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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I tried launching another mission to Duna, landed, did science, got off the ground, attempted a pitchover but got atmosphere'd (I don't even know how) and broke everything. Quickloaded and it took me to the middle of my last mission instead of the surface quicksave. Dangit, KSP

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After about a week or two I finally had some time to play with my Kerbals. I haven't done much really. Just launched two rovers to mark where each end of runway is as my flags kept disappearing. Also I have designed new probe which is, depending on launcher used, capable to go to any planet. It is now in parking orbit around Kerbin waiting transfer window for Moho (I didn't want to go there again as my failure probe just crashed there last time I played, but it was 1st window coming so...) Also, I have finished designing Service Module2 for my station as well as new cargo module to store all life support and new updated Service Module1 which will replace the one that is already docked to the station. After that I spent some time playing with plane designs. I plan to make an SSTO plane, but I still have to first design plane that can land safely.

Also, I have started to organize new install of KSP with different mods, based around Interstellar mod.

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  Trentendegreth said:
"no" he said knowliingly... "me and the cat are friends...."

on a seriousness note no the fuzzball is fine... though it was tempting....

On that subject, one of my cats smacked my spacebar earlier while one of my lifters was sitting on the pad.

He made a better job of rendezvous timing than I ever have.

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I've been working on my Duna project some more. I got a Kethane rig out there and the first two pieces to my base which turned out to be about 5.5km away (the lab and an orange tank, hitchhiker container and large monopropellant storage with solar is on the way).



This is still stuck in interstellar space at the moment because I sent it a big behind everything else... The first two modules were about 30 days apart for what it's worth.


Edited by Duke23
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Today, Kerbol Explorer arrive at Dunar system, and after a few m/s correction, manage a trajectory for aerobraking, as i choose to try orbiting Duna wiz max dV done by aerobraking, encounter and orbiting gilly (Edit: argg Ike of course), then descent to Duna before go home.

I made two try, one at 50 km high, no atmosphere :(, one at 24 km high, atmo too thin, next attempt at 15km !! (i need 300 m/s for orbiting)

KE arrive in Dunar system




Duna pole flyby at 30km high



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Added a disposable Apollo style lander to my Ptolemy station in RSS (See the upper end of the main station axis).


It currently holds a full crew of 6 working on Station Science experiments. But the first crew of 3 has been up there for almost 3 months now. So I'm taking them down for a round trip to the surface before sending them home. After staring at the lunar regolith from a 180km orbit for 3 months I can imagine they're eager to actually land. Not to mention that I need the science to unlock some nuclear reactors for my upcoming Mars launch window. I'm aiming to send a manned mission this window.

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Busy at Laythe


Got the burns for three orbital rendezvous set up. The ships are on dregs of fuel, there's enough to get close approaches but I may end up using Kerbal jetpacks to match speeds.

This is what I get for building my boat with four separate ascent vehicles. And just to make the launches fun, you can't see it in this shot but the orbits are all abound 20 degrees inclined.

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Managed to finish up to 3/4 of my station... Sounds boring but let's say I had an "interesting" day.

The Kraken was in my backyard today, and I kept having to reload and reload and re-start KSP. Took nearly 5h to do something that usually takes 1 or 1h30. Never had any problem with the ship it was attacking either.

Had to come back from last module assembly with half the ship destroyed, no solar panels (except 4 basic small ones), and only about 800 rcs. Barely made it back home. I can now say I've survived my Apollo 13 moment in KSP !

( Looks like it was some part-clipping in my design that was causing it, but still debugging that one out )

Edit: Nope, no idea why that ship-line keeps blowing-up when sent in space. I guess "IonHybElec_Pack" mod is unstable in 0.24.x; as this is the only ship with parts of it and the only one blowing up. I guess it's back to nuclear engines then.

Edited by Francois424
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Things are coming along still. Got the rest of my Duna base set up and everything went pretty smoothly. I brought the lander over to my Kethane rig to refuel it then filled up the tanker to take the first load to base. I still have to fix the lander because when I brought the Kethane rig down it went for a tumble and broke the solar panels off (which is why the rest of the pieces were dropped with parachutes and not the lander). I may bring a couple more orange tanks for the base if I think the FPS will stay stable. Currently I get around 20-25 depending on what's going on.



Then I headed over to the Midlands nearby (using Custom Biomes now) to get some more data to send off. Long, boring drive.

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  Xacktar said:
The longer I play KSP, the stranger the things I end up building.

Rocket Baby Carriage, anyone?



I've been adding parts to my Jool mothership and landers that were forgotten at launch.



The kerbals inside are watching TV.


The mothership is due to begin periaps kicks for the trip to Jool very shortly. This is despite the fact that the equipment needed for landing on Tylo and Laythe is still being planned and tested.


This time saving technequnce, where you get one thing going before it is sensible to do so, is based on the idea of "Fast Tracking", like how [POLITICAL STATEMENT PREEMPTIVELY REDACTED.]

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  Jovus said:
That Kerbal badly needs a helmet.

You have about 10 seconds before you pass out in a vacuum (time it takes for blood from your lungs to reach your brain). That's plenty of time to do an EVA report!

(by the way, that kerbal is on the ground :P)

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Today I cleaned my desktop, and found a copy of KSP version 0.13.3..

This is... seriously old school...

I have access to around 8 parts, the three crew, Old style Kerbal and the mun. There is no minmus, no other planets, and no fancy parts like... more than two engines or anything. At KSC there is only the VAB and the pad, which has a tower btw.

I'm gonna have to keep this for posterity...

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Man, some great screenshots in here lately. I love seeing people's space stations, bases, and so on. Keep it all coming! :)

Me, I worked a little more on Discovery. Rescaled some of the parts (increased diameter of command pod, shortened the neck-adapter, lengthened the engine block). Made some 2x and 3x boom segments, and a segment for the antenna array. The antenna tower/dishes aren't skinned yet though, and are still getting some shaping done.

First screenshots of the full "movie configuration" below.

Eventually I would love to make the pod bay work, but that will have to come later. I'm hoping the new cargo-bay animation system in 0.25 works for that sort of thing so people don't have to rely on mods to make simple interior cargo spaces with animated doors.





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