I need to land this, I was especially septic that I could reach orbit with this configuration. So I forgot to add stickers, because it was not supposed to succeed. But it did. Not by much, but hey, it worked. And since this contract have been a pain, I'll say it's OK (I've now unlocked the Nerv, so I guess a refill station on LF only makes sense now. Somehow.)

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