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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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On the second try, landed on Tylo :D


Closer lander shot: https://flic.kr/p/qDfeAb

Mission album: https://flic.kr/s/aHsk35yz63

Flown in FAR+DRE+TACLS, and with my custom KIDS preset that gives the engines 85% of their normal Isp.

Now to see if I can get off again! I may be a shade short on delta-V, but that's what the jetpack is for ;)

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I started my mission named Alpollo 13 (Alp from German Alptraum - nightmare) today. It's an orbital station based study of several biomes of the Mün (whenever there's a "Plant a flag on the Mun" contract...). While some time ago I did a similar mission with an ion engine based lander, this time I went for a traditional chemical rocket design. The most expensive part to bring to münar orbit was the big orange fuel tank, which should contain sufficient fuel for landing 10 times. Sadly a little bit of fuel had to be wasted for docking it, but I'm still optimistic that it will last for 10 landings at least.

The cool thing was, that I had two contracts for building new orbital stations, one for Kerbin, and one for the Mün. By launching the station core to low Kerbin orbit, the first contract was completed, and by bringing it to münar orbit the second one was done...

While returning from the first landing of the mission, I stumbled across one of the easter eggs on the Mün. I've been playing for quite some time now, but this is the first easter egg (not counting the island airfield) that I found.

Leaving Kerbin


Full station: The return shuttle isn't docked yet, but as the station is now, it can be moved using the nuclear engines mounted on the orange tank - their COT is more or less aligned with the stations COM.


First landing site


Before docking the lander again



Off topic: Has the option to embed iframes been removed from the KSP forums? I couldn't embed the imgur album any more, yet I remember doing this previously...

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Presenting the S4 Gunship, packing a pair of HEKV void-combat missiles and two fully gimballed 30mm chain guns. A flight crew of two are safely housed in rear-mounted cockpit, and a further six can be carried in the mid-mounted crew tank, for any rapid deployment needs.

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Lots of B9, plus the optional B9 Mk1 inline cockpit, BahmutoD's Armory and Adjustable Gear, Infernal Robotics, MechJeb and Bac9's new procedural wings.

Craft file


You'll need FAR. Also, it helps if you stow the middle (ie the adjustable) gear and instead use the rearmost ones for landing. Don't try taking off on them though; they're way too far from the centre of mass.

Action groups:

1 - toggle engine modes and intakes

2 - toggle window shields

3 - arm weapons systems, toggle chain guns and weapons bay doors

4 - cycle through weapons

5 - fire

o/p - raise/lower chain guns

ABORT - toggle air brakes

Edited by SufficientAnonymity
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I been working over the holidays on another attempt of colonizing the red planet. And it seems like I might get a chance of completing it this time before Squad rolls out a new patch again. :D

Jeb, Bill and Bob plus a few scientists leaving Kerbin on the way to Duna...


A couple month later the team arrives at the new outpost in Dunas orbit...


The station after the first permanent crew has docked up:

center cross: station

left: travel ship to move passengers between Kerbin orbit and Duna orbit

bottom: Duna/Ike - Lander

right: fuel supply tanker


Meanwhile on Ike my mobile Karbonite refinery is busy harvesting and converting more fuel for future needs...


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Started a reverse science mode... all tech unlocked but starting off with 10,000 funds and trying to play like that.

Ok I'll bit, how does this work? Do you get limited amount of parts you can use before eliminating nodes as you progress or something else?

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I launched a long range survey mission on Kerbin. I used drop tanks with wings attached to them, and seperatrons to aid staging them. I wasn't terribly efficient on my way to the three points and barely made it back to the west shore of the peninsula KSC is located on.

As I landed I ran completely out of fuel. Today I learned exactly how much throttle you need to generate enough lift with my craft to coast. That's the kind of thing you learn on the edge of your seat!

Planes are a lot scarier than rockets surprisingly!

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How did you manage to get your lander back upright?

looks like a tricky procedure from the first screenshot

I tried a lot of RCS and reaction wheel torque first but it was not strong enough to lift the weight of all the fuel in the upper tank. I also tried nudging the nose of the rover under the docking port at the top of the lander, then using the rover's landing engines to lift it, but that was not strong enough either.

In the end I fired the central decoupler to separate the habitation module from the return-to-orbit stage. The habitation module fell upright of its own accord due being bottom-heavy, and a bit of fiddling with the landing struts got it to sit nicely. I had parked the rover at the top end of the return stage to stop it falling over when the decoupler fired. I was then able to get it to fall over on to its base with reaction wheel torque.

Luckily the return stage had radial engines so it is happy to sit flat on its base, and it appears that nothing got damaged during the procedure.

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I tried a lot of RCS and reaction wheel torque first but it was not strong enough to lift the weight of all the fuel in the upper tank. I also tried nudging the nose of the rover under the docking port at the top of the lander, then using the rover's landing engines to lift it, but that was not strong enough either.

