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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Started afresh in 23.5 in career mode, went through the tree OK completing it with a trip to Duna. The new heavy engines and fuel tanks make building a heavy lifted sooo much easier. Then it was off to Laythe and Vall, two missions, same basic lander and tug stage. Because there's no aero braking at Vall it is a lot more expensive on fuel and I should have swapped the aero spikes (chosen with Laythe in mind) for nukes, but both missions completed successfully.

Next up, probably Moho with the nuke equipped lander, and I'm trying to build a successful Eve lander that can take off again. Not easy, using probes the size gets prohibitive very quickly. This is all completely stock. Haven't done the asteroid bit yet, maybe later, seems a bit "meh" to me.

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Tried driving around the KSC in a little 'car' I'd built. Four seats, all loaded with Kerbals, went to do my usual sprint past the dishes, and:


The Kraken ate my car! My Kerbals were thrown across the map to a horrifying death in the ocean!

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Man these struts are amazing!! They stretched 17.5km all because my decoupler didn't decouple LOL. I was in the process of testing out the KSA D.E.R.P (Dres Exploration Recovery Pod) MKI and had this weird thing happen, and no I did not have the debug cheats on it actually strung itself out like this LOL.


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In career mode on my first playthrough~

Year 1 Day 300: I just launched my first interplanetary expedition into orbit . Bill is leading the charge in an atomic rocket powered craft, and we are expecting to get to Moho in about 135 days as soon as we are fueled up. I don't know if the lander will have enough power to get back into the air, but it does have a little car attached to it, so that's freaking awesome XD

Today I also crashed my first probe on another planet, andI have a few probes (including some with rovers) going out to other planets, but they're gonna take a while still (I don't want to warp through ~1-3 years). So far I've been getting my science from the Mun and Minmus with the help of a lander and refueling station orbiting the mun. I think I have most of the tech tree unlocked already.

Edited by Flayer
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I know its old hat for most of you, but I put a Probe in a 400km or so orbit around the Mun. I guess the next challenge is to try to land a lander on the Mun.

That's cool, keep at it :) took me ages to get to that stage!

I would suggest, might be best to try a Minmus landing...Is a little harder to reach but much much much easier to land

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I know its old hat for most of you, but I put a Probe in a 400km or so orbit around the Mun. I guess the next challenge is to try to land a lander on the Mun.

Everyone here is supportive... No trolls here (well not many). You will never forget your first successful landing. Good job and good luck!

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Core samples from a C-class potato, the first I wrangled into orbit:


Installed Near Future, snagged a passing A-class. Turns out these magnetoplasmic engines are not bad at 'roid hauling --- your mass ratio is gonna suck no matter what you do, so take advantage of great Isp and accept long burns interrupted by empty batteries.


And then figured that some of the parts would be ideal for a sundive.


Lemme tell you, the pulsed inductive thrusters from that pack not only look good, they sound absolutely fantastic. I probably should have packed some more solar panels though.


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Built an SSTO spaceplane. I'm only posting thios because my spaceplanes are usually ...not good.


It only lost one rudder while taking off so it/s all good.

Nice retro style. I found it very helpful to create small SSTOs to test and understand the physics. 3 months ago i was fighting to reach orbit with all my SSTO design attempts. Now almost every design makes it into orbit after only a few testflights and tweaks.

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Today I completed in-orbit construction of the InterSolar Fuel Corporation's - Big Rig "Billy", this monsters mission will be fuel runs between my KethEx Inc. - Minmus Kethane Extractor and the KethEx Inc. - Orbital Fuel Depot around Kerbin. It can deliver 23040 units of LiqFuel, 28160 units of Oxidizer and 350 units of Mono-propellant in one trip. The final craft seems to be very sturdy and stable, but lets wait until the first fully loaded precision docking for the final verdict ;)

Launching the mid-ship docking adapter;


These multi-port dockings require a steady hand. Having the target in a 0 degrees inclination orbit and pointing North makes it a lot easier to line everything up


Launching the 3rd and final piece, an exact copy of the first module. The only difference is in the action groups making it able to select FWD and AFT thrust correctly


Easy does it...


Great Succes! 8 correctly docked ports, 1 stable craft!


And on to Minmus to pick up the first load :)


At the same time construction of the KethEx Inc. - Orbital Fuel Depot is also coming to an end. Today we launched the second to last piece, a critical part that has to be installed before the first Big Rig visits to drop off huge amounts of fuel; the docking module.

Night launches are not desirable, but when orbital mechanics dictates a night launch than a night launch it is!


Catching the last of the days sunrays


A brave kerbonaut on his way to install the KAS struts


Almost done, just one big fuel depot to go and optionally (as in, if I feel like it ;) ) some extra solar trusses


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Inspired by the Wrong Bro's thread....

Jeb successfully landed on the mun via a sub-orbital spaceplane which undocked the lander at the AP.

He grabbed a handful of regolith and began his trip home. After escaping the Mun, he ran out of fuel and was stuck in a Kerban orbit. Pe=4Mm Ap=12Mm At the Pe, he had to EVA and push the craft retrograde with his to avoid a re-encounter with the mun, then sat and waited for rescue.

He also cursed the engineers when he realized in the rush to get the project moving, the engineers forgot to install solar panels and parachutes on his lander. Carrying a huge resentment, he sat in his high orbit and waited....

Eventually, a probe docked with the lander, carrying a few drops of fuel, a few solar panels, and 6 parachutes that were obviously thrown on at the last minute, and he was able to burn to lower his Pe to the atmosphere. The parachutes deployed and luckily did not decouple the docking port when the craft decelerated at 6G's He's now safe at home and refuses to talk to the engineering team.

Jeb took a walk over to the management offices with a thick red marker. After stomping around the halls, refusing to talk to anyone or show his security credentials, he found what he was looking for: A cork board with a big blue title posted at the top which proudly proclaimed "Goals and Milestones". Scanning the many post-it notes and memos, one suck out to him that was titled 'kerbal mun mission'. Taking out his marker, he wrote in huge red permanent ink at the bottom of the page "AND RETURN HIM TO KERBAN". Capping the marker, he realized he still wasn't smiling. Something was still missing. After careful thought, he uncapped the marker again and started writing on the cork board itself. He drew a large, rocket shaped oval on the board. Then he added two circles on each side of the bottom of the rocket. He added a finishing touch by adding what looked like small debris coming out of the top of the rocket.

Jeb was now smiling and ready for the next mission. Management got the point.

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Man these struts are amazing!! They stretched 17.5km all because my decoupler didn't decouple LOL. I was in the process of testing out the KSA D.E.R.P (Dres Exploration Recovery Pod) MKI and had this weird thing happen, and no I did not have the debug cheats on it actually strung itself out like this LOL.


Extra large decoupler? Find the part.cfg and remove the PhysicsSignificance line
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Well, I did my first manual landing/return of one of my spacecraft to KSC (that is, non-MechJeb landing at KSC. I've always needed MJ for KSC). This was particularly tricky, and took some trial and error, because it was a Munar-return trajectory, with almost no fuel left. It was not possible to get into a low orbit first, so it needed to simply re-enter and land. I used most of the returning fuel to adjust inclination on the way in, and a tiny bit to get me closer to KSC once the aerobraking was done.






Edited by NecroBones
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