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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Landed on the Mun.


I tried to flip it over with the capsule torque, and by having Bob push it, push it with the jetpack, fall from 150m onto the legs, and so on, and only accomplished getting stuck. I had to edit my save to get him out of that.

So I decided to just try and lift off anyway. Pointed the nose downslope, pitched up as best I could, and hit the gas. And it worked! Got off the ground, dropped the heavy girder landing legs (because not unlocked proper ones yet), and made orbit :)

Rendezvousing with the orbiter I ran out of fuel and had to do a 1.5 km spacewalk, but got there without a hitch and headed back to Kerbin.

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Guess I'm still learning how to fly with FAR. But we learned why Jebediah Kerman is a badass:

Bob: Hey Jeb, how'd it go flying Airplane 1 today?

Jeb: Not bad, did two good landings on the runway, and the island. Then circumnavigated Kerbin with a couple of sub-orbital space hops.

Bob: You're the man Jeb, starting to look like we're going to get this flying thing down.

Jeb: Yep.

<enter Bill>

Bill: Holy crap Bob! Airplane 1 just cracked up on the runway! Jeb's dead! I saw him flying right over the Astronaut Complex! His chute was totally not deployed!

Jeb: Naw, it partially deployed right about when I came over the roof.

Bill: A GHOST!

Jeb: See you guys later, got some paperwork to do.


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Created, tested, and did some damage with a new Kerbal tank. I'm still not one of those people who can make a picture-perfect historical replica, but I'm proud of it anyway:


"Oops, I think we crashed it."

But seriously folks. With a few more improvments, a buttload of reaction wheels, and a more experienced driver:


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I about ripped out my hair testing a Duna Rover and its landing systems. The thing just wouldnt fly right at Kerbin. Took a while, but, I got a product I can be sure will work, sorta maybe?

That is the Rover, and that tower? Why, that is the landing system, 12 parachutes, a small RCS system at the top, and that escape tower and the sepratrons? Why they lift the tower up and away so it doesnt fall down and splatter the rover! Neat Little system. Once I have the ship assembled and ready to go to Duna, I will post some updates :) Oh hehe, Mun and Minmus in either shot :)

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Is it still base jumping if its from orbit?

Totally. Or see cantab's answer

Today I tweaked my Laythe SSTO a bit so she'd hold her trim better. Still not getting better than 15 degrees AoA out of her, so I'm thinking more tweaks are going to be necessary.

Tweaked my Eve lander to 12,000 m/s delta V and greater than 1.2 TWR through all stages. Began chute and impact testing.

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I actually had quite a lot of fun in KSP today. Seen as I had nothing to do in the morning before I went to hockey, I decided to play KSP. I started by putting the first module of my North Pole Base down. i then went on to build a satellite to orbit around Jool. It got there with ease and Put itself in orbit without Aerobraking, and still had half a tank left over. so i deorbited the transfer stage. Now im off to send my rover out to Eve!

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Got my newest LKO station up and crewed. The Mini Shuttle is fun to play with, and even though I still haven't been able to land at the space center yet, no crew members have been lost in the dry runs and crew rotations I've done so far.

Edited by sharpspoonful
I derped some words.
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Designed a new light orbiter because studying statistical mechanics has left me sleepless anyway.


Almost 1500 delta-V, has probe core, hidden retrorockets in the capsule, docking light and is streamlined enough to encase in stock fairings. Will post .craft file tomorrow :)

Edit: comes with complimentary scientific sensors and a strategically placed Jr. docking port.

Edited by Ravenchant
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Landed a probe on Eve, where it promptly tipped over and a part fell off. That didn't actually matter, it was never getting off the ground again anyway, and I was able to extend the remaining solar arrays (Eve WILL break them in flight, even at 10 m/s...)

I must have managed 1k science from that probe...

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