In the end I fired the central decoupler to separate the habitation module from the return-to-orbit stage. The habitation module fell upright of its own accord due being bottom-heavy, and a bit of fiddling with the landing struts got it to sit nicely. I had parked the rover at the top end of the return stage to stop it falling over when the decoupler fired. I was then able to get it to fall over on to its base with reaction wheel torque.

Luckily the return stage had radial engines so it is happy to sit flat on its base, and it appears that nothing got damaged during the procedure.

Brilliant! :cool:

improvisation is the Kerbal way

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I built my first plane for this save, hired a new pilot, put that thing on the "runway", pushed the throttle up without realizing that the "runway" isn't even remotely level, and booom. First casualty since I started playing 0.90... I think I'll ignore planes as long as I'm playing with reverting disabled...

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Bit the bullet and downloaded 0.90 along with my current mod list. Spent the first half hour getting the game's graphics settings turned down. Still need to ge all my flags transferred over, and I obviously need something to replace LOD for the time being.

Made a few preliminary contract launches. I can see what everybody's been talking about - making money in the early going has gotten quite a bit more difficult, particularly given the limitations imposed on the lower level buildings. Thank goodness for KER - without maneuver nodes it's my only real way of telling when to make orbital insertion burns...

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I made a horribly under-designed Mun lander in carreer mode. I figured I had more then enough Dv to go to the Mun and land back on Kerbin. I was wrong....

On the bright side though, I did get an orbit around the Mun after landing and managed to get back to Kerbin with about 0.71 units of monoprop left. I've never felt so connected with Bob's terrified little face.

Now back off to build an orbital power plant using interstellar!

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I started a new career as my last one on Hard was frankly too difficult! This is on Normal but with all the reload/respawn stuff turned off.

First launch with Jeb in a capsule and a SRB set to low thrust and fuel to just barely make 5k altitude. Engine and chute in same stage. Jeb dies. FFS.

New Career and learn from that mistake! Jeb died on the mission to attain 56k. I didn't use a decoupler so the pod/SRB came in nose first and overheated and he slammed into the ground. The very next flight my new rookie attempted the Reach Atmo contract and the same thing happened. Need a decoupler!

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I built my first real space plane. Like, it works and everything! I've played with space planes previously, but I've honestly never been able to make anything that worked at all. I tried a space shuttle, but it keeps tipping over and imolating itself on the pad from being too unbalanced. So I mounted 4 of the large 1.5m tanks around the space plane with 4 of the regular SRBs and it makes it to space BARELY and I can put a satellite in to orbit from the payload bay. I think if I reduced the thurst on the SRBs to more like 60% or so from 75% (going WAY to fast in the 8k+ range and wasting fuel on aerodrag), it'd give me the extra dV to either haul a more substantial satellite (IIRC, it is around .75t what I tested on the launch) or more comfortably achieve orbit (I manages a 105x81km orbit with zero fuel left, but enough RCS to retro-"burn" and return after launching the satellite).

balanced enough with enough glide rate that I can pretty easily set it down. Only breaks off the engines 1 in 3 times (if I am not careful), but I have had zero crashes which broke up the entire space plane!!! It is a bit unbalanced if there is still fuel in the space plane though, which is a bit of a bummer, but between 80-100% full and 0-10% full (just the onboard fuel) it is extremely well balanced.

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I finished upgrading my Hard Mode save buildings except for the Admin building (who needs overpowered strategies).

Then set off to design a standard, simple and low cost crew launch and re-entry system which can get a 3 keb crew into a 130km orbit with manoeuvre capability. This as a result of getting tired of constructing each one from scratch every time. Making it slightly "Orion-like" with stock parts.

Also finished my 1st gen "Multi-module Operational National Multi-purpose Space Station" (A 1960's vision of what a space station could look like...) Launched as one unit with minor orbital assembly. Housing up to 37 Kerbals. Need these in orbit around everything :-)

Maybe some pics later on... EDIT: Here they are only 2...

The station...


Someone didn't turn off the lights...


Edited by Wallygator
can't count and added pics.
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Spent more than an hour yesterday reverting flights in career mode trying to get a poodle and a T45 to orbit to fulfill two test contracts. Just barely made it in the end with the right combo of SRB's, I only have the 45 science nodes unlocked and an once-upgraded launch pad. Best part is that one prior try I made it to orbit, was just a few hundred meters under the target altitude for the test, decoupled the poodle after the test, and my orbit rose by those few hundred meters above the minimum test orbit for the T45 just because of the decoupling inertia :confused: So many little things kept screwing me up yesterday, had I not enabled reverting flights I'd be at game over within hours of starting career.


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I created these crafts and the image to show the initial progression/choices when using my new SETI BalanceMod.

From left to right: High Altitude Probe (SRB), Manned Rocket (SRB), Space Capable Probe (SRB), Recoverable/Lander Probe (SRB), Basic Jet, Orbiter Probe (Liquid Fuel + SRBs)


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Just put Samvan on the Mun for the first time in 0.90 and in career mode. I've got the Launch pad and Tracking station at lvl 2 so still no manoeuvre nodes. Only 188m/s dV remaining so he shan't be coming home :(


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